The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1494 Creation of the World, Heavenly Demon Black Throat

The universe is like an egg, and the world is like yellow!

The eggs are boundless, and the yellow is as many as ants!

In the vast and chaotic sea, there is a big world called Creation. In this world, there is a natural spirit of creation, which can invert yin and yang, reverse the cause and effect, and deceive the sky, so that other people can't calculate their own situation at all.

It is precisely because of this that the world of creation has become the world with the most prosperous transactions among the worlds. Because in this big world, as long as it is well hidden and others want to find it, it is extremely difficult, so when trading, the security is relatively higher. Unlike other worlds, after the transaction is completed, if a person with insufficient cultivation has a good treasure or a large amount of money, it will definitely be calculated by those with profound cultivation, so as to secretly grab the treasure and kill people. If the person who is inferred does not have special means, then the fall is almost certain.

In addition to this great world of creation, there is also the spirit of creation, deep into the chaos, no less than tens of millions of miles. Here, although the gas of creation is thin, the interference with the art of inference is still very strong, and the effect is very limited. Once upon a time, there was a Daluo-level master, and the enemy was only five steps away from his calculation, but he could not find the result. Although this is also because of the same tough situation of the opponent, it can show his effect.

Because of this, in the chaos on the periphery of the great world, it has become countless treacherous monks, living in seclusion and practicing to avoid the disaster of killing.

Some people may wonder, why don't you hide directly in the world of creation? The atmosphere of creation there is more powerful, and the effect of interfering with the sky is better, isn't it?

That's right. However, in the great world of creation. After all, it is a lively world. Even if it is the Jedi, there are many monks.

Entering the world of creation, if you can't keep it, you will be seen by someone, so that it will be leaked out, so that the enemy will come to you.

And only in the periphery of the world of creation, there is basically no such confusion. As long as you open up a cave to live in. You can rest assured.

It is about three million miles away from the world of creation. There is a chaotic vortex, like a nebula, constantly rotating. Looking at it from afar, I feel that there is nothing surprising, but. After really checking it carefully, you will find that the lucky chaotic vortex exudes unparalleled strong suction and extracts all kinds of aura in the chaos.

Chaos, all the time, no longer rushing, can be said to be endless, because of this. The surroundings of the chaotic whirlpool still seem to be normal, and there is nothing different.

In the depths of the chaotic whirlpool, there is a gorgeous palace, in which there is only one monk. Sitting on the throne, he silently threw up, and incorporated the nine-color airflow surging in from the gate of the palace into his own [body].

This monk, with a middle-aged appearance, elegant face and three long hairs, looks very warm and modest. However, his eyes are particularly narrow and sharp as a knife, but they bring him a lonely, gloomy and cruel appearance.




In the hall, the airflow is surging like the tide. However, the middle-aged monk himself is like a vast ocean, and it is difficult for him to escape his control no matter how violent he is.

Suddenly, the middle-aged monk's body shook, and his mouth suddenly sucked in. The nine-color aura that filled the whole hall was swallowed into his body. Then, the middle-aged monk got up, and went up and down, crackling and bursting, like stir-fried beans. After a while, he stopped.

This sound suddenly stopped. After a moment, the sound of a dragon roared out of the middle-aged monk's [body], and then a thick white dragon with a bowl mouth rushed out of its [body], hovered and flew over its head.

As soon as the white dragon appeared, the whole hall was full of a kind of harmony. If the spring breeze hits the face, the spring will hit people, which makes people feel very comfortable and unconsciously intoxicated.

However, it's a pity that at this moment, no outsider is present, but he can't feel this. And the only middle-aged monk who can feel this doesn't care about it. At this moment, although he has a three-point smile on his face, his blade-like eyes look very ferocious.

"It's been more than 300,000 years! Sakyamuni, I didn't expect that I'm back again. You wait, wait for my real cultivation**, I will definitely enter the Buddha's world, a shame! Now, let me go back to your ancestral court first and collect some interest!"

After a self-speating, the middle-aged monk shook his body. Above that head, the white dragon hovered and roared with a shocking explosion. The gorgeous palace and chaotic vortex all collapsed, turned into chaotic air, and dispersed.

