The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1831 Man-made Array

When he first found this strange walking stick, Zhong Yuan was still quite excited. After all, this is the first treasure I got after coming to this new world.

And the treasures born in heaven and earth at this time, without exception, are all innate.

However, when the walking stick arrived, Zhong Yuan's face showed disappointment.

This walking stick is indeed a congenital treasure containing the mystery of yin and yang, and its essence is good, and it is very hopeful to be promoted to the innate treasure. However, maybe there are too many elixirs here and too many innate aura have been separated, so when he was conceived, it was a little innate. At this moment, he is just a rough embryo that has just had a prototype.

If Zhong Yuan is an ordinary Jinxian Zhenjun, he will be extremely happy to get this thick embryo. However, Zhong Yuan can be called a strong man in Daluo Jinxian now. How can he like this?

Maybe, thousands of years later, this cane can become a top innate spiritual treasure, or even an innate treasure, but for too long, Zhong Yuan can't wait. Therefore, this treasure, for Zhong Yuan, is actually no different from a piece of garbage.

If you have to say the difference, that is, the garbage Zhong Yuan will throw it away casually, and he is still a little reluctant to give up this cane. At least, it is also a thing. After returning, he can still sell it at a good price.

Through this cane, Zhong Yuan understands that it is impossible to have other good things here. At present, he didn't stay too long, that is, time, he flew out of the belly space of the mountain and turned into the mountain and other spiritual caves.

In this mountain, because of the existence of such a huge thing, the rest of the spiritual caves are naturally greatly affected. Therefore, after a patrol, he did not find any innate spiritual treasures. What I found is still some elixirs, as well as a few newly formed spiritual materials ores.

Herbs, Zhong Yuan took it away by hand, but as for the spiritual mine, Zhong Yuan did not move. Because now they are really worthless. If you want it to have value, it will be at least hundreds of thousands of years later.

After leaving this core mountain, Zhong Yuan went all the way north, sweeping away towards all kinds of spiritual caves. Soon, half a day passed, and nearly half of the mountains had been swept away by it, and the elixir had gained a lot. However, the innate spiritual treasure he expected in his heart was not seen, and even the rough embryo like a cane was not seen again.

For this, even if Zhong Yuan's nature is relatively calm, he can't help but be a little anxious.

There is no way. There are treasures everywhere. It can be said that he should pick up a treasure in the world when he falls. He hasn't got a real magic weapon for so long. This kind of luck can't help but be a little bad.

"I don't know, how is the situation on Sister Bin's side? Is it as bad as me at the beginning!" Zhong Yuan smiled bitterly in his heart and continued his journey to search for treasures.

After another hour, Zhong Yuan found a large spiritual cave again. He was about to enter it. As soon as he explored it, suddenly, the Infernal divine card on his body, a spontaneous vibration, followed, his spiritual light dimmed.

This infernal god card is an innate spiritual treasure bred in the original world of Zhong Yuan's Pangu God's split Pangu Mountain. This innate spiritual treasure has no effect of attack and defense, but his role is to contact others.

Infernal God, as long as it is within the first world, you can ignore the distance and communicate at will. If it is in different boundaries, although they can't communicate freely, they can communicate to each other, but they can't receive it immediately. Because of the distance between the two worlds, there is a certain delay.

These functions, many treasures such as contacting and communicating, can be done, and there is nothing worth saying. However, as an innate spiritual treasure and contains the original law, this Infernal God card has another wonderful thing, that is, it can detect the situation of the other Infernal God card holder anytime and anywhere.

If he dies, the Infernal God card will burst by itself as a warning; and if he is not dead, he is just trapped, then the Infernal God card will spontaneously restrain its own luster as a warning.

These two effects ignore not only the distance, but also the boundary.

Zhong Yuan himself did not need this Infernal God Card, but because of Ye Bin's relationship, he worked with him to sacrifice this pair of Infernal God Cards.

At this moment, when Zhong Yuan and his party saw such a scene, they understood that Ye Bin was trapped.

However, Zhong Yuan was not too anxious, because he understood that in such a place, it was Ye Bin who inadvertently or intentionally broke into a natural formation.

With the formation of the ban, naturally, the Infernal God Card reacted. However, Ye Bin may not have the ability to break out of that situation.

However, despite this, Zhong Yuan did not have a delay at all. It can be seen that he urged Jinpeng's vertical and horizontal method to show the speed of the world, and rushed towards the place where Ye Bin disappeared recorded by the Infernal God Card.


Behind Zhong Yuan's figure, the void left a white mark, rolling thunder, from which it shook the world.

In a short moment, Zhong Yuan fell on a mountain peak.

His eyes swept to the white and foggy valley next to him, but found that with his eyesight, he could not see through it.

"This place is very strange!" Zhong Yuan muttered to himself.

He did not rush down in time, but observed carefully. Suddenly, an inspiration appeared in Zhong Yuan's mind, "Isn't this the biggest shortcoming of this yin and yang spiritual array? According to the normal situation, it is impossible for this defect to naturally form any formation. Even if it is barely formed, it will not have such power.

Is it true that this place is man-made?

When it came to this, Zhong Yuan thought of another terrible fact. If the formation here is man-made, will the shortcomings of this yang spiritual and heaven-made array also be man-made? The purpose is to achieve the formation here?

At this point, Zhong Yuan no longer hesitated. At that time, he flew up to the sky and looked down from a high altitude. At the same time, the divine map of the sky was manifested and deduced.

In just a moment, Tianji Shentu deduced an incomparable answer.

Everything is man-made! RS