The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1185 Watching the Japanese sword, the skill is close to the Tao

Nanfengyuan battlefield, the junction of people and demons, the world of chessboard.

Above the nine heavens, the sword river hangs down, leaking thousands of miles, as if to drown the earth; on the top of the mountain, the sword river rolls upside down, rushing forward, as if to directly cover the sky.


The long river of swords condensed by two infinite swords was like this. In mid-air, they collided with each other and let out a violent roar.

A large area of the long river was annihilated by the collision, leaving the sky full of light and rain.

Maybe Kunyang has a way to collect the origin of his own magic power; maybe Di Jie's magic power simulation ability of the same level is slightly insufficient; Maybe it is condescending and secretly in the heavenly way, there are always some advantages to occupy; In short, after a flash, the long river of the sword that Di Jie pointed to the achievement of the The phase.

Highly above the sky, the long river of Kunyang's vast sword suddenly condensed, split the river and the sea, tore open the long river of the emperor's sword, and rushed to the bottom with the momentum of rapid impact.

Di Jie did not have the slightest worry about this. Not only that, but there was also a faint smile on his face. At this time, he pointed to the sky, "The moon is born on the sea!"

In an instant, a bright moon appeared in response from the long river of the sword in Kunyang, rising slowly, and the light flashed and disappeared.

"Tide Thousand Flow Sword!"

The emperor shouted lightly again. Originally, he was suddenly in the long river of the weak sword, as if he had received infinite support, bombarding - but with a burst, the surging strong and horizontal force, he abruptly blocked the long river sword of Kunyang. After that, the long river of his sword turned into a heavy waves, towards The sky is surging. It's surging.

In a short moment, most of the long river of the sword in Kunyang was swept away by the emperor's rewind of the long river of the sword, and rolled upside down towards the sky with an unstoppable posture.

"Mountain stabbing sword!"

A little slower, the emperor's hand walked towards the thousands of feet of high mountains at the feet of the earth. Suddenly, it condensed. The original magnificent momentum gradually became slender, just like the whole mountain turned into a peerless divine front, rising higher and straight to tear through the sky and revealing the sky.

In the blink of an eye, the mountain at the foot of the emperor rushed to the front of Kunyang.

The sword of the mountain exudes endless cold air all over the body, and shakes to exercise the long river of Kunyang's sword, which is somewhat frozen. It's a shame for speculators to come to compete with me!"

Just then, Kunyang's voice sounded. Facing the approach of the two swords, he is still the arrogant posture, which has not changed at all.

"My principle has always been that I will give as much strength as the enemy can. I will never use half of my strength because it will seem to be too much like him! You are like this now, and you are only worthy of my little strength now. If you have any other skills, you can show it. If I show more powerful power, I will definitely not do it.

In fact, the idea in Di Jie's heart is consistent with Kunyang. However, in this situation, he naturally can't follow Kunyang's idea and continue to put on the airs of his previous height.

This shelf made Kunyang feel more and more disgusted and angry. At that time, he said, "Really, then you come to pick me up and watch the Japanese sword all the way!"

While talking, the long sword in Kunyang's hand was swung. Above the clear, quiet and clear body of the sword, suddenly, a little golden light burst out. In an instant, the body of the sword was filled with light, like a fierce sun, blooming in the sky, and the endless light sprinkled all over the world.

However, the power of light is too strong. There is nothing else to survive.

The vast and boundless power of light, like the ocean tide, is surging violently in all directions. In an instant, the void and bright moon is eliminated, followed by the long river of the inverted sword, like the bright sun melting snow, and it is extremely easy to eliminate it.

Emperor Jie, standing on the mountain stinging sword, in his mind, the incomparous truth rotates like a divine mirror, the invisible light shines all over the world, sensing the imprint of the void.

However, after a moment, Di Jie did not feel the existence of a trace of magical power. How is this possible? The magic of the world is that I am as true as the mirror, and there are no exceptions. Unless the other party's cultivation is far more than mine, the power of restraint is too strong, and the brand is too indifferent, I can't feel it. However, how can Kunyang reach such a point?

Between these doubts, the vast and boundless power of light swept in. At that moment, even Di Jie unconsciously wanted to close his eyes. There was nothing he could do. The light was really too strong.

In a hurry, there is no way to simulate and copy other magical power. Unconsciously, the emperor wanted to use the fundamental magic power of his own phaseless kingdom. However, thinking that if it is so easy to be forced out of its own fundamental magic power by the opponent, the big words just now are a little like hitting your own face.

At the moment, his mind turned, his feet shook, and the mountain sword under his feet collapsed and turned into a white ball of light, covering his home.

This cluster of light contains extremely cold and freezing power. Suddenly, a burst of time, the void around it began to freeze, and even the tide of light that came first condensed with a layer of frost.

However, in the blink of an eye, the frost melted and returned to normal again, and, layer by layer, the light melted. Its speed is unusually fast.

