T-type hero legend

7. Xiaoding, you are actually purple, right?! 1

This fall was very real. The hole was at least ten meters high. Old K relied on his new physique and responded flexibly. At the moment of falling, he turned over several times to adjust the center of gravity. At the same time, he tore off his coat and put his hands on his head as a simple parachute. His left and right feet stepped on each other and kicked up hard, which abruptly reduced the speed of landing. Degree.

But even so, I still had a kick when I landed. Moreover, because he had to protect his head when he was close to the ground, he let go of the small parachute above his head, and his center of gravity was slightly deviated. He still fell on his back, and his back was so painful that he could hardly stand up.

He was not allowed to think too much about it. A mini military air float stopped beside him with a sudden brake, and someone shouted at him, "Come up!"


The blonde beauty stretched out her hand to pull him with an unkempt face. Lao K struggled desperately to get himself into the car. There was already a voice from the hole above his head, and the pursuers were there as soon as he said it.

I can't wait for Lao K to sit down. Adrian stepped on the accelerator to the end, and the car jumped forward like crazy and plunged into the darkness of the underground passage.

"Adria, are you all right? Great! Huh... Why are you here?"

Lao K gasped and tried to straighten himself into the co-driver's seat. This action was very terrible. With a slight movement, the pain in his back made him seem to die.

"Something happened, and our warship is now detained on their military dock. They escorted everyone here. I ran out of the chaos and came to pick you up first. I don't know what the others are doing.

It turned out that Adria didn't know what happened later. Thinking about it, Lao K didn't know how to tell her, so he could only change the topic: "Is this... their underground escape pipeline?"

He did see the annotations on the map, but there was no detailed explanation, so he was excluded from the channel that could be considered at the beginning.

"Yes, they should have chased it. However, the design of this pipeline is very complicated, and there are many confusing entrances and exits, which are estimated to be used by their leaders to escape. I have destroyed the positioning facilities of the car and made a few more laps, and it is still possible to get rid of them.

"Do you know how to get there?"

"There is this." Adria pointed to the back seat.

Lao K turned his head and looked and found that there was a box of compressed air bombs, about 20 of which had been used. On the side of the compressed bomb is a hand-held launcher.

Adria raised her left arm: "I finally received your signal just now, so I got you down first."

At this time, Lao K remembered the subcutaneous communicator on his wrist. Since he entered the head of state island, the communicator has been very quiet. I don't know why he didn't receive any warning signal before leaving.

Adria kept clicking on the on-board detector while driving, looking for an unimpeded path. Hearing old K's question, he didn't raise his head:

"So we have to find a place to destroy that thing later. I suspect that these communicators have been passive. But that's almost impossible, unless we have each other's moles in our base, and there are only senior-ranking moles.

If you don't hit the other party hard, you may be opposed to the army of the other party, which makes Lao K feel very unhappy. It's just that there is no time to complain to him now. Adria glanced at him and said:

"Can you still move? If possible, prepare the compression bomb. We can't stay here for too long. If there is a chance, we will blow up the ground.

Old K felt for a moment that he was actually Adria's deputy captain, but this kind of anger was meaningless. He twisted his body and found that he felt a little better, so he climbed to the back seat to load it. Adria threw another knife:

"By the way, dig out your communicator."

It has been several hours since they returned to the ground. On the way, they blew up more than a dozen thick walls to block the intersection to intercept the pursuers, and ambushed a single patrol car to replace the original energy-depleted one.

Looking at the explosion of the hole behind him, there was yellow sand inside and outside, and there was a vast Gobi in front of him. Lao K knew that things were a little bad. Adria also frowned:

"Have you reached the first isolation belt on the periphery? At the speed of this kind of car, we have been walking around. It is impossible to run so far. After all, their central base is also tens of thousands of square kilometers.

At this time, it was quiet around and there was no sign of being followed. Adria stopped the car and walked down to try to identify the direction.

The pain on Lao K's back has eased a lot after he took out a painkiller from his trousers pocket. He moved to the driver's seat to check the energy meter and greeted Adria: "Come up, I'll drive next. At this time, intuition is more important than judgment.

Adria is a little skeptical, but there is no better way now, so she has to get in the car. Fortunately, Lao K's intuition did work. After driving for an hour, a building that seemed to be a house appeared on the horizon in the distance.

Old K naturally dare not rush over, but the energy of the car has fallen below the warning line. It is almost impossible to go forward without quickly replenishing or changing a new car.

After discussing, the two simply got out of the car, put on the remaining air bombs, and carefully walked in the direction of the building.

