The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1687 The ranking is out, win another game

When Zhong Yuan showed the barbarian monument, the Daluo gods who recognized its roots couldn't help secretly rejoicing, glad that they were not impulsive because of the momentary face. Because, if you are impulsive, no matter how many magic trees are eventually divided, they are iron and don't have their share. And now, they still have hope.

As for those who did not recognize the root of the barbarian monument, after Daowei Shenjun said the value of the calculation, they were even more grateful one by one.

There is nothing we can do. The gap between the two sides is really too big.

However, with their shock and astonishment, Zhong Yuan is still above them. Because he himself did not expect that the value of the barbarian monument would be one billion.

Before, some people also obtained Daluo-level magical power, but they were worth millions or tens of millions. Therefore, Zhong Yuan estimated that his own gains, that is, among the people, ranked only four or five.

For such a ranking, in fact, Zhong Yuan is already very satisfied. Because, according to Cangyu Shenjun's calculation, in the end, the magic tree that can be differentiated should be five or six. In this way, he can guarantee that he can get a magic tree. However, he did not expect that the final result would be such a big surprise.

"It seems that my luck is still good after all!" Zhong Yuan thought to himself, "Since there is such a result of death, it seems that the previous plan has to be modified!"

While Zhong Yuan was moving, that is, time, he glanced at Cangyu Shenjun. With the power of lightning, the two completed the exchange of information.

"Okay, now, the result is clear. The disciples of each school have won nouns. Cangyu Shenjun's vein is at the top of the list, Guanyin Academy ranks second, the third is Taishang Qingwei Sect, the fourth is Lingbao Sect, the fifth is Pangu Shen Sect, the sixth is the congenital Taiyi Sect, the seventh is the Holy Demon Sect,

Speaking of this, Daowei Shenjun paused for a moment, and then continued, "As for the eighth post, I feel that there is no need to report it again. This magic tree has been hit hard, and it is the most extreme to be able to differentiate into eight plants. The final result will be six or seven out of ten!"

This statement has been unanimously recognized by the seven famous sects on the list. The rest of the Daluo Shenjun can also know that there is no room to return now. At present, he can only nod and acquiesce.

"In this case, how about we start sacrificing and dividing the magic tree now?" Daowei Shenjun saw this, that is, time opened his mouth and asked.

"Slow down!" At this time, Cangyu Shenjun waved his hand, interrupted everyone's reply, and said first.

"What, is it, what's the difference between Cangyu's Taoist friends?" The king of Taoism asked.

"That's not true. I just have a little request!" The god of Cangyu smiled faintly and said, "Everyone has also seen that compared with you, the gap between my vein is really a little bit. In this way, if my treatment is exactly the same as yours, it seems a little unfair!"

"So what else do you want? Do you want to swallow it by yourself? Before Daowei Shenjun opened his mouth, the monk of Tianmo Sect opened his mouth directly, snorted coldly and questioned.

In fact, he doesn't want this. However, there is nothing they can do. The ranking of their Heavenly Demon Sect is the eighth. Originally, the opportunity was extremely slim. If Cangyu Shenjun makes any more requirements, it is basically the same as those after the eighth place. Iron, there is no chance.

Immediately after that, the seventh-ranked monk of the Holy Demon Sect also echoed, "That is, all the distribution plans are agreed by us before. How can we change them now? If you want to change it, do you still have more opinions on this plan?

The situation of the Holy Demon Sect is much better than that of the Heavenly Demon Sect, but it is difficult to ensure that it is stable, so he is the same. He doesn't want to make a little mistake!

At this time, Daowei Shenjun also said, "Cangyu Taoist friend, although you have won the most and contributed the most during the sacrifice, it is indeed a little inappropriate to make a request now! Look,..."

The words of the Taoist God King have not been finished, but the meaning implied in his words is that everyone can understand. Cangyu Shenjun is not a fool, and naturally there will be no exception. However, he didn't care at all, that is, time, and said again, "Three Taoist friends, I haven't said what my requirements are? You are so eager to oppose it. It's not appropriate! Whether my request is reasonable or not, it's better to make a judgment after listening to it!"

"In that case, let's talk about it! Let's listen!" The god of Taoism is time and again.

