The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1470 Close the Door and Hit the Dog

Looking at this situation, when it was, the patriarch of the fierce beast king's vein was a little dumbfounded.

In the endless killing array, the human monks who controlled the array, one by one, showed disdain on their faces.

"This old guy, it's not really funny! How can you really think that it's okay to disperse people like this?

"Yes, even if the number of people killed the array is too small, they will not take the initiative to open it. Are we who control the array eats? Or did he really think that all these killing arrays were running by themselves, and there was no participation of us at all!"

"How can you say this? Maybe this is their unique wisdom? It's just that we prefer this kind of great wisdom!"

The discussion of human monks is not big, but it has spread strangely throughout the battlefield. It is so clear that anyone can hear it.

With such words, in time, the patriarch of the fierce beast king's vein was furious and went straight to the sky. At that time, he roared loudly, "Continue to send reinforcements here. We don't believe that we attack these killing arrays one by one. We have so many people, and we can't break them outside the

"Yes!" That is, in time, there are countless monks beside him.

Then, in the door of space, the husband's army surged out again. After coming out, there was nothing else to say, they all urged their strongest force to bombard the killing array that had devoured their 500 million troops.

For a while, in the void, it was all covered by the magic power sent by the Shura army, like a vast ocean, flowing wantonly, trying to drown the world.

With the passage of time, the killing array became clearer and clearer, more and more obvious, and even faintly, you can see his whole leopard.

Seeing this, the patriarch of the fierce beast king's vein was a little calm in his heart. He snorted coldly and said, "Hum, let's see how long you can be rampant?"

As soon as this statement fell, abruptly, the infinite runes and lines that formed the killing array bloomed together. At that time, the sea of magical power was forced to retreat a little. After that, the killing light did not fade because of this, but became more and more brilliant. Gradually, the infinite magical sea was actually pushed up by the light and hung in the air and could not fall.


"It seems that they have also strengthened their manpower!"

"Well, manpower, can their manpower surpass us? In those years, the human race relied on the number of people, overwhelming all races and became the primate of all things. Now, the number of our Shura people far exceeds them. In this case, although the patriarch of the fierce beast vein was unhappy, he did not pay too much attention to it, but secretly made the transmission speed of the Shura army a little faster.

Six billion, seven billion, eight billion, ..., 100 billion, 150 billion, 200 billion, ..., 300 billion, 400 billion, in less than a day, the number of Shura army has reached 500 billion.

This is such a huge number. If it hadn't been for the Shura army, which used the method of distorting the space, it would be great if it could accommodate half of the space circled by such a little.

However, now, it is also the limit. No matter how much it is, it is easy to collapse and form self-loss.

In the process of the rapid growth of the Shura army and the rapid growth of the sea of magic power, the power of the killing array is also constantly improving. Looking at that, it is always slightly inferior to the divine power sea. It seems that as long as the strength is added, it can be broken. However, no matter how the magic power sea is improved, It's always a little bit, and I can't break it.

Now, the increase in the number of Shura's army has reached a limit. There is no choice but to fight for consumption with continuous attacks. The army of Shura, if you die one, you will add one. If you die ten thousand, you will add ten thousand. All the time, let the sea of magical power blown out by the king of Shura stay above the most powerful level, without any decline.

The patriarch of the fierce beast king's vein is hopeful that through this, the killing array can't hold on first and will be automatically destroyed.

"The increase of the Shura army seems to have reached a limit. Look at that, it should not increase again in a short period of time."

"Yes, the kung fu has been supplementing consumption for a long time, and it has not continued to increase."

"In this case, let's not delay our time. Let's have a good meal!"



Countless killing array leaders opened their mouths to respond, and then, in an instant, from the endless killing array, tens of millions of runes were shot out, each turned into a white light, rushed into the air, quickly hiding above the sky, in the boundless sea of clouds.

In the moment, the thunder roared, the wind roared, the dark clouds covered the sun, the sand and the stones flew. Between the heaven and the earth, it was dark. Even the master of the golden fairy level could not see everything clearly.