This white is nothing else. It is the cold moon power of Feng Duo, the owner of the Moon Wheel City. It contains no upper freezing law, and the cold power is strong, which is not the same leisure. And the sword light of Kunyang can melt it, which shows that it is a very powerful magic power. In this way, it made the emperor even more immable.

However, at this moment, it is not the time to think about this. He is preparing to use the power of the cold moon to evolve another magic power to fight against the sword of light. Suddenly, between heaven and earth, the extreme light disappears. Not only that, in that moment, the ultimate light turned into the extreme. It's dark, empty and deep, and I can't see five fingers.

"It's not good!"

The emperor shouted secretly in his heart and pulled his hands. In an instant, the interior of the white light mass turned into layers of gauze, constantly stacking towards the outside.

This method simulates the vast cold sky barrier from the moon palace royal vein, and the power of defense is very strong.

Sure enough, Guanghan Tianluotan has just condensed successfully - Dao's sharp sword spirit, in a way that he can't perceive, suddenly appeared, instantly penetrated the light mass, and cut off on the Guanghan Tianluo barrier.

"Sneer, sneer, sneer,..."

A series of small and soft sounds, the wide cold sky barrier was pierced through more than a dozen layers one after another, and the gentle sword light just stopped the breakthrough that could not continue.

However, this also made the emperor a little surprised. The vast cold sky barrier is the magic power of the moon palace royal vein, and the original power of the cold moon, Feng Duo, the owner of the moon wheel city, was born in the moon palace royal vein. The two are of the same origin, and the power exerted is still three points.

If you fail to make a contribution with one blow, immediately, the sword light will disappear and disappear. No matter what, Ren Dijie's emotion and feeling can't sense the trajectory. Not only that, the force of the induction he released disappeared like a stone sinking into the sea.

It seems that the boundless darkness is an unfathomable mud that falls into it and can no longer come out.

This is the first time that Di Jie has encountered such a situation.

As usual, no matter what kind of proud figure he fights with, he can copy the magic power with the unique simulation of the king's no-phase vein, and play with his opponent in applause. In response to emotional changes, he manipulates his hands. With his way, he gives back to him, and wins easily and beautifully. He really couldn't figure out what kind of wonderful way Kunyang could make him not feel the other party's magic power. It was precisely because he couldn't sense it, but he wanted to sense it more and simulate it. Because, he knows very well that once the simulation of this sword is successful, it must not be inferior to the powerful magic power of the Three Holy Bells. It is of great benefit to his future path.

Because of this, he did not choose the magic power to fight back, but chose the magical power of defense such as Guanghan Tianluo Barrier, in order to have a little more time, so that Wuxiangzhen is like a divine mirror and has a clear and incomparable induction.



In the boundless darkness, Kunyang came one sword after another. Each sword was extremely tricky and strange. The angle of choice was very strange.

Although, in the end, it was not able to break through the defense of the Guanghan Tianluo barrier, it also made the emperor dare not dare to sense with all his strength. He must separate a wisp of spirit to respond to the change.

However, after a while, most of the light mass transformed by the huge mountain sword was consumed, and he still did not make any sense.

Kunyang is very clear about the mentality of the emperor. In his heart, he was secretly laughing, "Just feel it. When you feel it to death, you can't feel a result!"

It turned out that Kunyang's observation of the Japanese sword on this way is aimed at the unique simulated magic power of the Wuxiang King's vein of the emperor. He didn't want the emperor to be so elegant and unrestrained, and he would attack his own home with his own strength. In that case, he would be a little panicked. In his opinion, such things as elegant and unrestrained and easy to write-hand should be his own portrayal. If you put it on the demon clan, it is really a violent thing.

There is a reason why he watches the situation of the sun's sword, not for the law, not for the formula, not for the way.

In ancient times, a capable person once said, "The skill is almost the way!"

That is to say, it is not necessary to rely on mana and magical powers to respond to the laws of heaven and exert the powerful power of earth-shaking. Pure skill is also self-evident. However, this method is too difficult, which requires the supreme understanding above the hundreds of millions of monks, and the incomparable extraordinary opportunity.

Of course, the existence of Daluo Jinxian level is not included in this list. Daluo Jinxian, based on God's rule, can naturally derive endless laws from emptiness. Therefore, it is not in line with the way, but it can play the effect of almost Taoism anytime and anywhere. With hands and feet, endless divine power accompanying, penetrating the illusion and breaking the big thousand.

This view of the Japanese sword is the subtlety of the skill, which has evolved to the extreme, resulting in a method that is close to Taoism.

In the Yanshen Sect, there is a way to watch the Japanese swordsmanship, which can evolve all kinds of changes in the rise and fall of the sun with magic power, which is very exquisite. Although the power is not big, it is not vulgar. Therefore, most of the monks of the Yanshen Sect have practiced this magic power.

