The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1816 The Creation of Heaven and Earth

In the boundless and boundless depths of chaos, there is a huge bead of the world floating.

This world bead is hundreds of millions of miles in size. Compared with the marbles and fists of ordinary world beads, I don't know how many times stronger it is. On it, he was born with tricks, constantly swallowing the chaotic spirit of all directions, and strengthening himself.

Among the pearls of the world, it is also a chaos. This chaos is like a vast ocean, surging, twisted into countless whirlpools. In each whirlpool, there is a chaotic god and demon sleeping. Some have a bird's face, some have thousands of arms and feet, some have four hands and one hundred wings,... Wait, wait, none of them are the same.

Among these chaotic gods and demons, only the one in the cyclone, the core of the world's pearl, seems to be the most normal, just like people, but it's much bigger, and I'm afraid it won't be thousands of feet high. In his arms, he was holding a big axe, almost the same size as it, shining slightly brightly.

This chaotic god and demon is the Pangu god that must exist in every world's pearl.

Pangu God breathed and inhaled, if the long rainbow runs through the sun, a large amount of chaotic essence will enter his body. If he fell asleep, I don't know how long it has been. Suddenly, he opened his eyes.

At this moment, naturally, Pangu God had a kind of understanding in his heart, and he shouldered the mission of creating a new world. Only by opening up the heavens and the earth can the road manifest, and only by ourselves and other chaotic gods and demons can they have the hope of getting the Tao and truly realize eternal life.

After this understanding, the Pangu God had no hesitation at all, that is, time, he took out the big axe in his arms, rose up his whole body, and chopped forward.


With a loud noise, the boundless chaos was cut in half, and a huge crack appeared.

This crack has an invisible force, which promotes a large area of chaotic gas to begin to transform. Some turn into a light and clear gas, rising up, and some turn into a heavy turbid gas and sinking down.

In this kind of transformation, when the up and down were separated, the mysterious insights were integrated into the body of the Pangu God. At that time, the actual strength increased more and more.

Seeing that it was really effective, Pangu God did not hesitate to cut through the chaos with one axe and one axe.

Accompanying the Pangu God, it is the first treasure in the world - the opening of the god's axe, which is unparalleled. Under one blow, it crosses more than half of the world's pearls.

In the chaos, in other cyclones, many chaotic gods and demons are still sleeping freely. If there is no situation, they are confused. They are hit by the sharp edge of the opening the god axe, and the body collapses in an instant. The strong, there are still remnants, or sink into the sky, then sink into the earth, or drift in The line turns into ashes, and the bones are not there.

The chaotic spirit was constantly cut by the open god axe. In no time, some chaotic gods and demons were beheaded and fell. Gradually, the remaining chaotic gods and demons seemed to feel the crisis and woke up one after another. This awakening, that is, time, I feel that my four directions are haunted by some virtual and real light. After the instinctive devouring, my intelligence has soared and I have understood a lot of truths.

For a while, these chaotic gods and demons played with their own crisis and threw themselves into the competition for these mysterious lights.

boundless chaos, great strife, roaring, endless ears!

In a word: how can it be a mess?

The chaos of chaotic gods and demons, Pangu's induction was clear, but he ignored it and waved the opening axe to open the sky, opened the chaos, and played the world.

Gradually, with the countless chaotic gods and demons falling under the edge of the axe, the participating chaotic gods and demons just realized what the top priority was, but there was less fighting, and more began to dodge and run away to avoid this disaster.


In addition to this huge world pearl, but in the chaos of thousands of miles, there are seven figures divided into three groups and three directions.

Among them, the largest number is three, and the other two groups are two.

The three people in the East, one of them is old-faced, his beard is white, his face is warm, his eyes are clear, as if everything is not hindered by the heart; the other two are middle-aged, but one is a little older, his face is square, not angry and arrogant, full of dignity; while the other is a little It is sharp and sharp, just like a peerless divine front, showing the heroic spirit!

These three people are not others, but the masters of the three sects, Taishang Daojun, Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian.

The other two groups of four are also the supreme saints of mixed elements. In the west, it is Amitabha Buddha and Bodhi, and in the south, it is Nuwa Niangniang and Pangu Shinto.

boundless chaos, infinite world, seven mixed supreme saints, concentrated here.

They didn't come here just to watch the fun. The groundbreaking scene may be rare for other monks, but for them, they don't know how many times they have seen it.

The reason why they came here is that this time it was different. Because this time, the world pearl is the only perfect world pearl that can be comparable to the primitive world for endless years.

Seven of them, together with Hongjun Daozu, there are a total of eight supreme saints, seven of whom are from the primitive world. Only the head of Pangu God is an exception. It can be seen how valuable such a perfect world pearl has.

In fact, they found this world bead a long time ago, but they coincidentally, completely let it go, and let it develop and grow naturally. What they are doing is today, the day when this perfect world pearl opens the world.

There are three things they coveted, one is to open the god axe; the second is the treasure of the world center similar to the creation of jade butterflies; the third is the Pangu god itself.

These three, no matter what they get, are enough to push their cultivation to a higher level again, which they don't know how long they have stagnated.

There is an example of Hongjun Daozu, but they know that their current state is not the limit of practice.

None of them opened their mouths and waited silently for the moment of success. Because at that time, it was the weakest time of Pangu God.

Compared with the trace of the jade butterfly, there is no doubt that the open god axe and the Pangu god itself are a clear and incomparable goal. Therefore, they coincidentally set the initial goal on them. RS