The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1918 Promotion Like Rain

Fengshen Palace.

Chaos Feng Ling Feng Hao sat on the cloud bed. At the back of his head, there were fifty pieces of jade, each glowing, connected into a ring. It looks like the abnormal value is sacred!

Feng Hao's eyes were slightly closed, silently lucky, and he was in a hurry to improve his own cultivation.

Suddenly, a ripple suddenly appeared and brushed his body. At that time, Feng Hao's eyes were about to open, and his face also showed a little surprise.

"Oh, in the Valley of Wudao, someone has been promoted to Yasheng? Is this person the person in the layout or the monk who entered the game? If it's the former, it's fine. It's not worth mentioning. If it's the latter, what's the plan of the layout person to give up such a large amount of capital?

Feng Hao's heart was full of doubts. As for the signboard on the surface of Wudao Valley - the Jade Ultimatum, he can't be more clear about it. It's just a joke. Because the real Jade Ultimatum is in his hands.

After a moment of silence, Feng Hao showed a smile on his face and said again, "Interesting, it's really interesting. Should I know more about the Wudao Valley? Don't let anything go wrong that is out of my control!"

However, when this thought suddenly came up, another thought rose again in Feng Hao's heart, "What am I doing with such a big heart? Aren't I giving up the end? It's just a small trick to fake the jade ultimatum. No matter how powerful it is, it can be so powerful that it can be sanctified in one step.

I don't need to pay attention to those things. As long as I understand the jade ultimatum and sanctify it as soon as possible, everything in the world can't escape my control.

Thinking of this, that is, time, Feng Hao was ready to start his mind. He faded down, closed his eyes again, and continued to start his practice.


Qingqiu Mountain.

A beautiful woman with a unique appearance and a variety of manners stood gracefully and looked into the distance. His eyes are deep, and when he looks closely, there are endless mountains and rivers reflected inside.

"Originally, I thought Wudao Valley was a joke, but I didn't expect that there was still some background. In this case, think about it, even those monks who hold some ultimatums will find out. This is a great opportunity for me to collect all the real early flowers and butterfly jade pieces.

Presumably, this is also the idea of the one who laid out the enlightenment valley! I'd like to see what kind of person you are. If it's just in vain, I'm sorry. Everything you do will be a wedding dress for me!"

After the beautiful woman said to herself, the lotus stepped gently, and in an instant, she sank into the void. Everything was silent, as if she had never existed.


Bodhi Cliff.

Under a big tree, there is a fat monk. However, although the monk is fat, it does not seem to make people feel disgusted at all, but more intimate.

The monk felt the ripples that hit his body, and his face couldn't help shaking repeatedly, and it was difficult to stop.

"I've been waiting for too long for this day! Finally, let me wait!"

This fat monk is no one else, but the first Buddhist disciple - Shakyamuni Buddha.

Sakyamuni Buddha, as early as nearly 200 years ago, had the qualification to attack Yasheng. However, in order to lay a deeper foundation, at the same time, he was alsoware of the gun hitting the head of the bird, which attracted the vigilance of the local chaotic gods and demons, but forcibly banned his own cultivation and prevented him from continuing to be promoted.

He also participated in the Jade Film War in those years. Unfortunately, because of his strength, he didn't get much, only two pieces. At that time, he couldn't wait to get promoted, but after all, he was forced to suppress it. At this moment, someone finally took the lead, the king Buddha of Sakyamuni, who could no longer hold back the turbulent emotions in his heart. At that time, he took action in an instant and unblocked the prohibition on his body.


A heartless Buddha light burst out from the body of the Buddha King of Sakyamuni and rose to the sky, like a pillar of heaven, standing in the sky.

In the four foreign countries, there are endless vision manifestation, there are flying dances, there are heavens and earth Sanskrit singing, there are Galan music, there are ten thousand Buddhas blessing, ... In this manifest vision, the breath of the Buddha King Sakyamuni's body soared rapidly. In just a moment, it reached a critical point.

After a momentary pause, a vibration, in an instant, transformed into another breath. This kind of breath is obscure, ethereal, mysterious, elusive and difficult to explain. However, there is no doubt that this kind of breath is very powerful.

Because at the moment when this breath appeared, the land around the Buddha of King Sakyamuni was solidified, as if it had been separated from the long river of time and stopped at this moment permanently.

closely with it, a ripple appeared out of thin air, rippled in all directions.

This ripple is nothing else, but the manifestation of Yasheng's promotion.

Seeing this, the Buddha of Sakyamuni moved his eyebrows and seemed to want to take action, but in the end, he still put it down and did not take action.


Xuandu Mountain, Qibaolin.

Master Xuandu held a pole of floating dust, drooped tens of millions of silk, fell into a clear lake, and leisurely teased the silver-white fish in the lake.

Suddenly, a ripple ripple passed by, that is, time, the Xuandu Master, who was intoxicated, immediately changed his face, and then smiled and said, "I can finally enter again!"

As soon as the words fell, his face changed again. He sighed, "Joy should be, but too persistent is inevitable. It seems that my state of mind is still insufficient, and I still need to continue to practice pure practice!"

While talking, the breath of Master Xuandu, like a big river surging, naturally surged up, and in an instant, he completed a transformation. Everything is extremely relaxed, without any suffocation.

Immediately after him, a ripple manifested from the outside of his body, extremely fast, rippled in all directions.

It is not only these two places, Qingping Mountain, Tianmoyu, Wanmiao River, Tianyuan Valley, Wudao Valley,... In dozens of places, Qiqi burst out the unique Asian ripples. In the void, they meet each other, and the turbulent world are all shocked.

In the place where the intersection, the law of heaven and earth has been changed into an independent secret world.

In this case, the monks in the world are self-sensible and clear. In this regard, not only those low-level monks, who smile bitterly and sigh with sadness, but also those monks who have been a saint for many years, are also shocked. I know, since then, the world has been in trouble. RS