Kunyang, it is precisely because of the practice of this day-watching swordsmanship and observing the changes of the sun day and night, but inadvertently achieved this road of sun-watching swordsmanship.

Watching the sun sword is a pure skill, and there is no magic power in it. For Kunyang, as long as there is a little cage in the world, he can connect the heavens and the earth with the help of the skill of watching the sun swords, enlarge it infinitely, and achieve the great power of infinite light. Similarly, it can also achieve the great power of infinite darkness through unlimited condensation.

Light, darkness; blazing, cold; all kinds of changes are in the evolution of the sword.

This is also the reason why the emperor can't feel the imprint of the magic power of the sword at all. Because there is no magic brand in the first place, where does it come from?

"If the emperor knows this, I'm afraid he will be angry to death!" Kunyang was secretly proud, but the evolution of the sword in his hand was not relaxed at all.

In just a moment, the power of light and darkness has turned several reincarnations, and no matter which reincarnation, no matter what moment, Di Jie is in the defense of death, without the slightest ability to counterattack.

In such a situation, not only did Jiuyao Zhenjun, who was watching the battle, smile happily, but also other disciples of the big faction who were quite at different from Yanshen Sect, but also shouted loudly and shouted for fun. Because at this moment, Kunyang represents not only the Yanshen Sect, not only the human race, but also the face of countless creatures in the whole Nantian.

"It seems that this third king's vein is not so good!"

"Yes, I thought, how powerful the third king's vein is. It turns out that it's at such a level, which is similar to a shrinking turtle. I think it's better not to call it Wuxiang Wangmai, just call it Wang Ba Wangmai!"

"E--, you can't say that, you can't say that, maybe this is the level that the third king vein should have. After all, the strength level of the Shura clan is different from that of our human race, which is a matter of course.

"Yes, yes, yes, I forgot this. You're right. Think about it, it must be so!"

"It seems that next time, if the sect Tianjiao of my sect challenges again, it can only challenge the people of the king's vein there. Otherwise, there is nothing to look at at all in a one-sided posture!"

Hearing these, Jiuyao Zhenjun, Lingkong Zhenjun, Huiyao Zhenjun and other people who are the masters of Yanshen are even more happy. They guess that after this time, the prestige of their families can basically be made up for. The effect is much better than they expected.

Unconsciously, they also reduced their sense of rejection of Kunyang, an arrogant little brother.

On the side of the human race, they are very happy. Correspondingly, on the other side of the Shura clan, it is completely the opposite. All kinds of curses keep ringing.

"What on earth is the emperor doing to eat? He is so passive that he is beaten by others!"

"It's just swordsmanship all the way. Why hasn't the emperor been able to simulate it yet? This is too lame! If I was born in the third king's vein, I don't know how much better I am!"

"That's right, it's really a shame for our Shura clan to let this kind of person go to war. I think it's better to invite the heavenly pride of our hell king to take action. It will definitely let Kunyang taste the hardships of the eighteen hells!"

Although the chessboard has become another world because of the fall of Jiuyao Zhenjun and Feng Duo, the owner of Yuelun City, everything else is common except for the inability to penetrate each other. So, he could hear all the sounds outside. He stopped with his intention and used other magical power to get rid of the current situation. However, when he thought that his family had spent so long, he couldn't say it. The next moment, he had a harvest, but he was reluctant to give up. Therefore, he still bleeds in his heart, gritted his teeth in his mouth, and persisted.

In this kind of persistence, suddenly, under the cover of endless light, a bright sword light came and penetrated the vast cold sky barrier.

According to past experience, although the power of this sword may be enhanced, it is still not enough to break through all the obstacles.

However, when the emperor revealed his mind and sensed the imprint of the sword of the sun, it was difficult to fully concentrate, and an inexplicable sense of crisis always lingered in his heart.

At this moment, the emperor didn't dare to neglect. He hurriedly saw that his hands were empty and pinched. In an instant, the three holy bells about the size of a foot appeared beside him.



Two sounds in a row, the power of the sword light soared in an instant, easily penetrated the vast cold sky barrier, and chopped on the Three Holy Bells.

On the Three Holy Bells, at that time, a deep, almost penetrating sword mark appeared.

"Golden fairy power, extraordinary golden fairy power, can kill the ordinary golden fairy power of the real king!"

In an instant, Di Jie judged the power of this sword. At that time, his heart was shocked. At this moment, he understood that the heavenly pride of the human race in front of him was not the "rice bucket" that he often encountered, but the real heavenly pride, who could really match it, and even cut it up and destroy it.

At this moment, the emperor no longer had time to simulate the trend of the sword, that is, time, the magic trick, the damaged three holy bell, changed wildly, turned into a huge golden Peng, grabbed a strong white elephant, rushed out of the hammer of light mass, and rushed towards the endless darkness.