T-type hero legend

274. Big-headed Phipp is back

I don't know if anyone is watching... It's a little unkind to be stuck here, but I do need to ask for another leave in August. I'm sorry Orz

The book will never be a eunuch. Although no one reads it... But the beginning and the end is also an explanation for myself. Even if there is a zero click, I will seriously write it according to the original idea


Old K and the others were just stunned for a moment and immediately recognized that the silvery thing, isn't it Merry!

Although I don't know how the spacecraft suddenly appeared here, at least it is also a way to escape. The Merry is still very strong. Since it didn't break into pieces, it is possible to escape by riding it!

It's definitely good news to leave. Old K was still worried about what to do if it was over here. He and Sa have no problem. The worst thing is to leave his words, but his son can't be lost. Even if the child has something strange in his body now, it is his son! How could he lose his son like this!

Sa's idea is more considered than Lao K's. He intuitively felt that there must be something else he hasn't said, so he doesn't want to let him go like this. Now when I suddenly see the Merry appear, I am naturally as encouraged as Lao K. The two stopped wasting time and immediately went closer to the Merry.

Pliss and others are also very surprised now. Not long ago, they were still talking to Bai Mao. At that time, the situation of the Merry was relatively difficult to control, but they did not expect that the burst of a crack would eventually roll in the Merry that jumped in an instant.

However, what they were worried about was whether the Merry would be finished, because all the controls on the Merry were messed at the moment of being involved. Not to mention that they could not contact the white hair, they could not even do anything but fix themselves in the cabin seat to avoid injury. Now I finally felt that the big shock that hit the Merry slowed down slightly. As soon as Priss and Guli reacted, they immediately checked the status of the spacecraft, and then unexpectedly found Lao K and Sa, as well as the other two people who followed them, on the biological detection system.

Although the whole space is very unstable now, and it is likely that an accident will happen if the Merry opens the hatch, but after all, it is the people brought back by Old K. Prisace finally decided that he should take a risk. At this time, although the control of the Merry has finally returned to their hands, some instruments have not fully returned to normal, and the communication line is just in it. So they can't contact Lao K directly to find out what's going on. They can only get people into the spaceship first.

This space is indeed on the verge of disintegration. When Lao K and the others worked hard and shook the hull of the Merry to get two large and small people into the cabin, the original ordinary air in the world outside the spacecraft was leaking rapidly. This caused the Merry itself to slide in the direction of the biggest gap, and Guli struggled hard to keep the Merry without really sliding out.

After Lao K and others successfully dragged Old Li into the disinfection warehouse and closed the outermost hatch of the Meri, Guli finally couldn't hold on any longer. Meri was quickly pushed by the huge airflow pressure into the hole caused when it crashed in before, and was stuck in the hole for a few seconds and then shot out like a cannonball. Go. At the same time, the whole transparent wall surrounding the small space just now finally disintegrated, and the splashed transparent wall fragments were rebounded again by the defense shield automatically unfolded on the Merry in an emergency, drawing fine sparks in the dark universe.

After this series of changes, Pritches and others have been completely confused about where the Merry is for the time being. Finally, it is great luck that the spacecraft can be safe and sound. When Lao K explained the most important things first, everyone's doubts suddenly increased a lot.

Big-headed Phipp has now escaped and can't communicate with the other end of the white hair. They don't even know where they are now. If Big-headed Phipp can really explain all this as the thing that parasitizes on little Julias said, then are they collectively used by that old guy?!

Although old man Li is very strong, he is just an ordinary person in the final analysis. In the previous series of toss, he finally couldn't resist fainting. However, although the old man was dizzy, his brain activity did not stop, and because his mind was slightly relaxed, many of the information that he could not let them see was expressed. At present, everyone on the Merry is a little at a loss, so they simply wait for Lao K and Sa to filter old Li's thoughts to see if they can find any useful content from it.

As for Julias Jr., because the parasitic thing is obviously more capable than old K, there is no way to get information from it. Old K directly threw his son to Gu Li and asked him to at least find a way to take care of his son's body. Others have to wait until they find out the next direction to proceed before they know how to continue. Fortunately, at least for now, he can know that although it is parasitistic in his son's body, at least it should not be malicious to his son himself.

