The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1857 The Picture Book of the Gods

When Zhong Yuan's incarnation of Dapeng rushed out of the Xuanming Palace, it was just in time for the remaining eight golden armor gods to lead the mythical beast fairy birds transformed by hundreds of powerful gods, and they also came back.

At that time, Zhong Yuan was like a hungry tiger entering the sheep and launched a crazy killing.

Almost an hour later, Zhong Yuan put all the gods of power in the kidney palace into the body. The power in his body suddenly increased tenfold to 821.

The growth power of the six reincarnations has also reached 500 times.

In fact, it should have been more than that, but because he still hasn't proved Daluo Jinxian, but he can only play such a big role.

According to Zhong Yuan's speculation, before Zhengdao Daluo Jinxian, the power of the six reincarnations could not be increased. However, he was not disappointed. Because he has obviously felt that his own combat strength has broken the barrier of the top of Daluo Jinxian and broken into that realm.

Although it is just a breakthrough, it is definitely a great transformation. At least, now he doesn't have to run away like a homeless dog. Of course, he is also self-akoned and knows that he is not the opponent of Maitreya Buddha no matter what. Therefore, if you want to have a head-on battle with Maitreya Buddha, it is best to continue to accumulate strength until you are promoted to Daluo Jinxian.

"There are two in the kidney palace, and there are more than 700 gods of power in the right kidney palace. I believe that in the left kidney palace, there is also a difference, or even more. I believe that if you get the god of power in the Zuoyuan kidney palace, it should be enough to be promoted to the realm of Daluo Jinxian. It seems that my bad luck is really running away and has been exhausted!"

Zhong Yuan said to himself, and the Tianji divine map evolved and began to be measured in this right kidney palace. With an experience, coupled with great progress, it was far more than before. It didn't take long for me to find the passage to the left kidney palace. At that time, Zhong Yuan did not hesitate for half a moment, and immediately rushed in.



A escape light roared down, and in an instant, it fell outside the barrier of the ten-way true spirit guarding the array. After the light was restrained, a handsome and graceful man appeared.

"Friends, what's wrong? How can there be such a barrier to block the way?

Although the qi on his body, which was sensed by everyone, was strong, there was obviously a distance from the top of Daluo Jinxian. Naturally, he was introduced as a fellow person. At that time, he introduced the situation.

After listening to this, the handsome man frowned and said coldly, "How can they be so domineering?"

"Isn't it? This kind of behavior is really too domineering!"

"Who makes everyone strong? Our strength is a little poor!"

"Now, it's absolutely impossible for us to go in. Let's find a way to make some trouble for them!"

"That's right, it can't make them easy!"


"What you said is very reasonable. They are not benevolent, and we don't need to give lectures. If you want to break through this ten-way true spirit guard array, I can't help it. However, if you say that you make trouble for those people, let them steal chickens, and it is not difficult to eat a handful of If we do well, we can't say that even their lives can be ruined, so that they can become the food of the chaotic mirage!" The handsome man heard everyone's complaints. At that time, he raised his eyebrows and said.

"Oh? What's the wonderful way for this Taoist brother to do this?

"Yes, are you sure enough?"


Hearing this, that is, time, countless people opened their mouths to inquire.

This handsome man saw this. At that time, a look of arrogance appeared on his face and said, "I have a treasure called Wans Atlas. In this guidebook, it records the wonderful use of all gods in the bodies of our generation of monks. Our generation of monks often only strengthens their own motogami. For the rest of the spiritual gods, they choose to suppress them. In fact, all gods are wonderful.

Among all gods, the top one is the primordial god transformed by the soul in the sea of knowledge. Secondly, it is the nine gods in the nine orifices of the head. Again, it is the five viscera gods. The rest of the gods are under them and are controlled and dispatched by them. This chaotic mirage has no head. Obviously, the Yuanshen and the Taishang Nine Gods no longer exist. Now, it is the Five Viscera Gods who dominates his body. However, without special ritual practice, the five viscera gods are not manifested, but have instinctive self-spirituality.

Through my magic weapon, it can communicate with the five viscera gods of the chaotic mirage, and let it wake up and manifest. Even if it is only a minute and a half, it is enough to stimulate its own power and digest all the monks who enter his body to steal treasures.

"The Illustrated Book of the Gods is so powerful that it can communicate with the gods in other people's bodies at will?" Hearing this, everyone was quite shocked. Suddenly, one person said.

As soon as this statement came out, countless monks were secretly awe-inspiring in their hearts. The god in the body is wonderful, but if it is not controlled by yourself, it is also very terrible. Unconsciously, everyone looked at him with wandering eyes.

The handsome man smiled faintly and waved his hand and said, "You worry too much. There are so many restrictions on how to communicate with the god in other people's bodies. First of all, the distance cannot be too far, otherwise, it is difficult to communicate; secondly, it cannot move freely, otherwise, it is difficult to communicate; thirdly, quite lengthy and tedious rituals must be held, without considerable time, it will not be possible; then, there is also cultivation of mana, divine consciousness, counterattack power, etc. Very troublesome. Therefore, it is impossible for me to communicate with the spiritual gods in the bodies of your Taoist friends at will.

The reason why I can communicate with this chaotic mirage is that this chaotic mirage has been hit hard and is sleeping. It is motionless, saving a lot of trouble. In addition, there are so many Taoist friends, and they work together to urge all gods to hope to succeed. However, even so, the probability of success is still not 100%, and it is still possible to fail. Of course, it is also possible that the performance is extraordinary, and the effect makes us very satisfied. But that depends on your luck!"

At this point, the handsome man paused for a moment, and then continued, "Well, would you like to have a try?"

"Try, of course you have to try! There is such a wonderful method. How can you be willing if you don't try it once!"

"That's right, I also agree to try it last time. No, it's a full impact!"


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