The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1651 Seduce Treasures, Forced Apprentice

In a moment, more than half of the Daluo Shenjun nodded and agreed.

However, there are still dozens of Daluo Shenjun, who did not agree. However, they did not speak out against it, so they were silent.

They are no one else, but the remnants of the gods and demons who fell in this magical world.

The demon soul and the regret are made by the power of heaven and earth, so, generally speaking, it cannot leave its shape. However, once he can leave and travel arbitrarily, his strength, without a doubt, must be very strong.

They are naturally out of place with the foreign Daluo Shenjun. Therefore, although they came to the central abyss, they did not fall, but gathered the infinite magic clouds, or alone, or in groups of three or five, hiding in it, waiting for the opportunity to get into trouble.

Just now, because each family had their own thoughts, no one paid attention to them, so that they could be free. Now that the major factions are united, naturally they will not be allowed to continue to exist.

At that time, there was no connection with each other at all. More than 30 Daluo gods, coincidentally, used their own proud magic power and magic weapons.

For a moment, the light of the gods exploded and converged, like the central abyss, becoming a vast ocean, colorful, and impacting towards the remnants of those demon souls.

Most of the reactions of these demon souls are very rapid. Together with all kinds of divine light, that is, time, they urge the magic weapon in their hands and retreat quickly. Only two of them slowed down a little, but they were abruptly turned into a vast ocean and crashed into the sea.


In an instant, the protective light of these two demon souls broke like glass, and then the whole body was submerged. After a while, the sea of divine light disappeared, and the two demon souls were missing, and there was no trace of them. There is only one plate, one whip and two treasures of Daluo, floating in the void, shining.

Those magic souls who retreated immediately, but after avoiding this blow, did not make a comeback, but kept disappearing from the senses of everyone.

Although they left, everyone on the scene understood that their departure was only temporary, or even just a cover. Behind them, there must be a conspiracy to grab the treasure.

However, Daowei Shenjun and others know that there is no way to think about it, because at this moment, none of them wants to leave the central abyss. Therefore, you can only let it be.

"How should these two treasures of Da Luo be distributed? Also according to the students' gains? Or do we do it according to our own needs? That is, time, a god said. While talking, in his eyes, he stared straight at the three-foot-long four-square golden whip, and did not hide his yearning for this treasure.

"Naturally, it is necessary to decide the ownership according to the trial results of the disciples. If it can be allocated now, I'm afraid it's difficult to guarantee that the alliance between us is completely whole-minded. In this way, let alone the distribution of the last treasures, whether we can live out of the ruins of the world is one thing!" The Lord of Daowei immediately opened his mouth and replied, and his tone was resolute and firm.

"Yes, that's what I mean. These treasures are valuable, and the final distribution is the best choice!" Immediately after that, a monk opened his mouth to agree.

"I mean the same thing!"

"I don't agree!" A middle-aged beautiful woman in her 30s was the first to put forward different opinions, "The comparison of our strength with those demon souls does not have an overwhelming advantage. If they are determined to make trouble with us, it will be absolutely difficult for us to get the magic tree.

Now, we don't take the opportunity to distribute treasures and increase our own combat effectiveness. When those demon souls come, even if we want to distribute them, we can't get them!"

"That is, this treasure of Daluo should be assigned to the most suitable people. As for the loss of entanglement, just use other treasures and money to make up for it!"

"That's right!"


Seeing that the voice of opposition was noisy, Tongzi surnamed Li said, "It's true that everyone should stay and increase combat effectiveness, but it doesn't have to be necessary to allocate treasures now. I think the treasure can now be held by the Taoist friends who are most suitable for him, and give full play to his power first.

However, it can't be assigned to him. Instead, all our Taoist friends should be branded on each other and let them belong to us. In this way, isn't it the best of both sides?

"Yes, Brother Li Dao's words are the most appropriate way!" Mr. Daowei also said in a hurry.

"I also think it's the best! According to the false distribution, among us, I'm afraid that no one of us has ever done this! It seems fair, but in fact, it is the greatest injustice!"

"Yes, I also think Elder Li's plan is the best!"


Listening to the words of echo, those who have different thoughts also understand that the general trend has gone, and it is impossible for them to come up with a better plan. At present, after a little silence, they all responded one by one.

"Now, we have all reached a consensus. Then, all Taoist friends can show their magical powers, strive for this mountain whip, and the temporary control of the emperor's plate!" At this time, the Lord of Daowei said in a timely manner.