"My request has not made any substantial changes to our previous plan." That is, time, Cangyu Shenjun said, "Before, we agreed to divide the magic tree at the level of the treasure of mixed yuan into the level of Daluo's treasure. However, there is no clear explanation for the level of Daluo Zhibao. Because this can't be made clear. My request is very simple, that is, when dividing me, that is, the first Daluo Zhibao-level magic tree, I will try my best to go above the top grade of Daluo Zhibao.

This is a requirement, I don't think it's too much!"

"How can't it be too much? The difference between the top and the bottom is not a star. It can't be said. Just because of the difference between the top and the top, in the end, there is less magic tree. I will never agree to your request!" In order to strive for the last possibility, the Daluo Shenjun of Tianmo Sect did not want to have any accident, so he immediately expressed his opposition clearly.

Immediately after that, the Daluo Shenjun of the Holy Demon Sect also echoed. Although the other Daluo gods were not very supportive, they did not refuse. Because, according to the contribution of the sacrifice, such a small requirement is really unreasonable.

Daowei Shenjun's mind turned. After an instant, his face was solemn and he said, "The requirements of Cangyu Shenjun can't be said to be unreasonable, and the opinions of the two Taoist friends, Tianmo Sect and the Holy Demon Sect, cannot be ignored. In my opinion, that's it. It's up to the eight of us to vote, support the calculation side of Cangyu Shenjun, support the calculation side of the Holy Demon Sect and the Heavenly Demon Sect, and take the party with a large number of people as the final result. How about it?

"Okay!" First of all, the god of Cangyu immediately responded.

It doesn't mean that Cangyu Shenjun is so sure that the final result will make him get what he wants. However, he doesn't care much about what the result is. As a result, as he wished, it was just the icing on the cake, not what he wanted. For him, it was not a loss, but it took a lot of effort.

After the response of Cangyu Shenjun, the two Daluo Shenjuns of Tianmo Sect and Holy Demon Sect did not immediately respond. Instead, he said, "I think if the two sides are equal, we should also do what we want!" After all, the opinions of the two of us are the original plan!"

"Yes!" Cangyu Shenjun was originally trying. After all, it's always right to play three poles with no dates. Therefore, at this time, he seemed extremely generous.

Hearing this, the two of the Heavenly Demon Sect and the Holy Demon Sect had nothing else to say. They could only nod and answer.

At the moment, the two of them looked at the other people, hoping to get their support.

In that time, Shancai Dragon Girl, the master of Guanyin Academy, said, "I think the opinions of the two Taoist friends, Tianmo Sect and Holy Demon Sect, are more appropriate. In this way, it can benefit more Taoist friends, so I choose this side!"

Zhong Yuan was not surprised by such a result, because the relationship between Buddhism and Cangyu Shenjun was doomed to antagonism.

Next, three families, Taishang Qingweizong, Lingbaozong and congenital Taiyimen, expressed their opinions one after another. Their opinions were not beyond Zhong Yuan's expectation, and they all chose to support Cangyu Shenjun.

The most critical vote fell into the hands of Pangu Shintoism. If Pangu Shenjiao supports Cangyu Shenjun, the idea of Cangyu Shenjun can be realized in time. If he chooses to support the Holy Demon Sect and the Heavenly Demon Sect, the result will be done according to the meaning of the Heavenly Demon Sect and the Holy Demon Sect.

The Daluo god of Pangu Shenjiao, the old god is here, and he said leisurely, "I choose, the side of Cangyu Taoist friends!" People always need to know what's good or bad. It's reasonable for them to have made such a lot of strength and compensation. Only in this way, in the future, in the case of similar situations, we will make great efforts and get the same compensation!

So, two Taoist friends, don't just see the gains and losses once!"

As soon as the words of the Lord of the Pangu Divine Religion came out, the time was set, and the dispute this time was settled. Five to three, Cangyu God won a complete victory.

The time to compete is not long, but in such a short time, the light of the magic tree is much dim, no longer as bright as before. At present, with the final conclusion of the distribution situation, everyone will naturally no longer delay time. Immediately, Daowei Shenjun said, "Time is limited. Let's not waste more time. Let's start sacrificing and dividing the magic tree together!"

While talking, Daowei Shenjun grabbed his hand, and all kinds of magical power of the disciples fell into his hands one after another, turning into a big seal, towards the magic tree and imprinting the past. RS