The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1712 Dominating Lei Ling, Sadly urging Yue Zheng

"What is so powerful? Is it the same secret medicine as Tongtiansan?

Zhong Yuan couldn't help but be shocked when he saw the power of the innate gossip map soaring.

Feeling that the mainland was still increasing with the pressure, Zhong Yuan did not dare to neglect it at all. At that time, he removed the Ruyi golden staff in his hand and replaced it with the most powerful treasure in his hand - the staff of magic power.

The staff of magic power, shaking in the hand, when it is, the branches and leaves are all manifested. Under one wave, tens of thousands of magic power lights, like countless swords, cut into the sky.

"Sneer, sneer, sneer,..."

With a series of sharp roars, the crushed continent was cut into countless pieces halfway.

Zhong Yuan, before he could be complacent, only heard that the wind fairy muttered softly, "The divine power of Xiyang, rebirth!"

With this sound, these fragments, one by one, quickly became larger. In the blink of an eye, they turned into a continent, continued to be suppressed, and the momentum became more powerful.

Seeing this, Zhong Yuan could only shake the staff of magic power again to resist. However, this time, after dragging down the fallen continents, he did not dare to kill again, but made another method, sealing.

The lights of seals turned into runes, like rain all over the sky, branding those continents. In a short moment, all the continents were covered by the dense runes. At this time, those continents no longer grow, so they are sealed in the void.

At this time, Zhong Yuan said, "Wind fairy, are you willing to admit defeat?"

"Zhong Yuan Daoyou, it's really extraordinary, but it's impossible for me to admit defeat, unless you can take my move?" The wind fairy is the way of time.

Zhong Yuan heard this, but he smiled indifferently and replied, "Why should I pick up your move? I just need to let you get off the ring, that's it!"

While talking, the staff of magic power in Zhong Yuan's hand waved again, and the light of hundreds of millions of magic power broke out, just like out of thin air, with an extra sun, shining incomparable and dazzling.

This huge power like the sun, like a meteor, is crushing towards the wind fairy.

Looking at this domineering, it was difficult for him to avoid a blow. On the face of the wind fairy, after a few kicks, finally, one of them retreated backwards and went down the ring.

The brilliant fireball directly hit the barrier of the ring..


With an earth-shaking loud noise, the invisible barrier of the ring suddenly manifested its substance, crystal clear, like glass. However, the manifestation of the barrier of the ring was only for a moment, and then it burst, endlessly soaring, bursting in all directions.

"It's not good!"

"Hide quickly!"


At this moment, the monks standing near here watching the battle saw this. At that time, they flew up and retreated quickly towards the rear and both sides.

At this time, the Yunxiao lady stood up, and the sleeves of her robe were thrown in the air. A ray of golden light rushed straight into the sky. After showing her incarnation, it was a big fight.

The golden battle turned into the void, and at the beginning of time, a wild surge was born out of thin air. Under a sweep, in an instant, the barrier fragments of the barrier were broken, turbulent, soared, and all of them were absorbed and sank into it. Then, the big fight turned into a golden light again and flew back to the sleeves of Yunxiao's robe.

"Mix yuan Jindou! Today, we actually saw the mixed-yuan Jindou show its power. It's really a worthwhile trip!"

"This Zhong Yuan is really awesome. The ring barrier here, even the ordinary Daluo Jinxian, may not be able to collapse. Unexpectedly, it was destroyed by it. I don't know how he practiced it. His combat strength would be so ridiculously high!"

"Didn't you see it? There is also a magic weapon above that guy's head! His combat strength is supported by this. When it comes to real strength, I'm afraid I may not be able to reach you and me!"

"They are not an external magic weapon, but their own magic power condensation as a treasure. This, unlike your situation, all the combat power they have is the real strength of them."


Zhong Yuan did not pay too much attention to everyone's argument. After confirming the victory, as soon as he set his eyes on Lingshu boy and Yue Zheng, who were still fighting freely.

Lingshu Tongzi is still the previous combat method when he dealt with the wind fairy. He waved his long sword and pointed directly to the fundamental point. In every move, Duzi made Yue Zheng's heart palpitate and did not dare to neglect at all.

When Zhong Yuan looked over, Yue Zheng was already sweating and exhausted. However, in his heart, he still wanted to worship the teacher, so he was still struggling to support it.

