The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1693 Zhong Yuan was swallowed

"In fact, seniors don't need such an average. As long as I can have a Daluo treasure, I will be very satisfied!" When Zhong Yuan heard this, he said back in time.

"Why don't I need it? If it weren't for you, how could I get this magic tree so easily?" The god of Cangyu replied in time.

"Aren't seniors also paid!" Zhong Yuan also said, "In this way, I'm a little embarrassed to get paid."

"Well, that's just right. I'm too lazy!" The god of Cangyu said with a smile.

"That's forget it! I'll take this relatively weaker one, which is more embarrassing than that!" While Zhong Yuan was talking, he came to the magic tree, and he grabbed it and incorporated it into his own sea of knowledge.

At this moment, Zhong Yuan's heart was inexplicably tight, but in such a short moment, this feeling disappeared. If it hadn't been for Zhong Yuan's induction, he was extremely keen and almost didn't notice it.

After a self-scanning, there was nothing strange, Zhong Yuan was relieved for the time being.

Cangyu Shenjun also understood the meaning of Zhong Yuan, so he didn't say much. Then, he incorporated the remaining magic tree into his own sea of knowledge.

"Next, I'm going to sacrifice the magic tree. How about you? Do you want to stay here and practice with me, or leave here? At this time, the god of Cangyu said again.

"Of course, it is to stay here to practice together. There are treasures that are not stable to occupy first. Are you waiting to give treasures to others?" Zhong Yuan had no hesitation at all, that is, time came back.

"Good, wise choice!" Lord Cangyu nodded, and then pointed his hand and said, "That's it. Let's practice separately. I'll give you back all your treasures, but I'll take them away!"

As soon as the words fell, the Cangyu God King went together with the Immortals Tower and fled to a nearby cave.

Zhong Yuan, after collecting his own treasures, also went into another cave.


"These babies are all Zhong Yuan's? No wonder he is qualified to share the magic tree with Cangyu Shenjun!" In Zhong Yuan's body, the golden god king, who was sensitive to the external situation, heard this, but his heart was full of waves. "However, without the strong support of the Immortal Pagoda, you, a little real king, also want to refine the magic tree. It's really a daydream. This time, I will let you understand that there are some treasures in this world that you can't and can't afford.


After Zhong Yuan arrived at the cave, there was no other time to wait, that is, time, and began to practice.

His sacrifice practice is to imitate the Cangyu God King. Based on the two-Yi Liuhe dust array, he condenses all his own forces.

After watching it for so many days, Zhong Yuan has been very familiar with this set of manipulation under the intentional demonstration of Cangyu Shenjun. However, without the source of power of the immortal pagoda, there is no doubt that the time of sacrifice will be a little longer.

However, Zhong Yuan did not release the magic tree out of the body, because such sacrifice not only took longer, but also had a poor effect.

Therefore, Zhong Yuan moved everything to his own sea of knowledge.

Here, there is vitality from time to time, but it is very helpful for sacrifice and practice.

At the beginning of Zhong Yuan's sacrifice, the magic power of the Yuanshen had just spewed out and operated the array. Suddenly, a strong and boundless force surged out of the magic tree, and the power of his sacrifice was abruptly blocked.

At the beginning, Zhong Yuan didn't care about it, thinking that it was a natural counterattack of the magic tree. However, the next moment, he knew that something was wrong. Because that force, after resisting his first wave of sacrifice, did not weaken at all. On the contrary, it rolled back towards himself with a more horizontal attitude.

In an instant, that force invaded his own yuan god, and, in the yuan god, a ban was formed to imprison all the power of his yuan god.

"Who are you? How dare you to play this kind of conspiracy game in the predecessor of Cangyu? Aren't you afraid that you will be beaten to pieces?" After a shock in Zhong Yuan's heart, he immediately returned. The tone of speech was extremely tough, as if he had not been affected by his capture at all.

"Humph--, boy, you don't have to play such a little trick. Since I dare to do it, I will naturally do it completely. Well, I want to thank you. If it hadn't been for your two six-in-one dust arrays, you would have banned the sea with such perfection. How dare my actions be so unscrupulous? So, if you want to complain, just blame yourself!" That is, time, a figure flew out of the magic tree and walked towards Zhong Yuan in a hurry!

