The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1077 Double slap in the face

Tianyin huā seeds are more rare than Tianyin huā. Because not every Tianyin huā will bear seeds.

When the monk meets Tianyin huā, if he picks or keeps it well, it is likely to destroy his foundation and make his wonderful use greatly reduced or even disappear. However, Tianyin huā seed has no such problem at all. Because he can be included in the sea of heaven and knowledge, and use the power of the moto god to nourish and grow.

It can be said that there is a Tianyinhuā seed, which can benefit the monks from scattered immortals to golden immortals.

For everything about Tianyin huā seeds, Guo Tie, the supervisor, is naturally very familiar with it. After seeing it, after the initial stunned, that is, time, he shouted, "I'll change it, I want this Tianyin huā seed!"

When the golden fairy on the right saw this, he smiled and glanced at his fellow on the left. And the one on the left could only show a wry smile helplessly.

I can't help it. The golden mountains and silver mountains can't be used together!

Just as the golden fairy on the right was about to open his mouth and promised this transaction, Zhong Yuan, who had been standing aside and watching on the wall, said, "Slow down!"

Seeing Zhong Yuan so horizontally, the supervision not only made Guo Tie not angry at all, but also seemed to be more and more happy. What's the matter, Inspector Zhong also took a fancy to this true soul in my hand? My eyesight is good, but I don't know if you can pay enough price!

As a supervisor, you must know the value of Tianyin huā seed, so if you can't reach this, then don't open your mouth.

With these words, the supervision made Guo Tie's words extremely smooth, and his mood was the same, because, in his opinion, there are absolutely few treasures in Zhong Yuan's hands that can be compared with Tianyin huā seeds. And there are even fewer stable ones.

However, in Zhong Yuan's hands. In addition to the Liuhe dust array map of Liangyi, other treasures, no matter how precious they are, will be taken out. He will not sell it to Zhong Yuan either. He wanted to refuse fiercely and avenge the countless times in the hands of Zhong Yuan.

In a trance, the supervision made Guo Tie seem to see such a scene in front of his eyes, so he smiled. But it is becoming more and more proud and brilliant.

The golden fairy was also quite unhappy with Guo Tie's attitude towards supervision. However, he really needed the true soul of the Shura royal family, so he didn't say much, just looked on his face. It's a little colder.

Zhong Yuan. There was no displeasure at Guo Tie's attitude towards the supervision. He just smiled faintly and said, "Don't worry, I'm not interested in the true soul of your Shura royal family. What I'm interested in is the predecessor's Tianyin huā seed. I want to trade. It's also this Tianyin huā seed.

Listen to this, the Jin Xianzhenjun on the right. On the contrary, I feel much better. However, Guo Tie's face was not good-looking.

"What? Do you also want Tianyinhuā seeds? Can you tell the true soul of the Shura royal family? You know, what the seniors need is this to break through the current bottleneck!" Although Guo Tie tried his best to maintain his calmness, his voice still sounded a little hysterical.

Zhong Yuan did not answer the question of the supervisor Guo Tie, but smiled faintly and said, "Brother Guo, didn't you just ask me to make a review of your hunting income? I think the most proud thing you get from your hunting is the true soul of the Shura royal family!"

"Not bad! What, is this not qualified? The supervisor turned Guo Tie's eyes and asked.

Zhong Yuan smiled faintly and said, "It's qualified, but it's not good to say how good it is! After all, the quality of the true soul of this Shura royal family is really too low.

"Is it too low? It's really a joke. I don't believe it. Can you still come up with a higher royal life and soul? Hearing this, that is, time, Guo Tie was furious about the extra-contained supervision of his own hunting, and he blurted out without thinking about it.

With these words, the supervision made Guo Tie feel a little regretful. Because, looking at Zhong Yuan's still calm face, it is not sure that he really has that kind of shit luck. However, if the words are out one line, it can no longer be collected. Therefore, he can only continue to maintain his confident and questionable expression.

