The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1197 Comments on the Cold Mountain, the Response of Loyalty

"Do you have any questions?"

Deputy Lord, the elder Hao should be silent for a moment, and then looked at the three elders beside him.

The three elders, without opening their mouths, shook their heads.

At the moment, the deputy master, the elder Hao responded and said, "Demon capital, you pick up the lead!"

"Yes!" That is, time, an elder at the end of the Presbyterian Hall came out, answered, and then quickly walked out.


Zhong Yuan stood quietly on the top of the mountain. In his eyes, although there was no divine explosion, the reincarnation of life and death was urged to the extreme.

Two eyes, like two crystal clear mirrors, reflect everything in the world, and reflect all the situations in the four world. However, there are still many places, hazy and unrealistic. Obviously, the prohibitions in those places are too strong.

Zhong Yuan is not doing nothing to do, but paving the way for himself in advance. Although this time, the possibility of a war is very weak, but it is always good to plan ahead and lay it in advance.

Zhong Yuan, in such a wait-and-see, suddenly, above the sky, on the island, a colorful rainbow fell down and shrouded towards him.

Seeing this, Zhong Yuan understood that it was time to meet him. At this moment, he took his magic and didn't move. He let the colorful rainbow sweep himself up.

"Brother Dao, come with me!" After he came up, Modu arched his hand and said.

Seeing this, Zhong Yuan's heart calmed down a lot. Obviously, the party that is in their favor is gaining the upper hand. At that time, after returning the salute, he followed the Magic City to the Presbyterian Hall.

Outside the Presbyterian Hall, after waiting for a moment, Zhong Yuan stepped into it.

After entering, I saw that there were nearly a hundred elders, and I couldn't help ** in my heart. There is nothing we can do. With the breath alone, Zhong Yuan can see that there are 30 or 40 Jinxian Zhenjun here.

This is the first time for Zhong Yuan. There is no need to mention the shock of seeing so many Jinxian Zhenjun gathered together. In an instant, in Zhong Yuan's mind, Jin Xianzhen's top combat power and the image of a hegemon completely collapsed.

However, although Zhong Yuan's heart was dangled, it was not obvious on the surface. He was still extremely calm, and his feet were not slow. He walked to the middle of the hall and stopped. Then, he bowed and said, "I have seen all the elders, the core elders, the elders!"

In this scene, there were quite a lot of elders, so they were dissatisfied and thought that Zhong Yuan was too arrogant and unruly. And those elders of the common vein are extremely satisfied, because their status is not like this, against the general trend. Without this deruence, there would be no current status.

Although the status of the concubine is still not very high, it also holds nearly 20% of the power of the King of the Moli branch. In their opinion, as long as the concubine's veins in the future continue to emerge, the growth of the concubine's veins is simply a certainty and indisputable.

Deputy master, Taishang elder Haoying, did not say anything about Zhong Yuan's behavior. His expression was as calm as ever, like a deep pool of an ancient well, bottomless.

He opened his mouth directly and said, "Just now, I learned something about you from Mo Hanshan's mouth, which is very different from the impression you gave us on weekdays. Now, I want to know what you think of Mo Hanshan!"

As soon as he said this, not only Zhong Yuan was shocked, but also the elders present were shocked. However, in an instant, they all realized that everyone was secretly happy or awe-inspiring. He sighed that Hao should be able to be the deputy head of the Presbyterian Hall, which was really not for no reason. This is really too high.

Zhong Yuan unconsciously wanted to turn his head and look at Mo Hanshan not far away. However, at this moment, an awe-inspiring breath was shrouded, like an ancient and barren beast, locking it in an instant, making it a jī spirit, and did not dare to do anything else.

"What do you think of him? It's entirely up to you. Don't worry about any Mo Hanshan's feelings!" Then, a sound sounded.

The owner of this voice, but Zhong Yuan can see clearly. He is the deputy master of the temple. The elder Hao should be the elder on the left.

The left side is respected. Zhong Yuan doesn't need to ask, so he knows that this must be the elder of the direct vein.

Hearing this, Zhong Yuan's heart calmed down, smiled indifferently and said, "My acquaintance with Mo Hanshan is too short, so I can't evaluate his evaluation. I can only say something, which is my most intuitive feeling.