As soon as his words fell, that is, in time, dozens of Daluo gods moved in unison, and their bodies were surging with an inexplicable atmosphere, either magnificent and colorful, or deep and heavy, or unfathomable,... Wait, wait, it's different.

All kinds of qi, each turned into a long river to practice, swept over the mountain whip or the emperor's plate.

In an instant, the mountain whip made a move and merged with one of the majestic and domineering air machines. Then, he quickly fell into the hands of a witch man.

However, the sub-disc was constantly trembling that day, and it seemed to be swaying left and right. I don't know which one is better. In this way, the Daluo Shenjun, who competes for the emperor's plate, all improve their own strength and show more mystery of their own Taoism to yin*.

For a while, the smallpox was full of wonders.

There are phoenixes, flying dances, thousands of people worship, and star arch guards,...

After half a quarter of an hour, the emperor's plate finally had a choice. Under a vibration, it turned into a streamer and threw it into a vision of mountains, rivers and earth.

The owner of this mountain, river and earth is not someone else, but the middle-aged beautiful woman.

The middle-aged beautiful woman is the owner of the Magic Palace of the Heavenly Demon Sect. She was born in the devil of the Heavenly Demon, and she can transform thousands of things between her thoughts. Previously, after he failed to control the true meaning yin* the emperor's plate in his own magic skills, he made a decision immediately and changed it. He planned to change the method of the Heavenly King's Palace to control the true meaning and lure the emperor's plate.

Sure enough, one blow has made a contribution!

Some people may think that there is not much difference between controlling the true meaning and controlling the true meaning, but in fact, it is not the case. Controlling is just a simple leader. It is normal to listen to the tone and not listen to the declaration, but the control is a complete control, and there is no possibility of leaving one's own will. This has a perfect fit with the emperor's instinct of the emperor's plate.

If not, other monks and some people have used the same magic method. I'm afraid that the emperor would have been under the command of a middle-aged beautiful woman.

At present, there are only two treasures of Daluo captured by everyone, the mountain whip and the emperor's plate. After these two treasures are temporarily recognized by the Lord, that is, the time, the god of Daowei said, "Okay, now, you can brand the two treasures!"

The owner of Miaole Palace and the big man of the witch clan also understood that this was a must. Therefore, at this moment, the two of them did not play anything. After making a brand, they happily handed over the treasure and let the rest of the Daluo gods be branded.


"Kid, you have magic, and you have a great fate with me. Now, I want to take you to the beginning, would you like to?"

As soon as Zhong Yuan and Ye Bin came to the central abyss, a long figure suddenly appeared in front of them. His face was gentle, but his eyes were infinitely fierce.

Hearing this, Zhong Yuan was also confused for a moment and didn't know what to say.

However, his silence changed the face of the person in front of him. In his eyes, the divine light was more powerful, and a strong and boundless pressure came.

"What, don't you want to?"

"This senior, I don't know what's going on yet?" Zhong Yuan was naturally very angry about such pressure, but the situation was stronger than people. On the surface, he did not dare to show anything. He hurriedly piled up a smile and said.

"You don't need to know too much, as long as you know, I need you to join my true magic!" The person in front of him opened his mouth again, and when he spoke, the momentum that escaped became more and more powerful, putting more pressure on Zhong Yuan.

At this time, Zhong Yuan had no choice but to be false and the snake first. At this time, when he was about to open his mouth, the Taoist god shook the sleeves of his robe and eliminated all the pressure.

"Feng Mojun, this Zhong Yuan and Ye Bin are all people from my Shangqing Wei sect. Don't fight with your little abacus!"

"It's just the people you sent, and you are not disciples of the Weizong of the Qing Dynasty. Unless you accept the two of them now, otherwise, I want to accept apprentices, but you can't stop it! After all, a scattered practice can make me a teacher, but it's a great fate!" The wind demon smiled indifferently and replied.

Hearing this, for a moment, Daowei Shenjun couldn't help but stagnate, because what the Wind Demon King said was indeed true. When he was hesitating to reveal the relationship between Cangyu Shenjun and Zhong Yuan, suddenly, a long sound resounded through the sky, and then a huge roc bird flew down and rushed straight to the Wind Demon King.

Seeing this, Daowei Shenjun knows that he doesn't have to help himself any more. RS