"Isn't it just the true soul of the Shura royal family? What's the big deal? Let's see!" While talking, Zhong Yuan grabbed it casually, a ball of clear Lingling, and the translucent brilliance manifested.

As soon as he saw this brilliance, Guo Tie's face changed greatly, like dead ashes. Because he has seen that whether in terms of appearance or breath, the true soul of the Shura royal family in Zhong Yuan's hand is far beyond his.

At this moment, he knew that he had made a big fool of himself again, and in front of the two golden fairies. I'm afraid that it won't be long before my reputation will become a laughing stock in the whole Shura battlefield.

At this moment, the supervision made Guo Tie's hatred for Zhong Yuan, and it was really difficult to clean up all the rivers and lakes!

Zhong Yuan naturally senses this clearly, but he doesn't care about it. At that time, with a move, the enchanting nun walked over. Zhong Yuan threw the true soul of his life into the hands of the nun.

"Go and take the true soul of the Shura royal family to identify it with Master Li Tianren. Let's see which royal monk left this?"

Zhong Yuan gave an order, and the enchanting nun did not dare to neglect at all. Immediately, she held the true soul of the Shura royal family and walked towards the apse.

At this time, Zhong Yuan said to the golden immortal gentleman holding the seed of Tianyin huā, "Senior, please wait for a moment. After the identification results come out, if the true soul of my Shura royal family wins over that of Brother Guo, I will trade with my seniors with the true soul of my Shura royal family. If it's not as good as Brother Guo, the senior's deal is still the same.

"It doesn't matter, it's good to wait and see!" There is no doubt that the higher the level of the true soul of the Shura royal family, the better the character, and the higher the value. In exchange for a better one, this Jinxian Zhenjun will naturally not hesitate to wait for a few more minutes.


The apse is an independent space, which is extremely vast. Among them, there are countless halls. In each hall, there is a treasure appraiser with not weak cultivation sitting in the town, carefully examining every treasure sent.

Enchanting girl. Non-stop, extremely fast, to the center of [middle]. Among the largest halls.

In this hall, an old man is lying on the case and doesn't know what he is studying. I saw the enchanting nun come in. Just as he was about to open his mouth to scold, suddenly, he looked at the true soul of the Shura royal family held in the hands of the enchanting nun. At that time, the words that were about to be shouted were swallowed back. The body is flickering. Before he got the enchanting nun, he grabbed the true soul of the Shura royal family in his hand.

"The first king vein in the central region is actually the first king vein in the central region? The quality is so well preserved that nothing has been damaged. Compared with the previous one, I don't know how many times stronger it is? Good thing, good thing!"

After a few consecutive admires. The old man's face calmed down. He said majestically to the enchanting nun, "Who brought the true soul of this Shura royal family?"

"Zhong Yuan, the supervisor, is also the candidate of the emperor!" The enchanting nun did not have a delay of half the time, that is, time returned.

"It turned out to be from my imperial court, so it would be better to do it." Listen to this. The old man looked much more relaxed and said. Go and tell Zhong Yuan, just say that Li Tianren said it. I like this thing very much, so I left it directly. However, I bought it from him with a million merit, and in addition, I owe him a favor.

With that, the old man Li Tianren took out his identity nameplate and handed it over to the enchanting nun.


The enchanting nun was well aware of the status and horrible cultivation of the old man in front of her, so she did not dare to mention what had happened in the side hall before, and answered directly.


In the side hall.

Zhong Yuan is light and relaxed; the two golden fairies are also smiling and happy; only the supervision makes Guo Tie feel extremely anxious.

Although Guo Tie deeply knows that the true soul of his Shura royal family is not as good as Zhong Yuan's, he always inevitably holds such a glimmer of hope in his heart.

Therefore, Guo Tie has been staring at the entrance of the apse, hoping to see his favorable expression from the face of the enchanting nun for the first time.

Before long, the enchanting nun walked out. This time, his hands were empty. At that time, Guo Tie's heart soared with expectation. "Is it possible that what Zhong Yuan has in his hand just looks like the true soul of the Shura royal family, but in essence, it's not, it's just a very ordinary thing?"

