T-type hero legend

204. Dangerous tasks

This exploration has a purpose, and naturally old K and Sa will not waste time in other places. In addition, it happened to be dark, and with the protection of the night, the two were even more unscrupulous.

General shopping malls will still operate for a period of time after nightfall, and some are open 24 hours a day, but the upper managers of shopping malls usually do not work together. Therefore, when old K and Sa arrived, half of the floors were black from the top floor. It can be seen that the people inside have been off work. Except for the guards, there are basically no extra staff.

Of course, this was very popular with them. The two avoided the security guard in the corridor and flashed directly into the general manager's room. They are looking for a wide range of things this time, but it's hard to say whether they have it or not. I can only look carefully to see if I have the luck to find some useful clues.

This general manager's office is a bit like the office of the factory director of some township enterprises in Lao K's impression in his last life. There are several photos on one wall, all of which are photos of the general manager of this mall and the leaders of various departments to check the work of subordinates. Lao K looked at it for a while and felt hair all over. He turned his head and turned over his desk: "I feel unlucky when I think that this place has always been a zombie at work."

Sa almost laughed. Anyway, they are now communicating directly with their hearts, and it doesn't matter if they will be found by people outside. However, he finally remembered to save some face for Lao K and didn't comment much, but made an objective comment: "This zombie is really not very good at sorting out."

Indeed, the whole manager's room is extremely chaotic. In fact, although Trato's overall civilization is average, at least it should be a paperless office, but I don't know why this mall seems that all kinds of documents are still paper. There are three large filing cabinets taller against the wall of the photo wall, all of which are full of various documents. Of course, the desk in the middle is also full of various folders and files. Even the short tables and sofas that should be used to receive visitors in the middle of the room are full of paper.

Old K turned over for a while and then dazzled: "These things really disturb the sight."

Sa stood with his arm in his arms for a while and frowned: "Isn't this paper just to divert the sight of the infiltrator?"

"Then he has definitely achieved his goal, and we don't dare to really mess it up. Do you want to watch it one by one tonight?"

"No, wait. Where is the terminal of this room?

After all, Sa is calmer than old K and knows the world better. There is nothing wrong with saying that the general manager likes to use paper in the office. However, even if you rely on paper, it is impossible not to use the terminal at all in this era. However, this room is full of paper, not to mention the terminal, not even a communicator.

Old K has given up looking at it manually, but directly uses his sensing ability to check the energy flow in this room. Anyway, whether it is a terminal or a communicator, it will inevitably involve energy consumption. If you can find the energy flow, you should be able to find the relevant equipment.

As a result, I found that the energy flow in the advertising room was quite strange.

"How do I see this room like a cage?"

According to old K's sense, the four walls and ceiling and floor in the whole room, and all six sides have energy fences embedded in the wall. These energy flows surround the whole room and form an energy cage, and he and Sa now seem to be caged by this cage. The prey held by the son.

"I swear there must be no such thing during the day!"

Old K felt a little nervous, not to mention during the day, he hadn't seen such an energy cage just now, but suddenly he could see it. This means that someone here is monitoring the situation in the room and secretly turning on some special defense switches.

Of course, this situation does not make Lao K panic and want to leave. They are still in the form of energy masses. Even if someone rushes in, they can't see them, let alone catch them directly on the spot. As for the energy cage, at present, the energy level is average, and they should be able to escape easily.

"This place is a little strange," Sa also saw the hidden energy fences in the wall, and he saw more. "Look, there are buttons here, but I can't see what it controls."

Originally, Lao K thought that he could not see him, but now he glanced at it and found that it was not like that. He could see that there was a red energy flow behind the small button hidden behind the two large file cabinets - perhaps a wire - winding directly into the wall leading to the corridor. The head room.

"Do you want to go and have a look?"

Anyway, there is nothing in this room that looks like serious office supplies except the paper piled up everywhere. The two looked at each other and decided to follow them.

