The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1781 Kill Two Gods Again

Zhong Yuan, after crossing out of the sea of Xing Tian's knowledge, was full of relaxation.

Because of this relaxation, the extreme physical and mental fatigue seems to have dissipated a lot.

However, he was relaxed and did not enjoy it a little. Suddenly, his body shook, and the god of power, which had been integrated with him, came out of his body again, turned into a ring, and put it on his hand.

Seeing this, when it was, Zhong Yuan couldn't help smiling bitterly on his face.

Zhong Yuan is very clear that the integration of the god of power with himself is only temporary, but according to his expectations, it will never be so short. Now, such a situation suddenly appeared, and as a result, there is only one, that is, the God of War Xingtian took action.

Of course, this is not a revenge, just the last bit of depression in Xing Tian's heart! If it were another time and another place, Zhong Yuan would not care at all. However, it doesn't work now, because he himself is extremely weak. With this help, although it is not enough to be exhausted, the combat strength is also extremely weak.

Now he, if any Daluo god takes action against him, he may not take over. Of course, with its strong nature, it is not easy to kill him, but it is inevitable to suffer a little and humiliate.

At this moment, Zhong Yuan can't care about his own face. In a hurry, he urged the branding of Qingping Sword to communicate with Yu Yuan, the owner of the Blood Knife Gate.

Yu Yuan did not leave. Because in the current bitter spring valley, there is still a melee. His strength has not been damaged. On the contrary, he has improved himself, so he unceremoniously took advantage of the convenience here to collect more magic weapons.

Suddenly, I got a message from Zhong Yuan, and I was overjoyed at that time. After listening to Zhong Yuan's story about his situation, he stood up and looked solemn.

At present, he gave up his own treasure robbery operation, followed the guidance of the brand, went deep into the bitter spring, and found Zhong Yuan in the space fault.

"Uncle Zhong, how did you make it look like this? Is it possible that which god of war are you against? Yu Yuan didn't know Zhong Yuan's experience, so he was quite puzzled about it.

A wry smile appeared on Zhong Yuan's face and said, "Take me to the blood knife door first. I urgently need to close the door. On the way, I'm talking to you in detail!"

"Good!" Yu Yuan didn't say much. He nodded and took out the blood map that had just arrived. At that time, it turned into a bloody rainbow, swept the two people up and rushed out of the fault space.

The blood rainbow crosses the sky, and the breath of Daluo Zhibao is undoubtedly obvious.

At that time, in the valley of the bitter spring, there are several Daluo gods, who are coveted and rise to the sky.

"I dare to provoke the blood knife door. Is it really desperate?" Yu Yuan shouted loudly, and a bloody knife light appeared. Out of thin air, more than a dozen channels were divided, like flowing light and rapid electricity, and went away towards the re-imposed Daluo Shenjun.

In the middle of the way, in the void, there is naturally endless power rushing into the blood-colored knife light to support its power. In just a short time, the differentiated blood god knife has more than doubled.

After watching this scene, Zhong Yuan just really understood why there are only Yu Yuan and Yu Hua masters and apprentices in the Blood Knife Gate. They have the combat power of Daluo, but they can compete with countless big factions and dominate one side.

Because they, who have the Blood Sword, are indeed the darlings of the world of flesh and blood hell.

"Who am I? It turned out to be Mr. Yu. In that case, that's all!"

"It seems that Brother Yu Dao has gained a lot. I can't say that I want to go to your door to ask for a glass of water and wine, and I'm also lucky!"


As soon as the blood god knife came out, when it was, more than half of the Daluo Shenjun, like a meteor, fell down like a meteor, and did not compete with it.

However, there are still two Daluo gods. They are self-strength and heartless, but they fight hard and entangled.

Zhong Yuan knows that his family and others can never delay here, because the longer the time, the more monks who covete Daluo Zhibao will be. In such a melee, it is possible for anything to happen.

At present, Zhong Yuan tried his best to move the magic tree again. For a moment, the magic tree blossomed and bore fruit again, and the 3,000 dragon piles reappeared.

However, I don't know how many times the quality of the three thousand escape dragon piles at this moment and the three thousand escape dragon piles in the previous battle against the victory of the Buddha Sun Wukong are. If he uses such a dragon pile to deal with the defeat of the Buddha Sun Wukong, I'm afraid that one of them will be crushed by the defeat of the Buddha Sun Wukong.

However, it is obvious that these two Daluo gods who want to seize the treasure are far from being compared with the victory of the Buddha Sun Wukong. Besides, Zhong Yuan had no intention to rely on it to defeat the enemy with one move. He just wants to create a chance for Yu Yuan, an opportunity to take it easy.

Three thousand golden light, divided into two strands, if the meteor is flying, roaring down. In an instant, the two Daluo gods were tied up.

Although, at the moment of being tied up, the dragon pile was constantly collapsing, at this moment, none of the two Daluo gods could move.

Such an opportunity, how could Yu Yuan, who was so old in killing, miss it? At that time, with a loud roar, the blood-blooded knife turned into a thread of light, like lightning, extremely fast, scratching over the necks of the two Daluo gods.

When it was, the heads of the two people rolled down.

Yu Yuanzheng wanted to urge the blood god map and left. Zhong Yuan took action again, waved a long river to practice, and swept over the bodies of the two Daluo gods.

"Waste can also be used, don't waste it!" Zhong Yuan immediately said, "These two Daluo gods, the body belongs to me, and the magic treasure elixir belongs to you, how about it?"

"No problem!" Yu Yuan has received a lot of benefits because of Zhong Yuan. Naturally, he will not disobey such a small thing. At that time, he did not hesitate at all, so he responded.


Looking at the blood red and leaving, the Daluo gods who had just returned can't help but have lingering fears. Fortunately, we are self-akoned and did not force to compete with Yu Yuan. Otherwise, I'm afraid we would have come to the same end as those two just now!"

"Yes, but the sleepy magic power seems to be the dragon stake of the Buddhist Wenshu Academy! Didn't he always have a bad deal with Buddhism?

"What's so strange about this? Is there less to unite for the sake of profit? I can't say, this Daluo Zhibao is the joint work of the two families!" RS