Tai Ruins

Chapter 6 Silver Pool Cemetery

"Isn't this too nonsense? Is this the place to get martial arts?" This is the voice of the vast majority of students.

"The silver pool in front of you is the place where you are going to acquire martial arts. I know it's hard for you to believe that I used to be the same as you are now, but this is true." Rowling explained.

"Remember, you only have an hour to acquire martial arts. Whether you can get what you want or not, you must come out after an hour, do you understand?" Rowling said seriously to many eager students.

"I understand, Mr. Rowling."

As soon as he stepped into the silver pool, Mu Feng only felt that his body was light, and his whole body was submerged by the pool. This is a silver world, but this silver world is full of colorful light and glittering crystals. The space of this silver world is much larger than expected, and here you can still breathe as freely as on land, but your actions are not controlled by yourself and can only float with the undercurrent. This should be the so-called opportunity.

"How can I find the best martial arts skill for me?" Mu Feng thought to his heart. Looking at the shining light in front of him, Mu Feng couldn't help holding it up to see what these were, but before touching the light, the originally shining light dodged like some naughty elves. I tried several times in a row, "Isn't it still okay?" Mu Feng was also surprised.

Along the way, Mu Feng also met several other students of the warrior department, but it seemed that the situation caused by their touching the light spots was not the same as their own. Some light spots would stay on them for a period of time, and some light spots were directly integrated into the bodies of those students.

Continuing to travel through this vast silver world, Mu Feng also saw many bright and dazzling rays during the drifting process, but those rays were also fleeting.

"I don't know where I am now?" Looking at the fewer and fewer fellow soldiers around him, Mu Feng muttered. Looking at the various lights that kept shutting in front of him, suddenly a very strange idea appeared in Mufeng's mind. If you run the power of the soul here, will it attract martial arts suitable for your cultivation? Close your eyes and run the mind silently. The power of the soul in the body gradually overflows from the body, and faint golden light is generated on the surface of your body.

What Mu Feng didn't know was that the light that originally shining in the silver pool at this time seemed to be pulled by some force. The colorful lights slowly spread out in front of Mu Feng in a certain arrangement, and formed a long light road leading to the unknown depths.

Mu Feng, who opened his eyes, was also stunned by the situation in front of him. With a little hesitation, he controlled himself to float towards the unknown depths.

Until the depths, "Bow..." A faint ripple bloomed beside Mufeng, and a strong suction pulled Mufeng's whole body into it.

"Wow, hoo..." When he saw the scene in front of him, Mu Feng was completely stunned. This is a huge underwater cemetery. The whole cemetery is transparent, all made of crystals. A faint light shines from it from time to time, rendering the whole cemetery very bright. At the same time, the whole cemetery can completely isolate the pool water and form its own small world. In the center of the cemetery, there is a dark sarcophagus, as if it were eternal. On the edge of the sarcophagus, there are several unknown skeletons scattered casually, and the arm of one bone seems to want to open the sarcophagus, but only that action, the metacarpal bone does not know where it has gone.

It seems that a mysterious force is attracting Mu Feng to slowly lean towards the sarcophagus in the middle of the cemetery. Mu Feng took a deep breath and slowly walked towards the sarcophagus. After Mu Feng walked in and looked at it carefully, his shock was overflowing, because Mu Feng saw that the totem depicted on the dark sarcophagus was exactly the same as the totem on the jade pendant on his body. They were all a roaring gluttons looking up to the sky.

When Mu Feng was shocked, a hazy old figure also slowly floated out of the sarcophagus and stood in the void.

"Dear clan, will the elder send you to summon me back to the family? After endless years, the family is finally willing to forgive my mistakes. The old figure is obviously very excited.

"Who are you? Why is the jade pendant on my body exactly the same as the totem on the sarcophagus? Mu Feng also has many questions in his heart.

"Ha ha, who is I? I have forgotten such a long time. It was the Taihuang Heart Sutra you practiced that brought you to me. The old figure is not impatient, and obviously he hasn't talked to a living person for a long time.