Middle-aged monks, suspended in the chaotic sea, with their hands on their backs, just like the gods who were born before heaven and earth were born.

The middle-aged monk, who crossed under his feet, was left behind by thousands of miles of chaotic sea. Like a leisurely walk, he kept walking in the chaos. Along the way, he passed through countless egg-yolk-like worlds. However, he did not mean to go in at all. His goal was only one, which was the primitive world.

This middle-aged monk, named Wuhou, was born in the devil, and is the younger brother of Luo Ha, the lord of the most of the demons. In those years, Sakyamuni wanted to obtain great merits and become a Buddha, but he chose the way of subduing demons and defending the way, and the object he chose to develop was the extraterritorial demon. That war was a catastrophe for both Buddhas and demons. Not only did the golden immortals such as the Bodhisattva and the Demon King fell countless masters, but also the real Daluo-level Buddhas and Demons, all of whom fell.

However, this war has made Sakyamuni, full of merits and virtues, and proves the Tao and become a Buddha.

Before Sakyamuni became a Buddha, the opponent of the last battle was the most of the demons. Most of the demons, with hundreds of billions of demons, were almost wiped out, leaving only three or two big cats and kittens. At that time, Wuhou was the second master of the most part of the yin demon, second only to Luo Yu. He also fought with Sakyamuni for more than half a day. In the end, he was unfortunately defeated and destroyed the primordial spirit.

However, fortunately, when I went out to travel, I accidentally got a remnant method called Da Dao Lingzhong. There is a saying in this law that if you fully practice successfully and condense a spiritual seed of the road, you can have a considerable opportunity to realize the origin of the road when practicing, so that you can cross the middle link, point directly to the door of the road, and have the opportunity to embark on the real supreme road.

However, it is a residual method, and the incomplete one is still very powerful, intermittent, and not systematized at all. If you are an ordinary monk, you will definitely put it aside. After all, the way forward is clear and smooth, and then study this secret method that can hardly be practiced. It is purely a waste of time and give up the beginning to the end.

However, Wuhou is a very arrogant person. He is very confident about his own talent, so he began to practice according to his own ideas for the wonderful future. As a result, thousands of years have passed, and the spiritual seed of the road has still not been formed.

Under such circumstances, the black throat can also give up. However, he did not expect that he added and practiced the Taoism according to his own understanding. Although he did not really form the Taoism, it was not without benefits. Without his knowledge at all, his imprint of origin was placed in the chaotic void and enjoyed Daluo in advance. Jin Xian's treatment.

The reason why Daluo Jinxian can freely pass through the chaos, travel around the void, and have an infinite lifespan is that a touch of origin brand is placed in the chaotic void. If this trace of origin is immortal, then it can be reborn again! Because of this, the monks at the level of Daluo Jinxian rarely have a life-and-death battle. Once such a battle occurs, it also shows that one of the two sides must have the ability to eliminate the original imprint of the other person. Otherwise, it is impossible for the two to fight such a battle at all.

After all, if you don't kill a snake, you can't avoid it! It is unimaginable for a person who has not experienced the terrible degree of a well-cultivated enemy hidden in the dark.

Because of the existence of this original brand, the black throat was successfully reborn more than 300 years after the Buddha-demon war.

When he saw the devastation of most of the demons, he swore in his heart that he would take revenge on Sakyamuni, beat him from the throne of the Buddha, and bear the pain day and night.

Although Wuhou does not know what Sakyamuni's true cultivation is, he also understands that now Sakyamuni has really become a Buddha, so if he does not prove the Taoist Daluo-level demon, he will not have the ability to revenge at all. And he, who has just been reborn, can barely be regarded as a scattered immortal, and the gap between the two cannot be calculated.

However, the black throat was not at all frustrated. He was still very confident, believing that according to his own talent and the experience of his predecessor, practicing again will definitely be much more than the predecessor. Sure enough, the black throat only took less than 300 years to restore the cultivation of the predecessor, the first-line Daluo.

Just as he was seeking to attack the higher level - Daluo, he got a remnant treasure yin and yangjian in an adventure. In this yin and yangjian, it recorded another way to impact the realm of Daluo. After seeing this, at the first time, without any hesitation, he decided to change the original. The plan is to use the secret method recorded on the yin and yang test.