The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1824 Self-confrontation, Divine Jade in Hand

As soon as the god of creation stretched out his right hand, that is, time, a foot high, a small and exquisite nine-story pagoda, manifested.

This pagoda, with octagonal sides, is like a beautiful jade. Under the sun, it flows with gorgeous colors, and there is no similarity.

"I'm going to do it, get ready!" At this time, the god of creation shouted and raised his hand to throw up his own god tower.

The Shenxiu Tower, suspended in the void, rose rapidly. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a thousand feet high, like a mountain. At the bottom of the pagoda, the Tianhe River poured out, and a long river rushed out. In an instant, the line enveloped Zhong Yuan.

When it was, Zhong Yuanxing felt an extremely strong suction, pulling himself and trying to suck himself into the Shenxiu Tower.

Zhong Yuan did not deliberately resist, but he did not have perfect cooperation. He urged the magic method to stabilize his body. He was not in a hurry and walked into the Shenxiu Tower step by step.

In such a situation, even the god of creation can't help but be moved. At that time, he had a deeper understanding of Zhong Yuan's strong strength. Originally, there were some strange thoughts in my heart, but they dissipated a lot in an instant. However, correspondingly, when stimulating the power of creation in the Shenxiu Tower, he did his best.

With one palm on the suspended Shenxiu Tower in the void, the huge magic power, like a vast ocean tide, swept through the Shenxiu Tower in a wave. Standing in time, above the Shenxiu Tower, the light is released, and the fairy music is also sounded. A unique Taoist rhyme escapes slightly.

That rhyme is nothing else, but the purest creation in the nature of heaven and earth.


In the Shenxiu Tower.

After Zhong Yuan stepped into the Shenxiu Tower, he found that this was an extremely vast space, and even with his divine eyes, he could not see through the edge of this space.

However, this space is not like other places, but a world with heaven above and earth below. It is very clear. It can be seen that under your feet is a piece of jade ground, extremely luminous, infinitely gorgeous, extending to an infinite distance. Above the head, there is a layer of dome, which is also jade and infinitely vast.

In this case, the first feeling is that it is in prison. Although this space is infinitely vast, it is still in prison.

"Is this your real pagoda world? So, did you do it on purpose or on purpose? Zhong Yuan looked at it like this. When it was, there was a joking smile on his face.

Zhong Yuan didn't say much. Immediately, he sat on the ground and waited quietly, waiting for the washing and washing of the power of creation!

In a short time, the sound of water sounded, the sky cracked, and the flood like the sea poured down, straight to Zhong Yuan.

At first glance, this torrent seems to be no different from ordinary flowing water, but when it is carefully sensed, it can be found that there is a mysterious breath of power, which makes people unconsciously intoxicated by it. Even the yuan spirit can't help but have an impulse to rush in and integrate with it.

Obviously, this is the power of creation.

But it's okay, Zhong Yuan's yuanshen is a kind of goods, and the essence is still the meaning of power, so it is time, which suppresses this impulse.

Then, the torrent of the power of creation washed over Zhong Yuan.

Zhong Yuan did not feel the strong impact, as if it was an ordinary flowing water, infiltrating him and making him extremely comfortable.

However, gradually, Zhong Yuan realized that something was wrong. At this comfortable time, his body and flesh were silent, and some changes were taking place.

These changes, because they are of great benefit to Zhong Yuan himself, so Zhong Yuan did not notice them for a while. However, after all, he is not an ordinary person, and he always pays attention to it. After a moment, he will see that something is wrong.

These extremely subtle changes, which seem to be changes under self-protection, are actually stained with the atmosphere of creation. Contaminated with the breath of creation, now it seems that there is no harm. On the contrary, there are some benefits. However, Zhong Yuan believes that as long as the emperor wants to do something, these changes are absolutely the supreme weapons for himself.

At this moment, Zhong Yuan did not hesitate to shake the meaning of power and washed these changed flesh and skin. The meaning of power, strong and domineering, is like a crazy dragon, sweeping all directions. Wherever it passes, it is permeated by the smell of your own home, and there is no strange smell at all.

After the meaning of power was washed away, Zhong Yuan's body was restored to its original state. However, after returning to the original state, Zhong Yuan felt awkward and uncomfortable.

It doesn't mean that the body itself has suffered some trauma, which makes it feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable. However, through the change just now, he has found those subtle defects and loopholes in his body, but now he still needs to maintain these shortcomings and loopholes. For monks with self-perfect instincts, anyone feels unbearable.