In Guo Tie's expectation, the enchanting nun approached, bowed to Zhong Yuan, and said, "Zhong supervisor, Master Li Tianren, the true soul of your Shura royal family, has been identified. It is the first king vein of the central royal family, and its taste is almost perfect. It can be said that it is worth a lot."

Hearing this, Zhong Yuan, who had known for a long time, was still calm. The Jinxian Zhenjun, who holds the seed of Tianyin Huā, couldn't help trembling. Obviously, he was very excited.

As for the supervisor Guo Tie, the heart he had been holding was finally relieved. However, the speed of putting it down was a little fast, and it directly fell to eight petals. He knew that if he stayed here again, he would leave it to Zhong Yuan for humiliation. Therefore, he no longer hesitated. He held his fist as a salute. After pleading guilty, he immediately left.

But just as he walked to the door of the side hall and was about to cross out, another sentence from the enchanting nun was to let her step back.


"Where is the true soul of my Shura royal family?" Zhong Yuan nodded and asked.

"The true soul of your Shura royal family was favored by Master Li Tianren and stayed. Master Li said that he bought it with his personal love and a million merits, hoping that Zhong Daoyou could complete it?


Hearing this, not only Zhong Yuan, but also the Jinxian Zhenjun was stunned. Guo Tie, the supervisor, was overjoyed. Because the true soul of the Shura royal family in Zhong Yuan's hand was detained by Master Li Tianren, which also means that the Jinxian Zhenjun will have no choice but to trade his Tianyin huā seed to himself.

At present, the supervisor made Guo Tie turn back at a faster speed, came to Zhong Yuan, and said with a smile, "Zhong supervisor, it seems that the treasure really depends on chance. However, it's a pity that today, your chance seems to be far less than mine.

"Real is it?" When Zhong Yuan heard this, he snorted coldly and said, "Where is your chance?"

"Isn't that right?" Guo Tie smiled and pointed to the seed of Tianyin and said, "I know that the inspector Zhong also wants to get this, but it's a pity that the true soul of the Shura royal family in the hands of the inspector Zhong has changed!"

"Who said that the owner was changed?" Zhong Yuan still had a faint smile on his face. At this point, he bet his eyes on the enchanting nun. "This Taoist friend, please go and tell Master Li Tianren that I already have a deal, so the true soul of the Shura royal family can't be traded to him. However, I can promise that if there is a second one in the future, it will definitely be traded to Master Li first.

Hearing this, everyone present was shocked.

Because, no one present does not know what kind of influence Master Li Tianren represents. The Jin Xianzhen, who holds the seeds of Tianyin Huā, had given up hope, because he did not have the little confidence in his "tiger's mouth to seize food" from Master Li Tianren.

It was also because of this that he returned to Guo Tie's departure, still arrogant and without any expression. In fact, deep in his heart, he has a deep antipathy to the supervision of Guo Tie. Because his behavior just now is really a little disrespectful to him.

"Zhong Supervisor, are you sure you want to do this?" It is also the first time that the enchanting nun has encountered such a situation. As usual, in the name of Master Li Tianren, not to mention paying for it, no one refused at all, and even accepted it happily.

"I'm sure!" Zhong Yuan opened his mouth again, calm and calm, without a trace of flicker, extremely firm.

Seeing this, the enchanting nun had no choice but to nod. After a moment, he turned around again and entered the apse for instructions.

A moment later, the enchanting nun came out again. This time, in her hand, the true soul of Zhong Yuan's Shura royal family appeared again. Obviously, Master Li Tianren returned it.

Next, the transaction between Zhong Yuan and Jin Xianzhen is very smooth. Tianyin huā seed, I got it smoothly.

On the side, Guo Tie, the supervisor, saw this scene and was hit hard again. He could only comfort himself in his heart, "What's so proud? If you offend Master Li, you won't have good fruit sooner or later!" (