The thin red line was buried in the wall and turned right after coming out of the general manager's room. In this direction, there are several department managers' offices. At this moment, the doors are closed, and the red line passes through the upper part of everyone's office door. Old K and Sa followed behind and looked at each room after room. It was found that there were that kind of energy fences in the walls of each room, but I don't know if it is because the function of these fences is not to supervise the indoor situation, or because their current state of energy bodies will not touch these fences. Anyway, they have not been blocked by these energy fences all the way.

So I followed to the end of the corridor, where there was a large conference room, and the red line disappeared behind the heavy door of the conference room.

"Do you want to go in and have a look?"

I stared at it for a while and didn't feel anything was wrong, but I didn't know why I couldn't see through the door. After thinking about it, he still nodded: "Go in and have a look. At worst, it will be another trip for nothing."

That gate can't see through, but it's not difficult to enter. However, after entering, Lao K hardly had time to see the situation around him, and he felt that there was a fist wind coming towards him.

This is really quite unexpected. Lao K subconsciously lowered his body and swept his left foot to the other party. Unfortunately, the other party reacted very quickly, and it seemed that it had been estimated that there was such a possibility. Lao K could feel the other party's foot immediately empty when he swept over, and then he did not know that the other party was How to do it? The feet actually stood on his calf.

That was definitely an electric moment. It is impossible for Lao K's sweeping leg to stop. The other party stood for a moment before he took it back. When Lao K recovered again, he found that his calf seemed to be in a bad condition. He obviously has no entity now, but his left calf seems to be broken. .

When Lao K was attacked, Sa was also attacked, but he was more cunning than Lao K. He was unwilling to take action before he could see the situation. He just retreated quickly and wanted to withdraw immediately. Unfortunately, the gate is easy to enter, and it is not so easy to go out. Sa wanted to open the door immediately after finding that there was no way to exit directly, and then he found that the door was very strange that there was no door lock. What he wanted to say seemed to be completely integrated with the wall, but it was made into the style of the door. At this time, he vaguely felt that they might fall this time, but he couldn't give up at the beginning. He immediately began to look for other ways out.

However, at this time, it is naturally impossible for the people lying in the room to find an exit so leisurely. Almost in a blink of an eye, he felt that the number of people attacking him seemed to have increased, and the wind of fists came from all directions. For a moment, he was very surprised to find that he seemed unable to judge at once. The number of opponents and the attack routine.

This is quite a dangerous situation, but Fortunately, he was not the only one in the house. Old K suddenly bumped over: "There is a mechanism in front of you. Don't go there!"

Old K himself had suffered a loss just now. After his left leg was suspected to be broken, he immediately used the energy flow around him to fix that part. Anyway, he is not an entity now. Even if he feels broken, there is still a way to keep his actions unimpeded. It's just that the room is too dark at present. As an intruder who sneaks in, he can't think of turning on the lights or anything, and it's impossible to use normal light to see the opponent in front of him. He can only rely on his feelings and instincts to fight, which is somewhat embarrassed.

Their opponents seem to be very used to such darkness. The attack moves are fierce, and the position where they are greeted is extremely tricky. If it hadn't been for the fact that Lao K and others felt very sensitive now, they could almost make 100% predictions, and they were afraid that they would suffer great losses after this entanglement.

But even so, old K feels difficult, which is rare. His current form is so special that it is incredible that the other party can touch him. He can still fight with him for so long, which shows that the other party's skills are absolutely superb. And it sounds that the other party can still fight with Sa. Although there should be several people fighting, ordinary martial arts practitioners can't do it to this extent. Who the hell are these people?

There was a doubt in his heart. While trying to feel the other party's thinking, Lao K subconsciously ran to the middle of the room, or was forced to run to the middle of the room little by the other party's moves. Then almost in the blink of an eye, he only felt that his eyes were bright and dark, and his body was instantly numb as if he had been hit by high-voltage electricity. His heart only felt sluggish, and then he was thrown out hard.

This throw hit Sa's body when it fell, but it was tilted to help him avoid a round of attacks, but Lao K himself was also shocked. After shouting, he felt that his throat was fishy and sweet, and a mouthful of blood spewed out. This made him really unacceptable, and at the same time, he also thought of a terrible possibility: if he is not hallucinating, he can spit blood in the form of an energy body. Is he forced to materialize by some ability?