Although Mr. Li's memory is easier to check than before, it is still a group of thoughts that are generally chaotic and difficult to find contact with each other because of his way of thinking. It is really time-consuming and laborious to piece together useful things from there. Prisace has stabilized the Merry and is trying to reposition the spacecraft. Old K and Sa are exchanging sufficient information - using their favorite spiritual communication platform, so Prisace and Gu Li also participated in this exchange.

The situation was basically explained. More than two hours have passed. During this period, little Julias woke up once, was fed by Gu Li with his temporarily synthesized baby food, and fell asleep, but the thing in his body showed no sign of waking up at all. Since the thing commanded Lao K to escape, it seems to have fallen into a state of high-intensity fatigue, completely silent.

"So the focus now is to find the big-headed Phipp?" Puliss thought for a moment and summed it up.

Old K is relatively sure about this: "Anyway, Vera seems to have been absorbed by that thing. I'm not afraid that big-headed Phipp won't find it."

"But the big man Phipp has run away. What if he doesn't feel Vera? Are you sure he won't be afraid to just disappear?"

Bai Mao can't be contacted, and the specific situation is not clear. If they don't even know where they are now, they may consider returning to Porto immediately and waiting for the rabbit to at least save their energy. But now they don't even know where they are, let alone how to find their way back.

"I searched the area within 50 light years of the vicinity, and there was no dead meteorite here. Suppose that if we do not deviate too much from the position of the previous split point, then the situation here should be a long distance from the timeline of our original position, and a newly opened planet can be found in the same range at the previous point.

Plises has tried his best to reconfirm the coordinates, so his hypothesis is basically a fact that can be confirmed, but it is really difficult to locate the position without any reference at present. Old K naturally knew this, but it was indeed a little difficult after this tossing. In the end, everyone simply took a good rest for a night, and then asked Lao K to go to the vertical timeline to check where the Meri had arrived the next day.

Whever checking this kind of thing on the vertical timeline, Lao K is experienced, but this time's result surprised Lao K, because he found that the big head Phipu, who thought had completely escaped, and Bai Mao actually reached the location of the Merry before the crack disappeared!

Because they drove the Merry away, Bai Mao was driving an abandoned spacecraft that had been unloaded by an energy device abandoned in the Porta. According to Bai Mao, they also want to thank the Garrismons for their successful departure this time. Because the energy engine reassembled according to his technology has not been able to start, but after the prayers of those little people, the engine can work normally.

For this reason, Lao K deliberately took a look around the energy warehouse of the spacecraft and found that the main engine was also shrouded in a faint light, just like the light on the port tower. At that moment, his mood was very complicated. These Garrismons were so magical that he, who had always felt that he still believed in the power of technology, had a very subtle and unspeakable feeling. At the same time, he felt that fortunately, those people were very small. If they were similar to ordinary people, their Can magical ability really subvert the world?

In any case, it is better to ask what the big man Phipp is doing or to hold him accountable. On the issue of letting the Merry return, these things have been postponed for the time being. With Baimao's response and the positioning data brought back by Lao K, Prisace quickly adjusted the specific values. Meri finally successfully completed the energy tank docking with the white-haired spacecraft before the energy was exhausted, avoiding the possibility of anchoring in the vast universe due to lack of energy.

At this time, everyone was finally slightly relieved, and finally had the energy to ask what the big-headed Phipp was doing.

I probably realized that my original escape plan was finally temporarily changed and came back. In addition, I have a tired criminal record, and my reputation must be completely worthless. Big Head Phipp has been very quiet these days, and it can even be said that he is completely taking the initiative to reduce his sense of existence.

Anyway, he is now at ease, because although he is not very strong, he does feel his daughter's breath from little Julias. Knowing that his daughter did not fall into a completely demise as possible in the end, he suddenly relaxed, and at the same time, he also had a little more trust in old K.

He does know more than old K. Although that part is only about the matter between Vera and little Julias, it is enough for him to explain what happened in the middle. And he also knows that after he made a decision to push things in this direction, I'm afraid that if Lao K hadn't cooperated with his actions according to the plan, he might not have achieved this effect at present.

So in the face of everyone's questions, he finally said everything he knew.