T-type hero legend

254. The choice of the Li family 1

Sa didn't have the heart to take a closer look at the specific process. Anyway, he is here now, and there is a group of Li family trapped in this room in front of him, which fully shows that Liya succeeded in the end. However, what he didn't expect was that the people in this room had a special understanding of the passage of time. In their thoughts, time seems to stay when they were first tricked into the room.

Soon found that this was just a small simple time-sensing interference energy field. In fact, it is similar to a brainwashing device. There is no food in the room, but there are some nutrients that can sustain basic life needs. These people drink that when they are hungry. The formula of the nutrient solution is strictly calculated, which gradually weakens the need for excretion, and the mini bathroom attached to the room itself can also solve the problem.

As for other issues, it should also be said that some places where their nobles can indeed clearly feel that they are privileged, such as the clothes on these people, even the clothes worn by servants, are made of materials that can be washed without pulp for several years. And because the area of the room itself is not bad, there are not many people in the Li family. If they squeeze each other and make use of the tables, chairs and floors in the room, they can also rest.

From the memory of the other party, Sa can "see" that their own biological clock is actually still working, so they eat three meals every day on time, and they will feel sleepy at about evening. At that time, they will take turns to use the mini bathroom to rinse and then fall asleep collectively.

Perhaps these people have trusted the structure of this room too much from the beginning. They have lived here for nearly two years and have never thought about whether they should stay on duty at night or something. If they do this, they will find that the door of the room will actually open a little secretly every night, and the small handling robot with the program will come in through the crack under the door to replenish the nutrient solution needed for the day. At the same time, the time perception interference energy field in the room will also be activated, erase their memory of the previous day and control their cognition of time on the set day.

I don't know what the purpose of such a setting is, but it is undeniable that this practice is very practical for controlling people in this room. Because they didn't know that they had been trapped in this place for a long time, they were very stable. They thought it was a mistake in which link. When Liya came to open the door for them, they could go out.

Sa can quite guess some possibilities. For example, as long as the outside world does not find out the situation in this family, it is equivalent to directly controlling the Li family. With Liya's ability, I believe that it is still easy to convince some more important people that something has happened in the Li family that has caused her "granddaughter-in-law" to temporarily replace her family's voice.

As for Liya's purpose of trying to control the Li family, I'm afraid it's not just revenge, because in this room, in addition to feeling various strong interference energy fields, Sa can still distinguish some subtle special energy from these shuttle energy streams and energy streams, which belongs to Vera. Energy. This shows that Vera has arrived here even if she is not here.

But now Sa hasn't had time to study it carefully, because after a period of confrontation or confrontation, the Li family finally decided not to hold it down: "Who are you?"

From the perspective of these people, they can't see whether the door is open, but since the people opposite can come in, it means that the door must be open, so now is the time for them to go out. Lord Li still remembers that Liya asked him to gather everyone, including high-level servants, into this room because she had something important to tell everyone. Although in retrospect, the old man himself felt that things were a little strange and seemed to be too obedient, he still had no doubts, but still had a lot of curiosity about what Lia wanted to say.

Feed the other party's thoughts and hesitated. Does he want to tell these people the truth directly? What will happen if I tell you? So what if you don't tell? Unfortunately, there are too many different interference energies in this space, which seriously affects his intuitive feelings. For a moment, he really can't feel which one is better.

So he decided to keep silent.

This method is often effective when a person doesn't know what to say. Seeing that the other party did not speak, Lord Li frowned: "Who let you in? Is it Lia? When will she come?"

is still the same problem, do you want to say it or not? However, something like an inspiration suddenly slipped through his mind this time. Although it was extremely fast, he still caught him: "She said it would take a while to come."

The words were very smooth. Although Lord Li's face was not good-looking, he did not speak again. At this time, the people around came closer to Sa and began to cross-examination.

Anyway, it has been decided not to say anything for the time being, and it is easy to deal with these cross-examinations. Although the Li family, who were present soon, were still a little confused, they also accepted Sa to join them. Because Sa told them that he was a special adviser invited by Liya, and Liya wanted to tell them that the matter was related to the current regime and colonial development plan, and he would cooperate with Liya's problems to explain to them.

