The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1060 People have not returned, and their names have been raised

"You are still a little decisive, and there are still some advantages"

Zhong Yuan looked at the figure that disappeared in the Liuhe dust array of Liangyi, and said faintly.

"Zhong Dizi, Lv Zhengyang is vicious and ruthless. He must not believe his words. In the future, if there is a slightest chance, he will eat back!"

Listening to Zhong Yuan's voice, there was a real thought of subduing Lv Zhengyang. Wu Lunshan, who deeply understood Lv Zhengyang's character, immediately came forward and advised again.

"I naturally know Lv Zhengyang's temperament, but his identity is very useful. I have my own teaching in my heart, so you don't need to say more!" Zhong Yuan waved his hand and said.

Seeing that Zhong Yuan was resolute, Wu Lunshan no longer advised him. After all, he has his own criminal record, and this kind of persuasion lacks any persuasion.

At this moment, Wu Lunshan turned to the topic and solemnly bowed to Zhong Yuan, saying, "Thank you, Emperor Zhong, for not thinking about the past. We will definitely remember the five years and never forget it. Although I know that our little strength is not seen by Emperor Zhong's means, I still want to say that in the future, no matter what Emperor Zhong's orders, as long as we can do it, there will never be any excuse!"

Xu Shuo, Tang Yi and others, although they are not very clear about the situation. However, after hearing this, it is also clear that Zhong Yuan no longer cares about the sin of cheating Zhong Yuan. At that time, one by one, you can come up with a big gift to apologize and thank you!

Zhong Yuan waved his hand casually and said, "It's not necessary. This is also my deal with my predecessor!" I have also made clear about your situation. Originally, no matter what the reason is, it is not good for me, I will never let it go. However, I have promised to kill my predecessor, so I have no choice but to give up.

So, here I want to remind you that this kind of thing, whether for me or for people, don't do it again. Because it is difficult for this kind of thing to come to you twice.

In contrast, I think it's more likely to get help if you tell the truth and ask for help.

"I would like to be taught! Emperor Zhong, don't worry, we will definitely not do it in the future!" Wu Lunshan replied in a very sincere tone.

"Very good! If you can accept it modestly, you will have a place in the future!" Zhong Yuan said again, "Well, on this page, let's turn over and talk about what happened afterwards. Now, I really have something to do and need your help. I don't know. Would you like to do it?"

"Of course I do!"

"Zhong Dizi, just tell me!"

"Yes, Zhong Dizi just ordered, that's us! I'm sure to do it!"

Before Wu Lunshan opened his mouth, Xu Shuo and others shouted together.

In this regard, Zhong Yuan did not think of the pestle, because he knew that they wanted to repay themselves. At present, he said, "You don't have to be so generous. What I want you to do is neither to go to the knife mountain nor to put on the oil pot. It's very simple, just two words: propaganda!"


It smelled like this, and everyone was a little confused at that time. But in an instant, Wu Lunshan suddenly got up and said, "Zhong Dizi wants us to publicize the harvest of our trip!"

"That's right!" Zhong Yuan nodded with a smile and said, "That's it! Although our trip this time is not a big fanfare, the momentum is not small. After going back, the results will naturally be well displayed. Otherwise, how can I guarantee my benefits in the future?

"It turned out to be this. Zhong Dizi can rest assured that although the benefits I "I also provide" are not as good as Brother Wu, they are also not as small. In particular, all seven of us have received such benefits, and the sensational effect will definitely be greater. However, Brother Wu got the inheritance of killing, and it seems that it is not appropriate to publicize it too much!" Help time, the young monk named Tang Yi said.

At a moment, Wu Lunshan said solemnly, "Zhong Dizi has enough for us. What am I afraid of taking some risks for Zhong Dizi?"

Seeing that everyone seemed to have a tendency to start arguing, Zhong Yuan immediately said, "Let's stop! Don't quarrel, listen to me! In order to seek the best effect, the inheritance of God Killing Zhenjun must be promoted as the focus of publicity. However, Wu Lunshan, don't make a posture of going up to the knife mountain and down the sea of fire. It's not so dangerous.

It can be said that it is a good thing to kill two birds with one stone. Although the inheritance of the killing way you get is the enlightenment of the true king, the true king is a disciple of the Star Sword Sect. You don't have a master, so it's reasonable to join the Sword Sect. If you join the Star Sword Sect, you will be tied with those people of Lv Zhengyang, and even above it. After all, the Star Sword Sect is already stronger than the Yanshen Sect. Moreover, your inheritance is destined to be promoted to Jinxian, not possible.

