The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1808 The Counterattack of the Divine Show

Zhong Yuan has never liked to leave opportunities for the enemy.

So, at this moment, Shenxiu Bodhisattva's party was trapped by three thousand dragon piles, that is, in time, they strode up, and the white elephant Zhantianquan waved out and bombarded the Shenxiu Bodhisattva fiercely.

Zhong Yuan is very confident that his punch is enough to send Shenxiu Bodhisattva out of the square circle world.

However, just as Zhong Yuan's fist was about to approach Shenxiu Bodhisattva, suddenly, there was a proud smile on the face of Shenxiu Bodhisattva.

At the same time, the faces of Guanyin Bodhisattva, the detaining Sun Gu Buddha, Baozuo Wang Buddha, Pure Joy Buddha and other leaders are also exposed.

Because no one knows the situation better than them.

At the same time as Shenxiu Bodhisattva's smile appeared, the 3,000 dragon stakes on his body, silently, spontaneously fell off and reversed, like a long river of golden light, rushed to Zhong Yuan.

In an instant, Zhong Yuan was covered by three thousand dragon piles and was only bound.

At this time, Shenxiu Bodhisattva said with a smile, "Zhong Yuan Daoyou, you are careless. When you use the dragon pile, do you forget that this dragon pile comes from your own Buddhism?

It turned out that Guanyin Bodhisattva had long considered that Zhong Yuan might use the dragon stake to suppress Buddhist monks. Zhong Yuan has magical trees to help evolve. There are a large number of them. They can really kill ants. Therefore, with their own Taoist results alone, few people can really stop it. Therefore, he sent someone to Manjushri Bodhisattva in advance to ask for the nine-way control charm, which was specially used to deal with such a situation.

Although the dragon pile urged by Zhong Yuan is not a real dragon pile, the essence is exactly the same. Therefore, it should also be controlled by the natural method of controlling the treasure spirit. It is with this point that Shenxiu Bodhisattva has successfully implemented the counterattack.

At this moment, although Shenxiu Bodhisattva was proud, he did not forget his form because of this. While explaining, he took many shots, but he was not able to hit Zhong Yuan's Dapudu Zen Light and Great Resolation Zen Light once, and pressed on the top of Zhong Yuan's head one after another.

At that time, it was full of unrivaled Zen, so he entered with enlightenment and made a fierce impact on the Yuanshen in the sea of Zhong Yuanzhi.

"This is indeed my negligence! With your little cultivation, you want to save me, but it's not enough!"

When Zhong Yuan heard this, he knew that he was really a little complacent. He actually forgot such an important point, so that when he came to Shenxiu Bodhisattva, he was completely unprepared. However, even so, he was not afraid, and his face was only stunned, and then he regained his composure.

Then, Zhong Yuan's body shook, "Bang, Bang, Bang,..." Dunlong piles collapsed one after another. The speed was very fast, showing its unparalleled physical strength.

"How strong the body is, it is also a brute force. In the end, our generation of monks still have to be dominated by spiritual will!" Shenxiu Bodhisattva said again in time, "Since you think that my two Zen lights are not enough, I will add two magic weapons!"

While talking, Shenxiu Bodhisattva patted the door, and the heavenly spirit above his head opened, and the bright spiritual light burst out. Then, a big clock and a big drum dispersed with an extremely powerful air and rose to the sky.

These two treasures, a morning bell and a evening drum, are both indispensable auxiliary tools for Zen practice.

However, Shenxiu Bodhisattva is different, because he suddenly regarded the morning bell and evening drum as his own magic weapon, and he also sacrificed them to the situation of the treasure of Daluo.

If ordinary Zen monks do this, they will definitely be criticized by the Buddhas such as Guanyin Bodhisattva. However, on the famous supreme pride of Shenxiu Bodhisattva, it is iron, and geniuses do not take the ordinary way!



At the same time, the morning bell and the evening drum, do not knock and sing, like thunder rolling in the sky, like a river roaring, like an earthquake in the sky, extremely fierce. However, in such a fierce voice, without the power of attack, it is manifested as an ultimate Zen, or the truth of the road, like a clear spring, which naturally penetrates into the hearts of the monks.

Zhong Yuan has no exception. The ultimate Zen, in an instant, invaded his yuan god. That is, time, his strong personal will was affected. For the great universal Zen light and the great liberation Zen light of Shenxiu Bodhisattva, there was no such resistance. He opened a crack and let them rush in.

However, even so, Zhong Yuan's spiritual will still did not disintegrate in an instant, the vibration of his body still continued freely, and the three thousand escape dragon piles were still constantly disintegrating, without a pause.

Seeing this, Shenxiu Bodhisattva suddenly showed a compassionate feeling. He put his hands together and said, "Well, today, I will sacrifice once to fulfill you and let you completely return to the right path!"

While speaking, Shenxiu Bodhisattva sat down in the void, his eyes were slightly closed, his mouth sang slightly, and the Buddha's voice was great.

After an instant, Shenxiu Bodhisattva's body suddenly burst out with a brilliant golden light, gorgeous, but not dazzling, like the sun above the nine heavens, which is only warm to the earth!

At this time, Shenxiu Bodhisattva's right hand suddenly stretched out, moved his index finger, and leaned a little towards Zhong Yuan. A golden light, which was also warm and warm, shot out and rushed straight to Zhong Yuan's eyebrows.

"Intrination of the Divine Method!"

"Great Wish Zen Light!"


Almost in an instant, the three sects and Buddhism, countless monks, exclaimed.

It's not that they make a fuss. It's really shocking that Shenxiu Bodhisattva's move is too shocking.

The combination of this indoctrination and the great wish of Zen light has only one purpose, which is to sacrifice oneself and fulfill others.

Guanyin Bodhisattva, fear the ancient Buddha of the grandson, the king of the treasure and other Buddhas, because of the more familiar relationship, it can be seen at a glance that this is the Shenxiu Bodhisattva to help Zhong Yuan and open the pure and pure Buddha nature in his heart at the cost of delaying his Taoism.

If this kind of thing is put on an ordinary monk, it is almost equivalent to ascending to the sky in one step. It is also of great help to Zhong Yuan. At the very least, whether it is enlightenment or practice, the speed will be greatly accelerated.

Of course, Shenxiu Bodhisattva is not Mr. Haohao. It is completely for the sake of Zhong Yuan to display such Dafa. His purpose is to cooperate with the previous Dapudu Zen Light and the Great Solution Zen Light, and to completely transform Zhong Yuan into a Buddhist disciple.

After Zhong Yuan's transformation, the situation is similar to the transformation from the defeat of the Buddha Sun Wukong into a witch. In this life, he is completely a person in Buddhism. RS