"Who the hell are you?" Zhong Yuan continued to ask and answered it as if he didn't realize it.

"This, you don't need to know, because you no longer have the value of existence!" Jin Tianshen said with a smile, "Your value is to be a part of me and add strength to the recovery of my strength!"

While talking, Jin Tianshen walked to Zhong Yuan's God, stretched out his hand and pressed it on the top of Zhong Yuan's head. In an instant, Zhong Yuan's yuanshen turned into a streamer and rushed into the body of the Golden God King.

"This body is really good. It is worthy of the road of cultivation. Everything is almost perfect. Unfortunately, my road has been finalized and cannot be changed. Otherwise, this road of strength is also a new road!"

Jin Tianshenjun felt Zhong Yuan's body, but he couldn't help sighing.

Then, he turned his mind to deal with the Cangyu God King.

The power of the Cangyu God King, the Golden God King is very clear. Moreover, he also understands that there is only one chance to take action. If he can't succeed, then there will be no chance next. That's equivalent to saying that I have completely lost such a magic tree.

The magic tree is the treasure of the golden god, but if there is any possibility, he will not allow such a situation to happen. Therefore, he did not have the idea of attacking Cangyu Shenjun immediately, but considered how to enhance the strength of Zhong Yuan's body first.

If it is simply up to his own thinking, it may take a long time. However, now, Jin Tianshenjun has a ready-made choice.

The Golden God devoured Zhong Yuanshen, but he knew that Zhong Yuan got three complete Daluo Jinxian corpses, but he was limited by his insufficient ability to swallow the heavenly holy method, unable to devour and strengthen his combat effectiveness.

This problem is a problem for Zhong Yuan, but it is not a problem for Jin Tianshenjun. Therefore, at this moment, the Golden God had no delay. At that time, he sacrificed the magic tree to practice, and then waved the magic formula of both hands, and Zhong Yuan's holy method of swallowing the sky, as well as all the methods he knew to strengthen the power by devouring, were all into the magic tree, so that it was in the A branch came out.

Then, the Golden God King, with his own creation method, urged the magic tree to nurture and strengthen this branch, so that it finally blossomed and fruited, and achieved a new and more powerful magic power.

Time, a minute and a second, almost, three days have passed, on the magic tree, this new branch finally formed a fist-sized fruit.

This fruit is black and round, but it is not bright, and it is covered with countless lines. These lines are intertwined with each other to form a vortex pattern one by one. Rao Jin Tianshenjun, the first time he saw this magic fruit, he couldn't help but want to get intoxicated. However, after all, he was deeply determined, so he was not really affected by it.

"Since then, I will get a new Da Luo magic power. Unfortunately, my yuanshen is not perfect, and the magic tree is not perfect. Otherwise, it is also possible to promote the devouring method at the level of Zhenjiao magic. Now, it can only be Da Luo's little magic power. However, this Daluo's little magic can have no problem with devouring the corpses of these Daluo Jinxian!"

While speaking, the golden god did not hesitate at all. Immediately, he opened his mouth and swallowed the magic fruit into his stomach. After a moment, in the three holy bells, the holy method of swallowing the sky was perfectly transformed, and the more he rose to the second place under the barbarian monument, far away from the holy method of war and the Open the distance.

The golden god king in front of him is not in a complete state after all. This deduction also consumes a lot. Therefore, he was not in a hurry to devour. Second, he recovered himself for a while first, and stayed in his own state. After returning, he just

urged the Three Holy Bells to devour one of the bodies of the Daluo Shenjun.

The essence of the body of Daluo Shenjun is indeed not what Jin Xian Zhenjun can make. In a short moment, Jin Tianshenjun felt that his body was being strengthened at a speed visible to the naked eye. Moreover, this kind of strengthening is not the kind of seedling promotion, and there is no damage to the foundation.

Through the existing situation, Jin Tianshenjun estimated the effect that the three Daluo Shenjun's corpses could achieve. It was suddenly found that if the power of these three Daluo gods' corpses was completely swallowed up, Zhong Yuan's body could directly break the barrier that had been broken by almost no one, and the physical power to break through to the level of Daluo Jinxian.

At that time, even if it is the golden god, I can't help but be very excited. Because if this body can have the power of Daluo Jinxian, it will be sure to sneak up on the Cangyu God King. RS