The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1872 Kun Yu was captured

Kunyu is the first disciple of the descendants of the Kunpeng clan. His talent in the way of space has overwhelmed countless elders in the clan. Because of his unique talent, he was recommended to the demon saint Nuwa Niang by the elders of the Kunpeng clan, and successfully worshipped Nuwa Niangniang.

Under the door of Nuwa, after only a thousand years, she proved Daluo Jinxian and entered the ranks of the top monks. When the perfect new world appeared, he also came in. With his own talent, although his strength was not high, he really went deep into many dangerous places and got a lot of adventures. Therefore, his cultivation has soared all the way. Now, he has approached the level of the top of Daluo Jinxian, and only one line is enough to enter.

And the time spent is only a hundred years. This kind of speed of practice, not to mention the slow Kunpeng lineage, even ordinary races are definitely at the forefront.

The smooth sailing has always made Kunyu full of supreme confidence in himself. This time, the jade butterfly of Qianfengyuan appeared, and he arrived as soon as possible.

In his heart, if the jade butterfly here is real, the first one to find it is definitely him. Because other people's search depends on luck, and his search is targeted.

Because of this, Kun Yu's search in the Qianfeng abyss is very serious and almost mindless. Of course, he will not worry about his own safety. Within a hundred feet of his body, he looks empty and nothing, but in fact, it is intertwined and stacked by 3,000 time and space, forming a unique space barrier.

Moreover, these three thousand time and space have not always remained unchanged. With Kunyu's actions, they are naturally adjusted, just like a living array.

Any monk who wants to attack him will not do much harm to him if he does not have the ability to break through three thousand time and space with one blow. At that time, he naturally could choose to escape or counterattack and kill according to the strength of his opponent!

This arrangement is not the highest level of Kunyu. He doesn't arrange it more advanced and powerful. It's not that he thinks it's troublesome, but that he doesn't think it's necessary. In the case that the jade butterfly does not appear, unless there is a great feud of life and death, there are few monks who will begin to turn against each other.

In the few days he came here, it also confirmed his judgment. He was not disturbed at all, and all the search work was carried out in ease. And he also believes that this situation will continue until he finds the jade butterfly or ends in fruitlessness.

After searching a region, Kun Yu was preparing to change to another place when suddenly, the wind paused and the sky lit up. Then, he saw the golden light like 3,000 meteors, roaring down and slaming at him fiercely.

The three thousand golden light was extremely fast. As soon as his eyes saw it, the three thousand golden lights were like broken bamboo, tearing up three thousand time and space, and falling towards his body.


Kun Yu saw this, although he did not understand the reason, he was also not afraid. In an instant, his body shook, and he swam in the void under his feet, and the places he passed were twisted. However, it was impossible to do so, he abruptly dodged the blow of three thousand golden lights.

"Who dares to sneak up on me? Don't you know that my Kunpeng clan is the ancestor of the sneak attack? Kun Yu did not sense the deadly threat from the three-three golden light, so he did not escape immediately, but stood in the void and shouted loudly.

His drinking question did not lead to any answer. On the contrary, the three-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-th And it's faster!

Sensing this, Kunyu knew that he could not go on like this. In this way, even if his cultivation was not inferior to that of the other party, he was restrained everywhere. Only when you jump out and you are in the position of a sneak attack can you be calm and be firmly invincible.

At this time, Kunyu Cui moved the unique secret of the Kunpeng clan - three thousand space-time changes. Behind it, a pair of huge wings suddenly appeared, with feathers, like knives and swords. Under a vibration, the void collapsed and cracked countless cracks, which faintly led to countless worlds.

The wings behind Kun Yu vibrated again, and under a flash, they disappeared.

However, only a moment later, Kun Yu's figure suddenly appeared. The situation looked a little embarrassed, and the expression on his face was also a little shocked.

However, he calmed down before he waited, and the three thousand gold lights roared again. This time, Kun Yu couldn't escape again. In an instant, three thousand gold fell on him.

These three thousand golden lights are nothing else but the dragon pile, that is, time, Kunyu's body, dense, bound and firm, and a little mana can't be used by itself.

Kunyu, although I have never seen the dragon pile, at this moment, I feel it first-on, and it can naturally be recognized. When it was, he shouted coldly, "Is it a Wenshu Taoist friend? Kunyu under the door of Nuwa Niangniang, your joke is not funny. It's easy to damage the relationship between the two religious and us!"

Kunyu didn't finish his words, and a huge fist hit it out of thin air. With just one blow, he smashed it unconscious. Then, the fist changed to grab, grabbed it away, and disappeared.

"The man just now doesn't seem to be from Buddhism!"

"I don't think so, but like a monk of Pangu Shenjiao!"

"Not necessarily, it may also be a witch. In terms of the strength of the body, the two families are going hand in hand, and there is no difference!"

"Fulmon King Kong and the King of Ming are also specialized in tempering the body. What I just did was not guaranteed. It was the blindfold used by the Buddhist monks to cover up their own identity!"

"This is also possible! But what does this have to do with us? There are conflicts between them. Just solve them by yourself. It's important for us to find the creation of jade butterflies!"

"Not bad! If you delay your own business because of such a small thing, it will be a great shame!"


Near the place where Kunyu disappeared, many monks unconsciously discussed this change, that is, time, loudly. However, soon, because they could not find anyone to take action, their interest greatly decreased, and their energy was once again focused on the search for the jade butterfly. RS