su tidbits late

045 clear tea

The new green satin carriage stopped in front of Su Ji. Compared with Jiang Chu's carriage that just came a few days ago, this carriage is really difficult to be amazing. But when the young man helped the people in the carriage down, the people nearby were clearly more surprised than seeing Jiang Chu's carriage.

"Sun, Sun Cheng!"

"Isn't this Sun Cheng, Su Ji's primary school apprentice? Oh, how did you become a rich man!"

"No wonder I didn't see it a few days ago. I made a lot of money!"

Fourteen-year-old Sun Cheng is still a complete child, but when he got out of the carriage with the help of his servants, he met the thick brocade-inlaid silver ratskin cloak, and then looked at Su Ji's sign indifferently. Even Master Qian, who had always been a solid-minded, could see that today's grandson was by no means a previous grandson.

"Long time no see, Master Qian is still the same." Sun Cheng laughed.

In the past, the round apple face and flashing big eyes seem to have become quiet and angular. That kind of dignity does not come out of the silver rat skin cloak, but permeates from a smile, which makes people have to think about Sun Cheng's identity today.

The same is true of Master Qian. He even bowed his back slightly, treated Master Su's appearance cautiously and politely, invited Sun Cheng to the throne, and searched for some tea dregs to make a pot of cold tea for Sun Cheng. Although it is already a very high courtesy in such a chaotic Su Ji, the money shopkeeper still thinks that it is really a little lazy to entertain Sun Cheng with such courtesy.

Sun Cheng glanced at the tea and thanked Master Qian with a smile, but he didn't drink a mouthful.

"I don't know Sun... What's the matter with you looking for Master Su?"

Master Qian naturally skipped the name. Sun Chenghun didn't care and still said honestly, "Master Qian doesn't have to be like this. It's better to call me by my name as usual. Since Master Su is not here, it's the same for you to tell Master Qian. A few days ago, a distant aunt passed away. Because she had to do the funeral, she went to other places and had not heard about things for a long time. Only today did I know that Su Ji had arrived in such a field. To make a long story short, my master, Mr. Zhao, is old. When he is old, he is old and doesn't like to change, so I bother Master Qian to help me tell Master Su that if Su Ji wants to change hands one day, I still have a few spare money in his hand.

Sun Cheng's tone was indifferent from beginning to end. The posture was a bit like 19-year-old Pei Ziyao's consultation, not like a 14- or 15-year-year-old hairy child. This momentum, not to mention bluffing a solid-minded Master Qian, I'm afraid that Master Su will not dare to be arrogant again if he comes in person.

Naturally, the money shopkeeper nodded repeatedly, and Haosheng sent Sun Cheng out of the door.

In Quan Fufen in the distance, Yunqing only smiled and said nothing.

She wants to defeat Su Ji, and she has already done it. The rest is just waiting for Master Su to sell Su Ji to Sun Cheng, and then ask the shopkeeper Zhao and Mrs. Su to come back to sit in again. This is Sun Cheng's wish. Then, when Mrs. Su becomes the person relied on by the Su family, naturally no one dares to be presumptuous in front of her and her daughter. This is Mrs. Su's wish. Su Ji's matter has been completely over.

"Yunqing, what are you thinking about if you haven't spoken for a long time?"

Jiang Kuan raised his eyebrows and looked at her through the small stove. A pair of bright peach blossom eyes were beautiful and charming, which was really dazzling. But his words and deeds are frank and open, complementing the feminine beauty of his appearance. Occasionally, he is really amazing at a glance.

But the appearance of Jiang Kuan's tea is really ugly.

Jiang Kuan was originally a careless person, but the Jun kiln broken porcelain stove and brass carved teapot, as well as the purple gold small fire pliers and crystal glazed tea cup, were too exquisite. Jiang Kuan carefully served those teas. Although he did not reach the level of Zhang Fei's embroidery, he always looked awkward.

"Hey, what the hell are you thinking?"

Yunqing rubbed the teacup and smiled mysteriously, "I did a big thing to let all three people, including me, get what they wanted, but no one guessed that this was what I did. I've been busy with this recently. Now everything has finally settled down. I'm very happy... Don't look at me like that. I can't tell you to make tea!"

Jiang Kuan's eyebrows jumped twice and began to ask questions without a doubt, but Yunqing only squeezed his lips and smiled leisurely. He didn't talk about this matter at all. Jiang Kuan was so angry that he was about to jump.

"Bibo Liulan," Jiang Kuan poured tea for her and said, "Do you have a drink? Is it better than last time?"