Suddenly, a dragon sounded, clear and pleasant to the ear. With it. Faintly, it can be seen that a giant dragon appeared out, only its beast, not its tail, the dragon's mouth palm, a waterfall, pouring down, just falling in front of the door of the space, like a curtain, sealing it tightly.

In such a change, when it is, it makes countless Shura shaken greatly, because such a move, no matter how you look at it, it seems to close the door and beat the dog.

Therefore, in time, there were countless Shura army arrays, stopped the attack on the human race, turned back, and pointed the spear at the waterfall falling from the dragon's mouth.


Another magical sea roared out, but when it hit the flowing spring waterfall, it did not make an earth-shaking earthquake as everyone expected, but it was very smooth, as if nothing existed. It ran through and went straight into the door of space and flowed to the space channel.

At this moment, there are countless armies of Shura in the space channel, ready to take substitutes at any time. In any case, they never thought that they would be attacked in such a place. Therefore, nothing was prepared, so they were tragic.

Almost in an instant, tens of thousands of Shura troops in front of him were directly bombarded into nothingness, and even a little scum could not be left. Later, although there was time to react, but because in the space channel, there was no way to turn around and there was no way to retreat, but only choose to resist hard. Therefore, it was also a heavy death and injury, and the sound of howling made the Shura army of the Lingkong Fairyland heard it clearly.

"How could this happen? No, this is a trap that induces us to transfer our power!" That is, time, everyone thought of a possibility. At that time, while secretly hating the cunning of the human race, I was also relieved a lot.

In particular, after countless Shura troops rushed out of the channel, crossed the waterfall, and re-entered the spiritual and empty fairyland, their hearts were even more relaxed.

"Such a small trick is inseparable. It seems that they have persisted to the limit and can't hold on any longer. Otherwise, we wouldn't use such a deceitful technique. The patriarch of the fierce beast king said.

"I don't think so. Our people can enter, but they may not be able to come out? I think it's more like a bigger trap. Let our army of Shura jump in continuously. It's a good trap!" Beside him, the Taishang Yuanlao, who had already proved half a step in the realm of Daluo, heard the words, but shook his head and replied.

After the words fell, his body flashed and walked to the door of the space. His robe sleeves brushed casually, and the army of Shura, who was about to rush out, was repulsed more than a hundred feet. Then, he crossed one step, ignored the door of space, and crossed towards the space channel.

As a strong man at the level of half-step Daluo, he has attracted the attention of countless monks in his every move. His actions, a group of Shura masters, naturally paid great attention. For his tentative action, everyone can understand what's going on. Therefore, I am extremely looking forward to it. The idea in my heart is true.

As for another possibility, they don't think it and don't want it to be true.


At that time, a slight incomparable sound came out. The Taishang elder, who had proved half a step, was directly shaken back three feet by the flowing spring waterfall.

Such a result, when it is, all the Shura troops can't help trembling.

"Is it possible that the human race is really going to close the door and beat the dog? They, do they have this strength?" Such a sentence appeared in the hearts of countless Shura monks.

However, immediately, the next moment, they no longer have this question. Because, in front of them, the countless buried killing arrays, at this moment, appeared together, fierce, ferocious, violent, death, extinction, etc., endless air machines diverged out, like a storm, overwhelming and raging.

At that time, the Shura monk couldn't help but cut it and annihilated, leaving only a meat shell there.

Immediately after that, countless sword lights, knife lights, magic power, laws, Taoism, curses and MM converged into a vast ocean, rushed out of the formation and raged towards the place of the Shura army.

At the same time, in the endless killing array, the same uncountable people, demons and monks of the two races appeared, either controlled the array, or controlled the magic power of the magic weapon by themselves, and attacked them.

The screams sounded instantly, and the Shura army fell in pieces and turned into flying ashes. In an instant, the fallen Shura army had exceeded billions, and the speed was so fast that it was shocking.

Seeing this situation, at this moment, the patriarch of the fierce beast king's vein, his face was like dead ashes, and he was no longer ashamed to say any words!