In this scene, Zhong Yuan couldn't help but smile on his face.

"Yue Zheng, count people, always be counted! I will show you a wonderful play soon!"

Time, minute by minute, Lingshu boy, the sword is like the wind, Yue Zheng's situation is getting worse and worse.

"It can't go on like this anymore. If I lose again this time, I will lose two games, and there will definitely be no chance. It seems that it is impossible not to use the forbidden technique. As for the next game, let's use forbidden skills to support it! Think about it, as long as you win in the end and there is Lord Tongtian, it should be no problem to recover from the injury!"

When he thought about this, Yue Zheng did not hesitate any more. At that time, his hands were sealed and he began to perform a set of forbidden skills.

This set of forbidden arts, called the master thunder order, is not a person with the innate blood of the thunder god, can not practice. Of course, it doesn't mean that 100% can't practice. However, without the innate Thor's blood, the success rate is extremely low. If it hadn't been for the luck to the extreme, it would have been impossible to succeed.

The reason is very simple, because only the blood of the innate Thor contains the true meaning of the master Leifa, which is most in line with the way of heaven. With the true intention of dominating the thunder method, if you practice it, you will get twice the result with half the effort, and it is easy to succeed. Of course, the so-called easy here is only relatively speaking.

Yue Zheng, when he got this set of forbidden skills, he also got a bottle of innate Thor's blood at the same time, so he had already changed his bloodline and turned himself into a Thor family. In addition, his qualifications and endowment are very high, so he has made him the master of the thunder order.

However, after the cultivation, he only experimented a little during the performance. In addition, he did not use it. It's not that the power of the master Lei Ling is not enough, or that he doesn't want to use it. In fact, the urge of the master Lei Ling is really too burdensome for a non-pure blood Thor like him.

At the time of the exercise, it was just a drill and did not move with all its strength, so it was seriously injured, enough to heal the injury for three years, and it took countless elixirs to recover. From this, it can be imagined.

However, now, he has been forced to a desperate situation, but he can't care so much.

With the pinching of the fingerprints, Yue Zheng's face turned white in an instant, as if all the blood had been drained. In a short moment, a delicate octagonal token brand was highlighted in his eyebrows. In the center, the word "dominant" was recorded by the innate thunderprint book.

"Dominate the thunder order, operate the creation, and the power of heaven is in my hands!"

Yue Zheng shouted loudly, and the thunder order, the master of the eyebrows, released the light, the infinite auspicious light, burst out, and penetrated into the void in the ten directions.

In an instant, Yue Zheng's body suffered, endless space cracked, and a force, like a long river of substance, surged out and gathered around it. In a short moment, Yue Zheng's body appeared a vast ocean of strength.

No one is familiar with this power, which is the purest power of heaven.

Lingshu boy still stabbed out with a sword, pointing straight to the key points and frights in Yue Zheng's body. However, before the sword was approaching, the power of the way of heaven moved spontaneously, rushing and surging, not only to the present, but also rushed back and strongly.

At the beginning of time, Lingshu Tongzi was in trouble. Because many of his swords were false moves, just to consume his opponent's mana out of thin air. However, now, I can't even use false tricks. Because if you use a false move, it is equivalent to making yourself passively beaten.

The cultivation of Lingshu Boy himself is a little weak. In this way, it is a little unspeakable. Fortunately, his vision is extremely brilliant. No matter what the huge waves are, he can also find the weakest link from it, so as to resolve it with the least force.

From the perspective of pure consumption, the Lingshu boy himself still has an advantage. However, his mana base is much worse than the power of heaven gathered around Yue Zheng. At this time, he is a discerning person who can see clearly. It won't take long to bite, and the Lingshu boy will fail.

Outsiders can see clearly. Yue Zheng, the person concerned, is naturally clearer. At this moment, there is a relaxed smile on his face.

However, at this moment, a sentence suddenly appeared in Yue Zheng's mind, "I'm very proud. Unfortunately, your pride is coming to an end soon!"

Although Yue Zheng can't say that he is very familiar with this sound, it can be recognized by time. It's not someone else, but Zhong Yuan.

As soon as he said this, when it was, Yue was feeling a weakness in his body, and the master thunder order actually began to collapse. Gathered around him, the power of heaven like a vast ocean suddenly lost its original order and became chaotic.


A big wave rose out of thin air, and a slap made Yue Zheng faint. RS