Yunqing hurriedly picked it up. The tea soup is really green and clear, gently floating soft light, worthy of the four words "Bibo Liulan".

Jiang Kuan carefully stared at Yunqing. He had high hopes for this tea. He made several adjustments and inquired several times. He stared at steamed tea, stir-frying tea and other processes all day and night for fear of making a little mistake. Although Yunqing didn't know the details, he could guess one or two by looking at Jiang Kuan's expression at this moment.

"After drinking..." Jiang Kuan obviously delayed for a moment before saying more seriously, "Yunqing, although we haven't known each other for a long time, I take you as a good friend! And your aunt's relationship--"

"My aunt has nothing to do with you now!" Yunqing was afraid that he would fall deeper and deeper, so he quickly interrupted him and said, "Isn't it just for me to tell the truth? How can you be so talkative!"

Jiang Kuan smiled and quickly apologized: "It's all my fault. I'm too anxious. Tell me, just say it!"

Yun Qing looked at him like that and smiled, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Their authentic tea suddenly shouted, "Jijia?"

Yunqing suddenly looked up and followed his eyes. He saw that the street was rushing this way. Isn't it a reed?

It was difficult to let go of Yunqing and Mu Chuiliang's affairs. On the pretext that she was ill, she hid in Lanyuan for a few days. Yunqing knew that she was thinking and naturally did not deliberately call her out. But now she looks serious and anxious. It is clear that there is something urgent, which makes her have to come out to look for Yunqing.

Seeing that the reeds had indeed entered Quan Fufen's door, Yun Qing knew that the matter was urgent and hurriedly pulled the dragonfly to leave.

"Yunqing, what's wrong?" Jiang Kuan was surprised.

Jiang Kuan was originally full of waiting for Yunqing to give his opinion. Now Yunqing was naturally surprised to leave. Yunqing didn't want to glance at him and didn't want to see that she was actually helping Jiang Kuan, so he had to gritt his teeth and stamp his feet and said, "You and Jianjia are waiting for me downstairs. I'll go down immediately."

He responded in a hurry. Yunqing hurriedly turned around and dipped his finger in tea and scribbled two words on the table. Jiang Kuan was completely stunned by those two words.

"Do you see? Do you understand? Your tea is very good, but it is not good! To put it bluntly, tea has a difference between far and near. Do you want to have a clear aftertaste or quench your thirst and heat? There is also a difference between fast and slow tea. Do you want a slow drink or a large bowl of drink? Not all tea is suitable for drinking in crystal glazed tea cup, let alone all people use crystal glazed tea cup... I just thought about it, just think about it!"

After saying that, Yunqing hurried downstairs and heard Jiang Kuan repeat as if he suddenly realized: "Lu Tong?"

Yes, what Yunqing wrote for Jiang Kuan is the word "Lu Tong".

"Tea Fairy" Lu Tong, who is addicted to tea, shows his tea ceremony in seven bowls of tea songs. A bowl of throat kisses is moist, and two bowls are lonely. Three bowls of dead intestines, only 5,000 volumes of words. Four bowls sweat lightly, and the life is full of trouble, scattered to the pores. Five bowls of clear muscles and bones, six bowls of immortals. I can't eat seven bowls, but I feel that my two armpits are fresh.

Yunqing thought that it was also tea, and Lu Yu's tea, the "tea saint" Lu Yu, had a more Confucian style, which was the foundation of the noble Jiang family tea. It needed exquisite tea sets, quiet residences, elegant masters and even three or two orchestral music. However, Lu Tong's tea, the "tea fairy", is more inclined to Taoist style. It has no requirements for drinking tea, but it pays more attention to the tea itself and people's feelings. In Yunqing's view, Lu Tong is a person who can drink a bowl of clear tea from the taste of jade brewing in the poor mountains and rivers. "Four bowls of sweat lightly, and all the ordinary things in life are scattered to the pores." If Jiang Kuan sees the true meaning, he will naturally know that its "Bibo Liulan" is even out ofcompatible with the taste of tea.

In the final analysis, after all, it is a mixture of cheap herbal tea. Even if it can be boiled in a broken porcelain stove and a brass carved teapot, which famous disciple is willing to serve it with his precious crystal glazed tea cup!

I just hope that Jiang Kuan can understand it earlier!

hurried downstairs and saw that Jianjia's face was pale, as if she had just been seriously ill. Yun Qing hurried over and took her hand, but found that her hand was cold and even slightly trembling.

"Miss, Mrs. Pei and Mrs. Pei are invited, because of the second master and the second master..."