T-type hero legend

47. New task

Old K's original idea was very simple. Although he couldn't explain it clearly, Lilith's research was absolutely true, so he must be able to do something to "help this group of aliens figure it out". Anyway, he doesn't care what will happen to Lilith's research in the end, as long as these aliens can accept him to exchange this information for his own personal freedom.

But he soon found that the other party obviously wanted more than he expected.

After he provided information about the specific time and location of the flying mink laboratory, it took Xing only three days to prove that Lao K did not lie.

Old K is now very sure that if he is less lucky and has a higher level of biotechnology in this group of pan-racial collaborations who are interested in him, it will probably be useless for him to make that suggestion, because it is estimated that they can directly investigate and clearly.

But fortunately, the level of this group of aliens is at this level, so Lao K is not useless, and his interest exchange plan will not completely become empty talk.

However, the outcome of the negotiations was very different from his expectations, and the final decision was not less dangerous for him. The only benefit is probably to upgrade from a white mouse in the laboratory as ignorant to a voluntary experimenter who at least knows what dangers he will face.

Xing will make a request that Lao K can go back to the mink and assist them in completing the experiment. Regardless of success or failure, he will bring the final results and related data back to the Super Universe Research Center.

As a reward, they will provide technology to ensure the safety of old K's life. If old K can successfully complete the task, he will help him obtain the residence of Glilang after coming back. This is equivalent to giving old K a formal identity in the whole pan-racial collaboration. In the future, unless he proposes it himself, no one will interfere with his life at will in the broad scope of the pan-racial collaboration.

However, if Lao K encounters a crisis that he cannot handle and asks the research center for help for any reason in the process of carrying out the task, then he must unconditionally assist the research center in carrying out a new era plan. If he is uncooperative, the research center can force him to control his energy.

This is still not an equal plan, but for old K, it is finally within an acceptable range. At least, he can go back to Lias. Although the situation there is definitely not very favorable for him, it is always his familiar environment, and he has always believed that there must be a way to get to the mountain.

Since an agreement has been reached, old K doesn't want to stay on Glilang for more. He is basically trying to replenish his energy and restore his state to the best - so he plans to leave.

Given that he is a pure energy body and it is troublesome to carry substantial items, the New Era Planning Group specially opened an inter-universe communication channel for the spiritual body for him before leaving to ensure continuous contact. As for their proposal to send him back, Lao K politely declined most of them and only accepted to let the other party send him back to the seventh universe with an aircraft.

After all, if you want to use their equipment to travel in time, you must put yourself in their equipment, which is a very dangerous move for Lao K, who is seriously wary of the other party.

The time point of returning to the seventh universe is 2112 of the galactic calendar. Lao K was a little curious about what he would be like at this time, but when he returned to 1047, he would definitely have an impact on the situation at that time, so even if he knew the current situation It doesn't explain anything.

It's really boring to lack the conditions to satisfy curiosity... Thinking of this, Lao K broke away from the "thinkers" and said goodbye to the spiritual creatures led by the prophets of the Light Group, and plunged himself into the gap of the torrent of time.

Considering the confusion caused when he left before, old K did not choose to go back at the same time, but moved back for more than ten hours, that is, the first half of the day he turned on the time machine in the underground laboratory as the landing point.

Before that, he had countless ideas about his physical condition, but when he finally landed, he found that his previous ideas were still not bold enough. At present, I am placed in a strange closed container and rely entirely on nutrients to maintain my life. As can be seen in the most traditional and uncreative old-style science fiction films, there are many tubes inserted into the body that lead to the outside equipment.

Old K silently complained about the environment of his body, and then checked it and found that there was nothing wrong except being "cared for" strangely. The place where his body is stored should still be the underground laboratory. The surrounding walls contain sulfur 437, but this is nothing to old K now.

He broke away from his body and began to wander around. Because the landing time chosen was about 3 a.m., there was no trace of biological existence in the whole laboratory, so he could browse at will. But as expected, there was nothing particularly interesting in all the rooms that could enter smoothly.

Looking at the more than a dozen rooms with the strongest shielding interference concentrated in the middle, Lao K suddenly remembered the container he had seen before that seemed to be closed to Liu Cuier. There is no one here at the time. You can try to go into that room and take a closer look!

I did it. Lao K confirmed it back and forth. Fortunately, the laboratory was not difficult to find. Its location was near the space-time machine he had started without authorization before. Moreover, the experimental equipment placed in it may not be particularly important, and the interference between them is relatively light compared with the middle laboratories.

However, even if it is relatively light, it still takes a little effort to penetrate completely. This is still after his current ability has been exercised. If it is still before he leaves and returns here, it is basically difficult to get in.

The situation in this laboratory is different from the previous glimpse of Lao K. The space inside is not very large, but there are many nutrition cabins tilted at an angle of about 30 degrees, each with a person lying in it. However, when Lao K walked in this room, he could not feel any biological radio waves belonging to human beings, as if it were a lifelike dead man in a room.

He approached a nutrition chamber and found that it was not that there was any shield in the nutrition chamber, but that the human body lying inside did not have any life characteristics. Old K suddenly realized that the "nutrient solution" in these nutrition tanks may not be conventional nutrients at all, but preservatives. Thinking of his own body, he couldn't help beating a thrill.

But immediately remembered that he had just confirmed that his health was indeed fine. He reluctantly calmed down and continued to move forward. The laboratory is not very large. At most, it is less than 100 square meters. He soon found what he was looking for.

The woman lying in the nutrition cabin is as white as snow and her hair is as ink, her eyes are closed, and there are thin crow's feet at the corners of her eyes. There is a small piece of skin above the left corner of her mouth, which looks like a light mole, which adds a charm to the woman's original beautiful appearance.

That was once when he was a child, he was beaten when he was drunk by his father. He was very familiar with Lao K and belonged to Liu Cuier. However, now this woman lies here quietly, lifeless.

Old K remembered what Lilith said: "Whether it's Liu Cuier or Liya, they all exist for you."

A kind of inexplicable sadness slowly spread, mixed with anger and powerlessness. For a moment, Lao K doubted why he existed. However, he soon remembered that time travel was still an immature technology in this period. Liu Cuier belonged to the past, so how could her body appear here?

With doubts, he immediately became suspicious when he saw it with his own eyes. Lao K decided to simply go straight into the nutrition module and check it carefully. Liu Cuier's body is still very familiar to him. Some details can only be understood by his love. Even the individual copied after reading his brain waves should not be completely fake. Maybe there will be results after inspection.

However, before he could act, a voice suddenly came from behind him: "You really came back."


First update