T-type hero legend

95. Different caves

"This won't work." Bai Mao had run back to the edge of the pit and squatted down to look at the ground.

"What should I do... Why don't we try directional blasting? It's in the high-pressure* spacecraft. I'll pick it up." Lao K said that he wanted to run to the spaceship, and Bai Mao stopped him.

"No, I remember you took * with you, right? How many bullets did you bring?

*This weapon is not a concept at all from the one that looks a bit like a toy in the old K's impression. This weapon is no different from the ordinary military's use of firearms on ordinary Glilang. The only difference is the ammunition used.

This gun uses real compressed air ammunition, which uses the high-temperature heating device in the gun to soften the shell casing, causing a small range of compressed air explosion when it hits the target after firing. At the same time of the explosion, because it needs to absorb a large amount of heat, the hot shell fragments will quickly solidify and be pushed into the target by high-speed scattered airflow, causing large-scale damage.

It must be said that this is a weapon closer to the shotgun in the old K concept, but it is much more lethal, especially if the shell case has been specially treated and added with toxic substances. If used well, this gun is definitely a weapon that can cause high group damage.

At present, Bai Mao took all these ammunition and began to bury them at the bottom of the pit. The bottom of the round pit blown by photon shells is also very smooth, and there is no state that the surface should normally appear after the explosion. This almost strange scene made Lao K a little creepy, but Bai Mao didn't seem to care at all. He started the cutting gun, dug the ground little by little, and then buried the compressed air bombs in one by one.

Old K, who understood the meaning of white hair, finally ran to the bottom of the pit to help. When he cut * into the surface, he felt uncomfortable, as if he had cut people's skin flesh and blood with a chainsaw. At first, Aita looked in the distance and gradually ran over, squatting beside Lao K without saying a word.

It seems that the child is very scared. Old K thought, but he was not very good at comforting children. In the end, he could only symbolically pat Aita to express encouragement, and then continued to bow his head to work in silence.

Fortun, although the ground seems to have a strong resistance to large-scale bombing, it is relatively easy to do this kind of cutting concentrated on one point. Basically, if the cutting gun is forced on a point, it can also carve a compression bomb that can be stuffed in less than a minute.

Old K did not carry too many compression bombs, so they could only concentrate on landfilling near the bottom of the pit. After a circle, all 30 compressed bombs were buried in the ground. Old K picked up the photon cannon and slowly ran up in mid-air.

"White hair, take Aita back to the spaceship first. I'll come here."

Although the power of the photon cannon may have little effect on the surface, the air fluctuations caused by its explosion must not be underestimated. In addition, with a pile of compressed bombs now, Old K is worried that Eita will be blown away. Bai Mao also thought of this quickly. He threw a bunch of weapons on his shoulder, stretched out his hand to Eita to let him grab it, and said, "Come on, let's go back first."

The speed of white hair running is not covered, and it absolutely does not match the impression of his body shape. In less than ten seconds, old K received Aita's spirit: "We are in the boat."

"Very good, stay inside and don't come out. After the explosion, most of them will act after 30 times.

"I understand!"

Most of the 30 seconds is to give those compressed bombs enough time to fully explode. Old K led the photon cannon up to about 20 meters in the air, then turned around and aimed at the ground below him and fired.

Now, as long as Lao K is willing, the speed can far exceed the speed of light in his mental state. This time, he was prepared. While shooting, he dodged into the time fault, and suddenly everything around him became very slow.

This experience was very wonderful. He looked at the clouds formed by a wave slowly blowing up on the ground, and the clouds gradually spread like flowers blooming. And there were superimposed small clouds in the middle of the clouds, but these small clouds spread faster and soon crossed the edge of the big clouds, like the calyx under the blooming flowers, surrounding the big clouds. At the same time, he finally saw the gray dust particles spreading with the air waves caused by the explosion, and it seemed that this method finally had a little effect.

Thirty seconds after the first explosion, Aita's mental contact arrived, but the child didn't say anything, just sighed: "Wow!"

At this time, the smoke caused by the explosion has not dissipated. If you look at it from a distance from the ground, it is undoubtedly quite spectacular; and the tentacles of Eita's thinking used to contact are also at a certain distance from the ground, and the scene seen is naturally more strange. This is definitely a strange sight for children who have grown up in the greenhouse since childhood.

Old K hid in the fault of time. Aita couldn't get in, but he could "see" the other party and quickly came out of the fault. As soon as he came out, he was drifted far away by the oncoming air waves. Obviously, the aftermath of the explosion is far from dissipating.

Aita was very ** about Lao K's mental fluctuation, and immediately recognized it, and then rushed over: "It's done, it's done!"

Old K patted him on the head and made him calm down: "Don't be happy too early. Let's go and have a look when the explosion is really over."

The vibration on the ground gradually subsided after more than five minutes. At this time, the white hair also came out of the cabin, and Aita ran out long ago.