Mo Hanshan has the arrogance of his direct origin, the courage not to be afraid of strong enemies, the righteousness of not to abandon the children of his peers, the wisdom to judge the situation, and the courage to be decisive. In a word, he is a real proud figure. If I had to evaluate the basis, I would say that he is one of the few best among the direct disciples.

Hearing this, Mo Hanshan couldn't help but feel a little ashamed, but he secretly said in his heart, "It's not in vain to say so many good things to you. He is really a real hero!"

The elder on the left snorted coldly and said dissatisfiedly, "Do you mean that most of the monks in my direct vein are incompetent and ordinary people?"

"I didn't say that, but, in fact, it's true. This is not only the situation of the direct vein, not only the situation of the Morichi royal vein family, but all the royal clans and forces, all the same!" Zhong Yuan did not retreat at all because of the dissatisfaction of the elder, but replied calmly, "However, this is also a good thing. There are too many leaders. In the end, the internal disputes will be too big. On the contrary, it is easy to consume the internal power, causing the power in the clan to decline greatly."

"So according to you, there are too many pride in the clan, which is a bad thing? Humph--, your vision is a little too shallow. Among other things, let's say how many royal families in the Shura world have risen because of the emergence of Tianjiao. Originally, I thought you were a character, but now it seems that you can't do it!" The direct vein on the left is too elder. Hearing this, he unconsciously blurted out.

"The elder misunderstood me." Smelled like this, Zhong Yuan's smile was even more popular. He shook his head gently and said, "I just said that it's just a common case. There are naturally exceptions, but there is an important premise, that is, the ruler of that line of power has a broad enough mind to accommodate so many proud people.

Hearing this, the elder of the direct vein on the left just realized that he had unconsciously talked about it, but now he is in a bit of a retreat.

In the hall, those elders naturally have a clear view of this. If not, he was the elder, and the elder of the common vein would have laughed secretly long ago. However, even so, one by one, they are also laughing wildly in their hearts. Some of them have little self-control, and their faces become extremely strange because of the uncomfortableness of suffocacy.

Finally, the elder of the direct vein suppressed the emotional fluctuations in his heart and said again, "Are you slandering? Are the people in power of our clan not open-minded enough?"

"The disciple didn't say that. Besides, this is not useful. Everything depends on how to do it!" Zhong Yuan's face was calm, neither humble nor arrogant.

At this time, the deputy master, the elder Hao should say again, "There is no doubt about the mind of those in power. There is no need to discuss this problem. However, the minds of the people in power of the clan are aimed at those proud children who are truly loyal to the clan. If a person is treacherous and treacherous, no matter how genius he is, no matter how broad his future is, those in power in his clan will not hesitate to erase it without mercy.

You should all remember this clearly!"

Hearing this, in the Presbyterian Hall, everyone opened their mouths in time and replied, "Yes, I remember it in my heart!"

At this time, the deputy master, the elder Hao should say again, "I'm very satisfied with your answer just now, but before I make a final judgment on you, I have one last question to ask you. This question is about your future in the clan. I hope you can think about it, answer it carefully and sincerely.

"Yes! Please rest assured that the disciple must uphold his heart and never make a single rash statement!" When Zhong Yuan heard this, he said back in time.

"Very good" Vice Lord, Taishang Elder Hao nodded and asked with a solemn face, "What I want to ask is, what methods or actions do you have to prove your loyalty to your own family?"

This problem once again shocked everyone in the hall. In particular, the eldest elder of the direct vein praised in his heart, "It's too high. No wonder I didn't become the deputy head of the Presbyterian Hall!"

Deputy Lord, the elder Hao should also know how difficult it is to answer this question, so he followed him and said, "You don't have to worry, you can think about it slowly. There is plenty of time!"

However, Zhong Yuan did not hesitate at all, that is, time, and replied, "I have no way, and I am not ready to take any action. However, when I was traveling in the human race, I heard a few words and wanted to take him as my answer.

"Say it!"

"If you look at the minister like a sipher and feet, then the minister looks at you like a heart; if you look at the minister like a dog and horse, then the minister looks like a countryman; if you look at the minister like earth mustard, then the minister looks at you like a bandit!"

As soon as this statement came out, the hall was silent!