Zhong Yuan, if he hadn't firmly remembered the bet he had made before, I'm afraid that he would have modified himself long ago. It should have been the appearance after being changed by the atmosphere of creation.

It's easy to go from thrift to luxury, and it's hard to go from luxury to thrift!

The monk's practice is even more so. He has experienced a better feeling and has a more mysterious realm, so that he can go down again and return to the initial, incomplete and imperfect state, which is simply unbearable. It is also because of this that countless monks who have fallen in their realm have never been able to get up all their lives.

Obviously, the god of creation, this time, this time, adopted such an approach. He turned the original strong power into a soft finger, and naturally guided him to change himself. This kind of change doesn't look very eye-catching, very small, without that kind of big opening and closing, the momentum, the effect is obvious.

However, he is better than stability, step by step, incomparable. In particular, the guidance and change of the god of creation is still in a good direction, which is more attached to the self-instinct of the monk's practice, which is even more irresistible.

Now Zhong Yuan, the confrontation is not so much the power of creation. It's better to say that it is to fight against your own practice and forcibly leave yourself in a situation of shortcomings and imperfections.

This feeling, a monk who has never experienced it, can never understand its horror. Only the monks who have experienced it can understand that this is the real cruel move. Therefore, at this moment, Zhong Yuan endured extremely hard work.

However, even so, Zhong Yuan is still insisting. Because Ye Bin needs Xuanhen Shenyu, he really can't lose this gamble.

Time passes quietly. Zhong Yuan, who has always had no idea about time, felt for the first time that time passed so slowly and so tormented. An hour, like a thousand years, can never be finished.

Gradually, a voice came out of Zhong Yuan's heart, "Give up for the time being! Taste the wonderful feeling first and make a deeper impression on it. Fortunately, it is better to change it back after the gamble is over. After all, this is the most perfect state.

Now, it's still early to end an hour. Anyway, there is no need for such desperate persistence. As long as the time is approaching, the new reform will be in an imperfect state, that is. In that way, it doesn't delay gambling and fighting, and it doesn't have to be so uncomfortable. Isn't it the best of both sides?

This voice came out in one line, and Zhong Yuan's heart was shaken a little when it was. Just as he was about to take action and obey the will of this voice, another voice came out of his body.

"No, absolutely not! This feeling itself is poison, which makes people unconsciously immersed in it. An hour is neither short nor long. If you persist, it will pass soon. If it changes, the more immersed you will be. I'm afraid that when the time comes, if you want to change it again, it may not be too late!"

The two voices, like two thunderbolts, kept roaring in Zhong Yuan's mind, colliding with each other and crashing fiercely. However, after all, the latter voice still has the upper hand. Therefore, Zhong Yuan persisted in this state that made him very uncomfortable and tormented, waiting for an hour to come.


"What a strong will, even the monk's self-instinct can be suppressed. It is worthy of being a god of war that has reappeared in endless years! There is not much time left. It seems that for an hour, there is nothing he can do!" The god of creation no longer felt the situation of Zhong Yuan in the Shenxiu Tower all the time. Seeing that Zhong Yuan could be so persistent, he couldn't help but feel admiring.

"What should I do next? Is it possible that he really gave away the mysterious jade? Or, block a handful and leave Zhong Yuan here?" In the heart of the god of creation, he couldn't help but have a contradiction.

Two kinds of ideas, also in the bottom of my heart, keep clashing.

Time goes by quickly. Soon, an hour passed. At this time, the face of the god of creation suddenly condensed, and then it calmed down again. "It's all right, intercepting saints, it's not easy to provoke. I'd better forget it! Just think of it, I have formed a good fate!"

With a decision, the god of creation did not delay his efforts, that is, time, waved his hand to shake the Shenxiu Tower and released Zhong Yuan from it.

After Zhong Yuan came out, that is, time, burning eyes, and then stared at the god of creation.

"The God of War is worthy of the God of War! I'm willing to bet and lose. This is the mysterious jade. Take it away!" The god of creation has no delay, that is, time, and he said. While talking, his robe sleeves were thrown, the size of a palm, extremely dark, and faintly with black and white jade, flew out and fell on Zhong Yuan's hand.

"Thank you for your generosity. In the future, there will be a good reward!" Seeing this, Zhong Yuan immediately opened his mouth to express his gratitude. RS