After the smoke dissipated, the place that was just a shallow pit finally had an obvious depression, and cracks and gravel appeared on the ground - although those gravels did not give people a good feeling, because they actually had a certain toughness in their hands.

All three ran to the bottom of the pit to have a look. Except for a slight expansion, there was no obvious trace of damage. However, the most central part of the pit is still bombarded to a certain depth by those compression bombs. Old K stretched out his tentacles again, and this time the tentacles penetrated into the space below without much effort.

"Very good, this layer should be very thin. Let's dig it directly and blast it again. I'm afraid it will damage Ita's body."

Bai Mao has never objected to this kind of effort. Lao K discussed with him and decided to draw a range directly on the ground, and then continue to cut with a cutting gun. This work is very laborious, but it is still effective. The rest is less than 20 centimeters thick. If the cutting gun is aimed at a point of force, a relatively obvious opening can be cut in two or three minutes. It took the two people almost three hours to cut from the same place to the opposite direction. When they cut out a semicircle, Bai Mao suddenly felt a shock under his feet.

He didn't care about anything else and quickly jumped to the ground next to him and shouted, "It's going to collapse!"

Lao K was not afraid of collapse. He stood at the bottom of the pit and watched the white hair kick hard. When he jumped on the ground next to him, the part they were cutting was finally kicked apart by the last powerful foot, and the gray soil scattered and fell into the space below.

The smashed place was exposed to the light, and Aita cheered and rushed to the bottom of the pit. After a while, a small figure came out from under a pile of dry branches, and then faced the sky on his back: "How can I go up?"

Before Lao K spoke, Bai Mao squatted beside the pit and smiled: "Look if this pit is solid? If so, I'll get some water so that you can swim up.

Aita was really stupid to see if there would be no water seeps around. Old K quickly stopped him: "You really believe it! Even if this pit does not seep water, there is no way to get so much water immediately. I'll give you a rope, you tie it to your waist, and let the white hair pull you up.

When Bai Mao accompanied Aita back to the spaceship to sort it out, Lao K squatted in the hole to check. This place is a little different from the hole where I was trapped before. There is indeed no access to other places, and there is a large area of branches that seem to be something and bones scattered at the bottom of the cave. Before, Aita's body was buried under this pile of things.

Old K picked up a stick-like object scattered on the ground and looked at it carefully. Eita said that he could feel the faint biological radio waves on it, but unfortunately, Lao K couldn't feel it at all. That is to say, that little biowave should be extremely weak. Therefore, if this is a giant animal, it should take long enough to become a simple skeleton. Otherwise, if it is a corpse that has just decayed for a short time, the biological electricity attached to the bone can still be felt.

Lao K looked carefully at the environment around the cave. Another obvious difference between here and the hole that trapped him is that everything here looks more like a hole than the place where he stayed before, which looks like it is alive. The four walls here will not squirm slowly, and there is no sticky substance attached to it. There is only a fine powder on the wall of the cave, which falls down with a gentle touch.

Aita's mental contact came again: "Have you found anything? The white hair belt detection instrument has passed. Do you want an energy pill? I can take it there."

Lao K just thought for a moment, and Bai Mao's voice came from the top of his head: "I brought the guy here. Next, let's leave it to our equipment analysis."

Well, at least you can be sure whether this hole is a real "hole" and what those at the bottom of the hole are. Thinking about it, Lao K simply retreated: "Okay, but you can go back to the spaceship after installing the instrument. I'll go around the planet with Aita in a moment. I've already brought a contactor. If there are any unexpected ** situations, please send me a message.

Old K was really afraid of the sudden disappearance of people. Bai Mao obviously had a lingering fear about this and pointed to his feet: "Don't worry, I put on air cushion shoes. In case you do it again, at least you won't be trapped.

This kind of shoes can spray airflow from the sole to form an air cushion when needed, and the thickness of the air cushion can be increased up to about one meter as needed. According to the white-haired moving cells, there is such a distance to buffer, and the possibility of being trapped again is indeed very small. Old K also stopped talking nonsense and nodded to signal himself to leave: "Be careful."

The white hair did not return to arrange the detector material at the bottom of the pit, as if he waved his hand indifferently: "Go ahead, don't worry about it!"

Aita also ran out at this time, but he was still in a mental state. Obviously, he didn't want to accidentally lose his body again. In view of what happened before, their spacecraft was also activated, keeping a distance of about half a meter from the ground, just in case.

"Ita," old K asked the child who ran over, "Let's go around the planet to see what the planet is like, okay?"

Although she is still a child, Aita has never retreated in this kind of thing. He handed Lao K a small bag with two energy pills and a nuclear gun. He raised a small life sensing device and shook Lao K: "Let's take this with us. I can only sense nearby life, but it can pass through many obstacles and maybe find others."

Old K nodded and motioned, "Hold on, let's go."


Just Wednesday~~~~The weekend is so far away..............................