It is an empty field that seems to be waste, with several houses scattered and seals on the doors. Looking through the broken window hole, the interior is empty.

"It's a waste sentry." Adriana was a little discouraged. They searched all the rooms, but found nothing.

"What is that?" Old K, who was still persistently smashing every door and searching, suddenly felt that something flashed in front of him and quickly turned his head to look.

Adria also followed Lao K. The room they are in now is very small, which seems to be a utility room, and there are many tables and chairs left behind. The direction Lao K refers to is under a pile of broken tables in the corner of the room.

The two went to open the pile of rotten wood and were surprised to find that there was a cellar cover underneath. The lid is blood-stained and has a twisted metal handle. The light that old K saw before was its reflected light.

Adria stood aside a little, ready to attack, and Lao K opened the cellar cover. Something that was originally attached to the lid fell down, making a dull impact sound; at the same time, a damp and moldy smell mixed with a fishy smell came to my nose.

Old K was smoked and almost spit out, and Adria's face was not good-looking, but Fortunately, there seemed to be no other danger in the hole. When the smell dissipated, the two came over to have a look and decided to go down.

Old K pulled out the small photon gun pinned to his waist and stepped on the stairs in the cellar first. Before that, he really underestimated this weapon that looked like a toy. On the way to escape just now, he used this small gun to hit the pursuers, and he could blow over a car.

At that time, he suddenly felt that if he had been bolder in the garden and shot Ryder before running away, maybe it would not be like this.

It's just that there has never been a medicine for regret in the world. What can be done now is to find a way to ensure your own safety, and then find an opportunity to turn it over.

The stairs in the cellar were not long, and the two soon fell to the bottom. The lid on the top was closed as early as when they all came in. The whole cellar was dark, and the lighting switch at the stairway was quite cooperative and did not work at all.

Adria rubbed the bracelet on her right wrist. The faint fluorescence was not very strong, but it was finally enough for lighting. The two immediately saw what they had just heard falling.

It was the body of an adult mottled cat. All four claws had been scratched, and there were deep wounds on the shoulder blades. The blood had completely dried up, and there was still half a chain on its neck.

Old K was very surprised. He looked at Adria and found that the other party also had an unexpected expression.

You should know that although the animal is only medium-sized, it is very ferocious and has a grudge. Strictly speaking, they are the indigenous people on Leas. They naturally secrete mucus that can lubricate on their smooth and hairless skin. They are best at moving underground and can break through 20 centimeters thick rock walls with one claw.

In the pioneering history of Leas, the mink outposts in those years have suffered a lot of losses from this animal.

This body has obviously been here for a long time. It did not escape until its death, which shows how strong this basement is.

The two looked at each other and looked at the black hole passage in front of them. They couldn't help clenching the weapon in their hands and became more careful.

However, the road ahead is strangely calm. There is no light in the passage, and even the air seems to be frozen. Old K breathed hard as he walked, and the sound of breathing pulled out strange echoes in the quiet passage. Finally, the effect of the pain pill has passed, and the pain in the back is gradually waking up.

Adria is a woman after all, and she still has a love-like feeling for the captain in her heart. Seeing Lao K's hard work, she leaned over to help him up.

Old K felt very ashamed, but the pain in his body was too strong. In the end, he defeated his self-esteem and put half of his weight on Adriana's shoulder.

Well, old K said to himself in his heart that even if this woman did this for Julius instead of his old K, he was not that kind of wolf-hearted thing. In the future, as long as he can give what this woman wants, he will try his best to satisfy the other party.

After walking for almost a quarter of an hour, the two found that the space around them suddenly became larger. This may have arrived in a room, but Adria's bracelet is not bright enough, and the surrounding environment is still vaguely unclear.

They dared not move forward, groped for the wall around them, and rested for a while. At this time, Lao K tragically found that there was only the last energy pill left in his trousers pocket, and he was about to face the situation of food shortage.

"If we can't find anything, we will go back, so that we may be able to rob the single guards." Adria also found that there were not many life-sistence supplies around her, but she was obviously more adaptable than the old K who was a monk halfway.

Old K wanted to say before, "If we run out of food in the end, it's more comfortable to die." Hearing Adrian's words, he quickly suppressed his unclean thoughts: "No, that mottled cat is enough for us to eat for a while."

Adria didn't answer her mouth and let him rest against the wall. She went to the darkness ahead first. Old K watched the bright light on her wrist gradually become farther and blurred, and finally disappeared into view. Then, the dull roar of the beast suddenly sounded in the dark depths in the distance.