With the protection of the Star Sword Sect, your safety is not a problem. And you can also use your identity to let Xingchen Jianyu come forward and save your parents openly. For you at that time, this is a small matter.

Hearing this, Wu Lunshan showed a sense of joy from the bottom of his heart. Originally, the safety of his parents was still a big problem in his heart. After all, in his opinion, he did not have enough strength to save them before he was promoted to Jinxian. But he forgot that now he is no longer alone. With the background of power, everything is different, and his thinking will also be changed.

At that time, Wu Lunshan once again made a solemn salute to Zhong Yuan and said, "Thank you, Emperor Zhong. If it hadn't been for Emperor Zhong's words, I don't know how long it would take for me to be so enlightened. My parents and relatives, I don't know how much they will suffer!"

Wu Lunshan bowed, Xu Shuo, Tang Yi and others naturally followed him. They know very well that if Wu Lunshan wants to save, they will definitely not save only their own family, so they are also equivalent to inheriting Zhong Yuan's kindness.

Demon Slaughter City.

"Brother Zheng, do you know? Did Inspector Zhong come back from the first mission?

"Come back as soon as you come back. What's worth making a fuss about!" After hearing this, the monk surnamed Zheng replied casually. However, after a moment, his expression suddenly changed, and his head turned around quickly and asked, "Who did you just say?" Inspector Zhong!"

"That's right!"

"What's the result?"

"It should be very good. It drives a unique warship of the Shura clan. I heard rumors that it is the most treasure level!"

"What? Zhibao, you're not kidding, are you? Is it possible that they went to rob the Shura Jinxian?

"I don't know about this, but I heard that I will almost return to the Demon Slayer City today. Shall we go and have a look?"

"Of course! I've had enough of the skinning ghost of Dongshenzong. If this Zhong supervisor does a little better, we will apply to him for our next action. Anyway, if we don't give benefits to anyone, we have to get what we deserve.

"Brother Abandonment, have you heard about it!"

"Zhibao spacecraft, the momentum is huge, how can I not know? Looking at this posture, Lv Zhengyang and Lie Tianyang are dead. I didn't expect that Zhong Yuan was so powerful!"

"In the future, we have to be careful. It's not a good thing to be targeted by such a character. In particular, this is also the emperor candidate of the imperial court. In this Shura battlefield, the backer is much tougher than us!"

"Then let's settle down. Anyway, the dead ghost Lv Zhengyang has also emptied a lot of shares. Thinking about it, there are many people who want to fight, and we just avoid the limelight!"

Just as I said this, suddenly, a voice sounded from outside the room, "Your Excellency, I have important information!"

"Come in!" The supervisor Guo Tie waved his hand. In the void, countless lights and shadows shone. After a moment, everything returned to normal. A fat monk came in and bowed, "The inspector, the latest news, the treasured spaceship of the Shura clan that Zhong Yuan and his party took was the divine boat that God Killed Zhenjun in those years!"

"What? What they got was actually the inheritance of the real king? When Guo Tie heard it, he suddenly stood up, and then sat down.

"It's a big loss, it's really a big loss!"

After a while, Guo Tie waved to the person and said, "You go out first!"


After the fat monk bowed again, he went backwards.

After the ban was restored, another monk first said, "I'm also crazy to provide" and said, "Brother Guo, I think it's time for you to change the rules of salute the disciples of the Immortal Sect. It's so funny to have such a big belly and bow!"

"Do you still have this in mind?" Guo Tie snorted coldly and said.

"So what else can we do? It has already happened. At that time, we didn't know that the secret collection Lv Zhengyang got was God's killing of the real king. If we knew, we would follow him anyway.

Speaking of this, the man paused for a moment, and then said, "Do you think it is possible that the inheritance of killing the real king has not been discovered yet?"

"Let's think of good things!" Hearing this, Guo Tie said at that time, "Zhong Yuan dares to do so. Naturally, he is fully sure. Otherwise, how could he be so fanning? It can't be more obvious which is more important.

The Demon Slayer City, on the wall, outside the gate, countless monks are listed. Although it is not neat, it seems to be particularly lively.

Most of these people spontaneously came to see the glory of Zhong Yuan's return. Although Zhong Yuan traveled slowly all the way, and countless news had come from him, they still looked forward to other surprises that they were the first to find. This is also a kind of luck, monk, for luck, no matter how you say it, you believe it very much in your heart.