T-type hero legend

267. Or ran away

Although it is said that a man is powerful and unyielding, there is also a saying that a man can bend and stretch. Old Li's psychological reaction at this time is basically directly inclined to the latter. The strength of the other party is obviously above himself. Although there are many people on his side, most people are completely useless in this situation at present. Although he is very suspicious that the other party still chooses to threaten instead of taking action directly under the obvious power gap, he always feels that he must have missed something important, but now because he can't figure it out for a while, he can't say that he directly ignores the other party's threats. What if the other party just likes to play this kind of game? Then he is really in big trouble.

At this time, the middle-aged man on the roof also stopped moving in his hand. Although he could not see or hear it, from the perspective of Old Li's suddenly raising his chin, he intuitively realized that something unexpected might have happened, and the movement in his hand subconsciously stopped.

In this period, the Li family has also developed to a peak stage in a long history. On the one hand, the family is strong and powerful, and on the other hand, the descendants of the family have begun to appear green and yellow. There has been no completely sumptuous successor behind Mr. Li, resulting in old age. He hasn't abdiced at this age.

And this kind of inadecimate is particularly easy to be reflected at this time. If it is Old Li himself standing on the roof at this time, he will never stop his movements, and will only finish what he wants to do before the opponent takes action. As for the consequences, how can he kill the other party first? With the first army, the worst can be even.

However, it is a pity that most of his descendants do not have such courage, such as the middle-aged man who has stopped moving now. He is the second uncle of Julias. At present, he is the highest member of the Li family except for Mr. Li. He usually speaks in the family and has a certain weight. However, when he encounters this kind of thing at present, although he can feel that he is not completely subject to others, he has subconsciously chosen to cooperate with the other party rather than himself. Fang.

The man's movements obviously made Old Li very angry. But now his sasqueny fingers are pinching his Adam's apple. As long as he works hard, he can crush it. He can't speak at will. I can only listen to Sa talk to his unworthy children and grandchildren in a casual tone: "Well, it seems that you still know something important..."

Sa couldn't finish this sentence, but it was not that the old man took advantage of his attention to resist, but at this time, the whole space began to shake hugely again, and with this shock, there began to crissscross the ground in the space, as if the whole surface was about to split apart.

After a collision of two spaces before, Sa had seen how seriously the outside was destroyed before coming in here. Originally, he sighed that there would be such a small world that seemed to be independent here. As a result, it seems to prove to him that this is not the case at all. In fact, it is not safe here, but the shock occurred in a sequence!

The Li family on the ground had been in a mess at this time. From the beginning of this shock, the women screamed, and the men also panicked. When they saw that cracks began to appear on the ground, they shouted "earthquake" and almost fled in panic.

However, this space is limited in size. Even if someone runs very fast, it is just hitting the outermost air wall earlier than others. When they clearly realized that although it looked like a large area of boundless open space, it was actually only a small seal, the horror became more serious. The small group, which was originally calm, almost immediately collapsed, pushed each other and ran around like a headless fly.

However, this shock only seemed to occur on the surface, and old man Li slipped in mid-air, but it was not affected much. Although he was shocked by the energy wave brought by the shock for a while, he was finally able to adjust and stand firm in the air again. It's just that he doesn't feel good at this moment, because he could still feel Lao K and others before, but he didn't feel it after the shock began.

He took a suspicious look at the small building. At this time, several Li men on the roof had all fallen on the roof, and their faces were all white with tiles for the roof decoration. The building controller is still in the hands of the middle-aged man, which is estimated to be caused by conditioned reflexes.

The sinking of the building has stopped, and it is buried under the surface for more than a meter, but it doesn't matter, because the ground along the small building is the most fragmented, just like something at the bottom of the building to break out of the ground against the small building.

staring at the cracks, which are rapidly cracking and then completely dispersing at a speed visible to the naked eye. With the scattering of these layers of soil, he clearly felt a huge spiritual energy from under the foundation of the small building, like a monster that has been dormant for a long time is finally about to see the sun again. At this moment, he suddenly felt nervous, and the action of holding the old man Li's neckline couldn't help but work harder. The next moment, as if he heard his fear and replied, there was a roar like thunder from the ground, and the small building also shook violently and was quickly pushed up.