The identity of this Sahu editor made the Li family very interested, and the topic was gradually shifted away by him. These people talked about for about half an hour. He clearly felt that the energy field in the room had changed, and it seemed that the time perception interference energy field had started.

Sure enough, these Li family also began to yawn and so on. Some people asked if they would like to continue to wait for Liya today or just take a rest.

In the whisper of everyone's inquiry, Lord Li did not open his mouth, but his eyes were straight and locked. Although he did not read anything from the other party's mind, he inexplicably felt that the old man seemed to have guessed some truth, or at least something close to the truth.

The inquiry didn't last long, and soon the old man made a decision directly for everyone: "Wash and sleep."

With the words of the elder, the Li family has no objection. At this time, no matter what faction it was, it was already in the same environment. If someone made a decision for them, they would listen directly. Anyway, they don't worry about what others do behind their backs. It's such a big place. Everyone is together, and a person's behavior has dozens of eyes watching at the same time.

As a big family that has developed for many years, although this is only people from the Li family, the total number is also close to 30 people. Fortunately, the big family itself has rules. These people grew up under various educational norms. At this time, although so many people share a mini bathroom, there is no competition or anything like that. They line up according to their age, and there is no extra words.

In fact, this kind of scene will feel depressed after watching it for a while, especially for people like Sa who are used to running around. It seems that he saw his impatience and insisted that he was the head of the elder who wanted to wash up. Anyway, he began to talk to him: "After you came in, is the door closed?"

I don't know if it's because the time perception interferes with the energy field at work. It was easy to read the thoughts of other people here before, but now after the old man asked this, he can't figure out the actual intention of the other party - of course, this may also be because of the old man himself Years of social experience made him subconsciously disguise his mind. Such people have met before, and many politicians have such a habit, although they are completely unaware of it. This can also be regarded as a kind of self-hypnosis, so that they can not show any feet when they have to lie.

I can't figure it out, so I can only deal with it casually based on experience: "It's closed. Turn it off when you come in." In fact, this is not a complete fool. Sa now doesn't know whether the door disguised as a wall behind him is still open through the black layer of material. And now he can't turn his head to look in full view of the public, and he came in suddenly. If he suddenly throws him out and he can't get in again, he will definitely be tortured to death by his curiosity.

However, it was obvious that the old man understood in a different direction from his. Looking at his answer, the old man just narrowed his eyes and seemed to feel that because of this reason, the probability of being accepted by them increased slightly, and even the expression on his face was slightly eased.

This change can't escape the sasiness, but he is not sure whether it's better or something else. After asking this question, the old man didn't say anything again. Sa could only accompany him to stand in a stalemate. He had some regrets why he had to get used to materializing himself. Obviously, when he came here, there was no one here, and it was more convenient to explore in the form of energy that ordinary people could not see with the naked eye.

Is this probably influenced by old K? That guy seems to be uneasy if he can't see his entity, and he also likes to materialize himself when there is no one. After getting along with him for a long time, I originally thought that I was more inclined to be "energy", but now I gradually regained the feeling that I am a "human".

If he came here without materialization, then even if he opened the door and broke in here, the people here could not see him. He could have ignored these people and checked the room.

The queuing and washing work of No. 30 people is a time-consuming and huge project. When everyone lay down and finally it was the old man's turn, Sa also felt a little drowsy because he stared at each other for a long time. However, this feeling did not last long. The old man who had just walked to the front of the mini bathroom suddenly turned around and greeted him: "Sir, you are our guest. Please invite me first. Speaking of which, are you still unwilling to tell us your name?

He was stunned. When the Li family asked him who he was before, he didn't say anything, and no one asked him later. He thought that the Li family had let go of this question. It seems that these people may not be careless about this kind of thing. However, he doesn't think there is anything to hide his name. Anyway, no one should know him at this time.

So he stood up and introduced himself: "Just call me Sa."

"Mr. Sa," the old man showed a smile on his face that seemed to be very inconspicuous. When Sa walked to the door of the mini bathroom, he pushed him and blocked him in the bathroom. "I think you must have something to communicate with us, right? And coincidentally, I also have something to communicate with you.