T-type hero legend

26. Accidental discovery

It is a completely undeveloped zone outside the 33rd region of the Milky Way, even in 1073, not to mention 1046. Old K lay on the cockpit of the command module, covered with a blanket, with his legs folded on the console in front of him, looking at the deep space outside the cabin in a daze.

Because of the protection regulations of the Star Act on discovered planets, any species of creatures on the planet that have been recorded in the Star Alliance record are protected. Neither earthlings nor aliens can do harmful acts to other known harmless racial creatures at will, so the research samples of mink must be continuously explored and obtained in unknown fields.

However, this kind of exploration is undoubtedly costly and has no clear returns, and the risk is extremely high. Even within the mink itself, there are only a few people who are willing to take this kind of work. Most people only know that they need various creatures, so their goals are clearer and simpler. They sneak into the developed planet for abduction or kidnapping. Although it will be very miserable if you are caught, the probability of success is still high compared with exploring unknown fields.

However, there is certainly no shortage of real adventurers in any era, so exploring unknown fields still has its unique attraction. For the high-level members of the mink, if they can successfully find an undeveloped planet with intelligent creatures, the rewards he can get and the proceeds of smuggling people on the known planets are completely not on the same level.

Old K's current expedition is of this nature. His team members look serious and are full of bloodthirsty fanatics. In the past two years, although he has explicitly banned killing on the grounds that he must be careful, he has still seen several times that some team members are secretly carrying out all kinds of slaughter. For them, that is the joy of life.

Fortunately, there are only some low-intelligent creatures found on the planet in the past two years, and the mink research group led by Lilith is not very interested in that level of biology. However, this time the goal seems to be a biota with higher intelligence, which makes it difficult for him to control the picture of the earth being slaughtered by a group of aliens.

Old K suddenly felt that he wanted to smoke, subconsciously touched his trouser pocket, and then suddenly remembered that there was no such thing as cigarettes in this time and space. Habit is a terrible thing. Even after two years, some things will still be deeply rooted in your mind.

A hand came from behind his back and held a small flat box in his hand: "Try this. The latest model is refreshing and powerful enough. Just put it under your tongue."

Xiaoding's voice came from his brain. Lao K took it and looked up at the navigation. There were still 4 jumping points from the target star domain: "Where are the others?"

There are six people in their team. The captain is Xiaoding, and only he and Xiaoding have the ability to touch their hearts. It's far from Lias, and there is no need to be afraid of being eavesdropped by people. They can communicate openly in their minds.

"Play cards." Xiaoding's words are concise. He has returned to the wide bench and boredly pressed the air curtain suspended window in front of him, trying to find something interesting for fun.

Old K can clearly see the boring look on Xiaoding's face without looking back.

There are also fanatical expressions that don't know whether they are true or false, as well as unpredictable expressions. Lao K silently thought that these three expressions are the most he has seen on Xiaoding's face in the past two years.

The night he officially joined the mink two years ago, Xiaoding told him a story about a little parasitic alien fleeing from a spaceship that kidnapped him.

In fact, the story happened ten years later, so the protagonist decided to try it anyway after discovering the possibility of putting an end to something from happening.

Old K didn't have any feelings after listening to it, and today, two years later, he has no idea. He could never fully believe Xiaoding's words.

In the experimental base on Lias, there are only five people with the highest access authority. One of the five is Xiaoding, and Lao K is not among them. In the past two years, Lao K has tried his best to get the necessary permissions, but Xiaoding, who can use all the equipment, has not been moving for a long time.

So Lao K always feels that the story Xiaoding told him is either a complete lie, or he has been blinded by hatred. Except for revenge, he will no longer think about things such as going back to their time. The only thing he didn't figure out was why Xiaoding hasn't simply abandoned himself so far.

At the beginning, he actually cared about whether his decision would become some kind of tiger, but later he found that in addition to regular trips to the field to explore the unknown planet, his daily life was unprecedentedly simple: he exercised his physical fitness with the mink officers every day and let Aban Or Xiaohuo performs some tricks for everyone to have fun, and occasionally cooperates with Lilith to do an electroencephalogram test.

Such a calm day made him feel that he was not paid attention, and his efforts have always achieved nothing and increased his sense of loss. Xiaoding's comfort is:

"Lilith and they have a bigger secret than what they showed you, probably not even Ryder told them. They won't let you know until they feel full trust. To gain their trust, they must be patient. Reckless, direct offensive exploration will not get any benefits, and even bad things.

Looking back on the past two years, it seems that there is nothing but to really work like a member of the mink. Old K hates this kind of life, but he can't find a breakthrough, so in the past six months, he has taken the initiative to request to increase the number of outings.

Xiaoding has no problem with this. He also helped persuade Ryder, which is the second voyage of the month.

his thoughts were suddenly interrupted, and Lao K felt that he heard a cry similar to "ah", especially in his mind. He looked at Xiaoding, and Xiaoding also looked surprised. Obviously, he didn't start the touch of the heart. Lao K subconsciously turned his head to look at the navigator, which showed that there was no biological energy fluctuation nearby.

Then, he heard another "ah", which was clearer this time. Old K could even grab it like grabbing the brain waves of ordinary people. With the target, it is much easier to reverse track its source. Old K quickly determined the source of the sound on the navigator, and the star domain is about ten light-years away from their destination. Since it's such a close distance, it doesn't make sense if you don't go there.

"Don't inform them first." Xiaoding said this almost at the same time as Lao K. Lao K looked at Xiaoding in surprise, and Xiaoding could only smile helplessly:

"Why can't you completely believe me... This signal is different from the previous one. I think we may encounter a population with high-level wisdom. I don't want to see each other being slaughtered or... slaughter us. So, let's get closer and see what's going on first.

Old K stopped saying anything and focused on operating the spacecraft to approach quickly, and soon the source of the sound appeared at the edge of the navigator map. But looking at the information feedback from the positioning system, Lao K felt uncertain: "Can there be creatures on such a planet?"

Judging from the data, 90% of the Grons-ray detection waves that have been launched have directly passed through the planet and disappeared into the vast universe, and only less than one percent of the detection wave information has received feedback. However, the reason why the Grands ray is chosen as the locator detection wave of the starship is that for the solid state of all known elements, this ray will respond to the projection and will never pass through directly.

When old K was hesitating, another voice broke into his mind. This time, it was clearer and clearer. It said, "Hello."

Xiaoding's eyebrows frowned and was obviously puzzled: "So we may have discovered a planet composed of new elements? Or a non-solid planet? Are there any creatures on it?

Isn't it a solid planet? Old K felt that his curiosity was seriously aroused. Before Xiaoding stopped him, he responded to that voice: "Hello, who are you?"


It depends on the situation tonight. Unless there is a serious accident, the second update will be before eight o'clock after dinner

If anyone is chasing this article, you can have a look at it at eight o'clock. If there is no such thing at that point, there will be a major accident, such as forced labor in the middle of the code word...