When these things happened, the Merry, which had little to feel except occasionally receiving their signals, finally had a clear feeling. The spacecraft itself has a good anti-interference system, and its own manipulation data is difficult to be disturbed, but when the barrier between the two Ainuburgs is broken, the various system indication data on the Merry is also confused. Fortunately, although he was not as professional as Bai Mao, Plisace's flying experience was also quite rich. After switching to the manual gear, he completely controlled the spacecraft according to his driving experience, and finally moved the Merry to a relatively safe distance before the crack explosion.

At this time, many of the instruments on the spacecraft did not resume normal work immediately, but although some communication lines were disturbed, they were finally ready to use. Prisace and the others immediately tried to contact Lao K and the others, but naturally they didn't get any reply.

This explosion came suddenly and strangely, and everyone's intuition must have triggered something on the other side of Lao K. However, with Lao K and Sa's skills, it should not be so easy to completely eliminate them, so we haven't started to worry for the time being, but we just hope to get in touch with those two people as soon as possible. Or more simply, when I looked up, I saw them coming out of the exploding cloud.

Unfortunately, the hope is very beautiful, but the reality is very shocking. After contacting Lao K and others for a long time, they unexpectedly received a contact from Bai Mao. Bai Mao was very anxious: "Big-headed Phipp is missing!"

Although people like Bighead Phipp have the possibility of anti-water at any time, his daughter is still in danger. Can he run away regardless of his daughter? For a while, did they all think that there was something wrong with the white hair? Did the guy wait and finally find a way to bypass Bai Mao and come to find the Merry by himself?

"Is it gone? Why can't you see the law?"

"It's just gone! His brain device is still there, but the brain inside is gone! Not in the whole Porta! And his body, a big hole in the back of his huge head, which looks empty, as if something has been hidden!"

The big head of Phipp naturally had a very detailed examination when they received him, but at that time, it was only scanned outside to confirm that there were only some bone vein structures inside, and there was no cranial examination. Now it is thought that they were negligent. Such a big head, but the size of the brain is very normal, which itself is very strange. And they paid no due attention to it at all. They thought that the result of the instrument inspection was correct, and the result gave the other party a good opportunity.

Sure enough, Big-headed Phipp is a guy who is used to escaping, which makes people feel a little defenseless.

"What about his daughter?"

White hair's voice doesn't sound understand: "Vila's body is still there. In fact, except for what he hides in his head and his own brain, everything else is... I can't figure out how he got out."

"What about the surveillance video?"

"Nothing useful was captured on the video, and nothing was taken even if he hid it in his big head."

Bai Mao sounds very discouraged. Although Porta is an abandoned place, after all, it used to be a building that represents the highest technology of Grelang. The various monitoring facilities in it are absolutely military-level complete. Coupled with the later renovation of Prisace, it should be as strong as a copper wall and iron wall. But even so, Big-headed Phipp can still disappear from under his eyelids unconsciously, which makes him doubt whether he fell asleep after being drugged when it happened, otherwise how could he find out until later!

There is such an extra thing that has not been solved, and the identity of Big Head Phipp is so special. In case something happens, it must be not just the Merry involved. In case another accident is accidentally known by public opinion... Plisace feels that his scalp is numb. This feeling has appeared for the first time since he accidentally dismantled his grandfather's favorite collection when he was a child - a retro nuclear light mechanical gun, and that time he was locked up in the family confinement room by his grandfather. A week is used for reflection.

Bai Mao means that he hopes that they can go back and have a look as soon as possible, and then discuss a countermeasure to see how to find people. It hasn't been a long time since he found that the big-headed Phipp had absconded. If he started to search immediately, he might be able to catch people back immediately.

But it is obviously impossible for Prisace to leave here immediately, not to mention the explosion that happened here, even Lao K's life and death is still uncertain. What's more, there are indeed traces left by Vera here. If Big-headed Phipp still cares about his daughter, he is likely to come here. In this case, if they return immediately, it is also very likely that they will miss it directly with Big Head Phipp.

Would you like to try to wait here? Everyone on the Merry suddenly became undecisive.