The unknown mind has always been the biggest secret of coming to this world, but it was easily seen through by the virtual shadow in front of him.

"Taihuang Heart Sutra? Do you also practice this skill?" Mu Feng asked urgently.

"That's not true. I used to be just a servant of the family, and I couldn't get access to this level of unrivaled skills. Only excellent direct disciples can come into contact with it. With that, there was a faint but a trace of attachment on the old man's face.

"Oh? Then why did you get here?" Mu Feng asked puzzledly.

"Because I did something wrong in those years and was exiled here by my family, I will never return." With that, the old man's face was also full of emotion, "It's not the elders who sent you, so who are you? How can you practice the supreme secret method of my family?

"The younger generation is called Mu Feng, and he is exiled to this world and can't remember who he was and where he came from." Mu Feng replied.

"Is it possible that any direct son of the family has been exiled here for major mistakes?" The old man muttered.

"Senior, can you tell me the general situation of your family?" Mu Feng also wanted to know whether the family in the old man had anything to do with him.

"The family I am in is the Yan clan, one of the four major families in the upper world. The aura in that world is much stronger than this broken world. The way of practice there is not the same as this world. The ultimate of martial arts can control any element in the world at will. In contrast, the magic of this world is only It's just a small ear! The upper world - it is a sacred place above all sentient beings, and the world we are in now has become the lower world. The old man slammed and fell into a deep memory.

"Does that senior know how to go back to the upper world?" This is what Mu Feng wants to know most urgently, and he vaguely feels that there is something that belongs to him.

"I don't know either."

"How can I help you?" Mu Feng felt that the old man was not simple.

"Help me? Haha, if anyone in this world dares to say so before, I must think he is not fair-hearted, but you are different. You have cultivated such amazing achievements as the Imperial Heart Sutra, and you used to be a direct son of the Yan clan, but you can really help me a little. Well, you urge the power of the soul in your body to your jade pendant, and maybe I can leave this place. The old man is very close to this little guy who is also from the Yan clan.

Without any hesitation, Mu Feng urged the power of the original soul to his jade pendant as the old man said. A faint golden light came from the jade pendant, and the old man's figure disappeared in this space in an instant.

"Senior, where are you?" Mu Feng shouted at the empty cemetery.

"Don't shout, stinky boy, my body has already fallen, and only this soul body is still alive. If I can't appear without the Yan totem, you should understand why I can only stay here." The hazy old figure reappeared in front of Mufeng.

"I know, senior, where are we going now?" Mu Feng said shyly.

"Ky, go back wherever you come from." Then the old figure disappeared again.

Mu Feng finally got a little news about his background, and of course, he also hoped that this antique senior could help him. What Mu Feng didn't know was that the elder of the Yan clan was also a little selfish. He hoped that Mu Feng could return to the family with his soul in the future, but his wish. Although his hope was not very big, it was also the last opportunity after all.

Returning along the original road, when Mu Feng came out of the silver pool, he found that he was the last student to come out. Rowling breathed a long sigh of relief when she saw Mu Feng come out safely.

"Mu Feng, what the hell are you doing? We have been here for so long. Have you been here for a long time? Is there a big gain?" Luo Lin stared at Mu Feng and asked, as if she was going to eat Mu Feng.

"That Mr. Rowling, I accidentally got lost below and came back with difficulty. I'm sorry that I didn't get any martial arts or anything." Looking at Rowling's expectant eyes, Mu Feng casually made up a reason.

"What? You didn't get anything. Do you know that you are the one I'm most optimistic about in this group of warrior students? Forget it. Anyway, you can't force this kind of thing." Rowling said disappointedly.

Back to the warrior classroom, Rowling began to arrange the course. The teaching system of Qingfeng Magic Martial Arts College is not very strict, and it can be said that it is quite easy, but your score must be qualified in the final examination once a year, otherwise you can only be retake it. Generally speaking, there are only two theoretical classes in the morning, and the rest of the time is freely arranged. After all, theory is far from progressing as fast as practical experience.