T-type hero legend

Extra Hot Fighting Arena (96) • Big Black Ball Wakes Up

At the end of the game, when Lao K and the others began to retreat, the Teana tried to cut down their team flag. However, there is not enough time, and it is impossible for Lao K to let each other cut their flags. Although their sound needle can break the flagpole in an instant, it is also necessary to touch the flagpole. Old K will naturally not let such a possibility exist. One air wall is also done, and a pile is also done. After gradually becoming more and more convenient to use, it is basically quite easy to put defenses on static objects such as flagpoles.

So although the golden armored warrior seemed to be at a disadvantage at the beginning, it actually succeeded in turning over at the last moment. In fact, it was not only the heavenly people who were quite depressed when they left, but also Lao K themselves felt a little lucky. After all, if it hadn't happened before, it would not have been possible for Lao K to practice that new skill, and if there is no such an air wall to improve defense in this game, it will be quite difficult to win.

After arriving outside the court, the heavenlys behaved quite generously. They didn't care that the virgin defeat in the top ten was buried in the hands of the golden armored warriors. Instead, they ran to greet Lao K and others as soon as they appeared on the field. However, Lao K immediately found another reason why the other party was so enthusiastic: because of the previous relationship with the beautiful, the golden armor warriors have also become a topic of this season's competition. Now there are many reporters waiting for their results. The appearance of Teana immediately occupied these media resources and unconsciously He came to the front of the camera and kept posing various postures to make it easier for reporters to take photos.

Lao K and others silently complained about each other's strange clothes and makeup photos in their private communications. They didn't know what the thrilling effect would be. They had to put on a very friendly attitude and smiled to cooperate with the reporters' requests and take photos with nature. There is nothing they can do. Although they are not interested in being famous, it is not smart to offend the media in any era.

Fortunately, there were other games immediately after that. They were blocked by the transmission array for about ten minutes and were able to get out. Before breaking up, the mute also specially exchanged communication numbers with Bai Mao, saying that it was convenient to contact in the future, but everyone could see that the purpose of the nature was obviously just to go to the newspaper. Anyway, it doesn't matter. Each group has its own hobbies, just like they are increasingly looking forward to their team to enter the finals. The biggest goal of some groups is to be famous in the competition, while the biggest goal of some groups is to experience the process in the competition. It doesn't matter. They can seriously participate in the competition. The teams in the game are all good teams.

What they are concerned about now is the face-to-face with the strange force again. Unfortunately, there will be four games soon. Although there is lunch time in the middle, it is not enough for them to go offline immediately to investigate. Everyone can only discuss what the situation is a little during the break, and then stay up until the end of the game on this day, and finally have time to let Lao K carefully recall the situation at that time, and at the same time, recall the previous information of Lao K's positioning to make a comparison.

However, what happened that day delayed the plan. Shortly after dinner, Pritches suddenly received a message from Aix, saying that the big black ball Tulestex slowly woke up!

This news is really a surprise, but it also makes everyone more confused. Originally, their speculation about that power had always been negative, but today, the situation of that force came to help Lao K, and then the big black ball, which I thought was in a bad situation, didn't know how long it would take to recover, suddenly came over. Anyone would feel a little incredible: Could it be that they did it at the beginning? Is the guess of power wrong?

Aix in the communication is still very excited: "Do you want to see him? He just woke up for a while and mentioned Lao K, saying that he remembered that Lao K had helped him collect some of his memories. Thank you so much!"

Not to mention that everyone in the gold armor warrior was a little surprised, even Lao K himself was quite surprised. He wanted to help the big black ball sort out his memory, but because of the previous obstruction, this matter was completely planned. And even if he does it, he can only collect the memory energy belonging to the big black ball, and he can't participate in these memories. That is to say, even if he really made a big black ball, he should not know. So he blurted out, "Ah? What are you talking about?

Aix's expression "Brother, I know you are kind, but you really don't have to hide it from us": "It's not too late. I'll pick you up and treat you to a midnight snack later! We don't have anything to do. From now on, we will be a family. Today, let Lao Za make a good material at the bottom of the box first. Thank you!"

During this period, Ita and Little Curette were often picked up by Tur. He knew that Lao K and the others went to the 3,000 people's restaurant for dinner, but he missed it, so the two children were greedy for a long time. Today, as soon as I heard the invitation from the other party, I immediately cheered up: "Can we also go? But we are not in the game team..."

Aix waved his hand and said with a heroic face: "Of course! Brother's child is my child! But whose children are you? Ah, it's old K, isn't it? You just look like him... huh? No, Lao K's body is just a simulation. How can he have a baby?

The two of Aix are also obvious to all, and no one is going to be serious with him. Let's introduce Aita and Little Curit. The Aix's car has been parked at the door of the super research institute. Everyone didn't refuse much. It was strange. Going to the hospital to visit the big black ball that just woke up is not only a concern between friends, but may help them go further on the road to finding the truth of the matter.

When I went to the big black ball ward in the hospital, everyone found that although it was already night, it was still quite lively. Not only 3,000 other members are crowded in the ward, but also many people who don't know are also in it. According to Aix, they were all their neighbors and old diners in the restaurant. When they heard that the big black ball finally woke up, they all rushed to visit him.

From this point, it can be seen that the relationship between 3,000 people and their neighbors is really good, and it can also prove that their character should be trustworthy. This atmosphere, which is not a star but really popular among friends, also infected Lao K and others, because the big black ball was surrounded by familiar people, they couldn't squeeze in for a while, so they simply chatted with these neighbors. When they chatted happily, their voices would be amplified unconsciously, and the nurses in the hospital came to tell them to be gentle and not to affect other people's rest.

It was so easy for the crowd to finally disperse, and Aix took the golden armor warriors to squeeze into the encirclement of people: "Come on, let me, everyone, Tule's s savior is here!"

This voice was more effective than what he said. Dozens of people, including 3,000 members, who were still around the bedside of the big black ball hospital, immediately dodged Lao K and gave them a warm salute. Teller took the lead to welcome them: "Here you are!"

Turestekas is lying on the sick**, which looks similar to when he didn't wake up, but now he occasionally moves a little. In addition, the data on the physical condition monitor by his bed is much better.

Plises was the first to walk over, patted Teller on the shoulder, and looked at the sick** big black ball: "Have you been working hard these days? Now I can finally feel at ease."

Teller is usually not very talkative, but today is a special case. He made a series of slight grunts, and his body trembled as if he was about to sit up. Lulu quickly held him down: "Don't move, you are still weak now. Lao K won't blame you for being rude, will they?

Priss quickly took the lead and nodded: "Of course, Thule, just lie down. It doesn't matter how strong you turn around!"

Everyone except the golden armor warrior laughed. Lao K and the others were confused. Aix quickly explained, "Did I forget to say it?" The Kukud brothers and Thule are still minors, especially Thule, who is the youngest of us and has only been born for two years. However, the overall life expectancy of their race is not long, only about ten years.

All the golden armor warriors were shocked: "He is only two years old?"

Even if the racial life expectancy of the big black ball is converted to the average life expectancy of creatures in the pan-racial collaboration, he is only in his early ten years old. Such a child is so powerful and accidentally suffered such a serious injury in a competitive competition with a team. Although he has woken up now, he still can't offset the fact that he is an injured child.

Pliss's expression became serious: "The Glilang Cup competition must have a saying, right? The child protection regulations are not for the first time.