The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1402 The Disc of Destiny

"How can you admit defeat like this? Aren't there still so many punches?"

"That's right, before, you just lacked strength, but after the punching is superimposed, isn't the power naturally strong?"


In the face of many questions from elders who support him, Tianyi can't help but respond. However, he did not open his mouth, but moved his mind and rolled up his two wide robe sleeves, revealing his two naked arms.

At this view, the elders all understood what was going on. It turned out that Tianyi's whole arm was swollen, especially in the joints, which were even more red. Under the magic eye, it can even be seen that the bones inside had small cracks. Obviously, the trauma was not light.

"How could this happen?"

"This body is too strong. Just a natural shock shock shakes Tianyi's arm like this?"

"Is this boy a man or a treasure? How do I feel that the ordinary treasure is not as strong as his body?"


In the face of the discussion of a group of elders, the patriarch Tai Mang, who was quite happy in his heart, rarely opened his mouth to explain, "I'm afraid you have forgotten that in those years, before he became the Jinxian Zhenjun, he relied on the strength of the body and fought with the Jinxian Zhenjun! So, what he is really strong is his body!"

"The road of power has its own extraordinaryness, so it is normal!" Immediately after that, the chief elder Gui You also said a word.


Among the five people who were challenged, the last Zun Lu stepped up and stepped into the central battlefield at the time of the discussion of the elders in the hall.

After Zunlu stepped into the battlefield, there was no immediate action. However, he did not bow with his fists like others, but said faintly, "I thought it was enough to fight with you in the current state. Now it seems that it is far from enough. You are the first person to let me unseal the battle since my debut. I hope you can satisfy me and fight happily!"

When he spoke, there was a little madness in Zun Lu's eyes.

However, Zunlu's madness is very different from Tianyi's madness. Tianyi's madness is a kind of mysterious state of battle; and Zun Lu is just the fighting spirit in his heart, which is extremely intense, but his mind is extremely sober.

"Don't worry, it will definitely make you get what you want!" Zhong Yuan is still indifferent, but no one dares to underestimate this indifference, because the previous four battles have revealed enough ground for Zhong Yuan.

Zun Lu's hands quickly pinched all kinds of tricks. With the launch of these formulas, a golden glow like a rope on his body penetrated from the [body], collapsed and looseled, scattered between heaven and earth. The disintegration of each rope will make the breath of Zunlu grow rapidly.

After an instant, a total of 18 golden light ropes, all collapsed. At this time, the breath of Zunlu has surpassed the high-level perfection of the golden fairy in the hearts of ordinary people, and only a line away from the top of the golden fairy.

Watching this scene, in the deliberation hall, the patriarch Tai Mang smiled and said to the chief elder Guiyou, "You are the elder, your card, that's it!"

"Not bad, how about it? Let's go!" You will be returned by the elder in time.

"Not only is it acceptable, but it is also very acceptable! However, in my opinion, there is still a great possibility of failure!" The patriarch Tai Mang said again.

The patriarch is too much. In fact, there is also a little unreliable in his heart. Because the cultivation shown by Zun Lu has some gaps compared with what he had peeped before. Although the gap is not too big, it is still difficult for him to be completely assured, so he wants to test the chief elder to learn about the information.

Originally, the patriarch Tai Mang thought that the chief elder would definitely refute it directly. Unexpectedly, he nodded slightly and said, "What you said makes sense!" Now, I even have a feeling that even the ordinary top-level master of the golden fairy may not be able to defeat him!"

Speaking of this, the chief elder paused for a moment, and then continued, "This time, you really picked up the treasure!" However, this is also the honor of our whole... Mowangmai!"

Suddenly, when he heard the chief elder saying such words, the patriarch Tai Mang was quite shocked. The chief elder looked at the sincere and solemn look on his face. He originally wanted to say some sarcastic words, but he couldn't say them. After a meal, he said, "Yes! It's an honor for us... Mo Wangmai to be able to get such a talent to join!"


"Plap me!"

After Zunlu's seal was completely untied, that is, time, with a roar, and then, he slapped Zhong Yuan and pressed it over.

At that time, in the void, there was an earth-shaking roar. Out of the air, the endless fierce atmosphere manifested, and the void condensed and turned into a nine-headed evil dragonfly, pounced towards Zhong Yuan.

The nine-headed evil dragonfly is extremely ugly, and the whole body is like a toad body surface. Outside the body, it is surrounded by endless ferocity, which makes people can't help but be afraid. If it's an ordinary person, I'm afraid that if there is no real fight, he will be shocked by this fierce spirit.

However, this kind of ferocity naturally does not have much deterrent power for Zhong Yuan. He snorted coldly. At that time, Baixiang Zhantianquan waved again and bombarded the nine-headed evil dragonfly.

Like the sound of roar, in an instant, it suppressed the roar of the nine-headed evil dragonfly.

However, when his fist was about to hit the nine-headed evil dragonfly, suddenly, behind Zunlu's head, a three-foot-sized wheel appeared, which was gray, extremely dark, and bloomed in no other brilliance.

"The divine disk of destiny, so my wish, distorted!"

Zun Lu roared, and the divine disk of fate behind his head turned slightly a few points. At that time, the nine-headed evil dragonfly dodged Zhong Yuan's powerful punch in a strange posture that was not in line with common sense at all. Nine huge heads collided forward and hit Zhong Yuan fiercely.


With a loud noise, Zhong Yuan was hit abruptly and flew backwards.

However, that is, in time, two huge Jinpeng wings were born behind Zhong Yuan. Between one vibrations, he flew backwards for only ten feet, and then stabilized his own figure.

(To be continued