Tai Ruins

Chapter 10 Angla Mountains

1 p.m.

"Good representatives, I'm the general person in charge of your outing trial this time. Just call me tutor Hyde. If you have any questions, you can find the person in charge of each grade." An old man in a gray magic robe said to the students.

Looking around, Mu Feng found several old acquaintances, his roommate teeth, the unruly little sister Murong Xuan, and Situ Jing and Evida. He thought that they also came for the quota of 'forgotten ancient world'.

The destination of this trip is the Angela Mountains, known as Warcraft Paradise. The Angra Mountains are located in the northwest of Qiushui Country. They are a continuous mountain range, with towering vegetation and warcraft rampant. It is an extremely dangerous area, but it is a gathering place for some trade unions, organizations and free hunters. In the outer towns of the Angra Mountains, there are also some merchants who have acquired Warcraft cores and special materials, so you may get a lot of gold coins here, or you may have your life here.

Looking at the vast group of young people in front of them, many originally flattering businessmen also chose to retreat from afar. With such a large-scale force, many people also vaguely guessed what.

At the entrance of the Angela Mountains, the whole team also stopped.

"Dear students, next, I will briefly introduce the specific situation of this assessment. I hope you can hear it clearly." Teacher Hyde said, "Next, each student will receive a magic card. The initial value on it is a star, and the corresponding points are one. Every time you defeat a student, you will get all his points. Losing the magic card means elimination. Please return to gather here as soon as possible."

After a short pause, Hyde continued: "Of course, you can also get another one from the students with magic cards, which depends on your own ability. The college just wants to select the best students through this choice. More importantly, in addition to facing your own peers this time, the Warcraft in the Angela Mountains is also your test object, as well as an external adventure team. So you have to cheer up to prove yourself. You must come back here three days regardless of your grades. Of course, you are allowed to come back early.

Looking at a magic card sent in his hand, Mu Feng also smiled indifferently, but it can be analyzed from what Mr. Hyde just said that there is still a lot of room for operation in this trial. For example, you can choose strong teammates to protect yourself, or you can unite several students against the enemy.

Anyway, Mufeng is alone, and the whole Angra Mountains are so big that he may not be lucky enough to meet those talented students. What he has to do is to become a qualified hunter. This is not to say that Mu Feng is afraid of those talented students, but considering that the number of people in this trial is relatively large, he must preserve his strength.

With simple preparation, these students were sent to the Angela Mountains in batches.

As a qualified hunter, you must always stay at your best. On the first day, Mu Feng found a hidden place and practiced alone. There are many trial students on the first day, and it is not easy to get a lot of points. It can be said that the first day is just a general screening process, and the main competition will still be in the next two days, so Mu Feng is not very urgent.

The next morning, Mu Feng, who ended his practice, also slowly opened his eyes and began hunting.

Shuttle through the leafy Angela Mountains, Mu Feng decided to use the method of drawing snakes out of the hole to wait for the prey to be delivered to his door. The sound of shaking, chattering..." The sound of the branches clearly came to Mufeng's ears. Since Mufeng's Taihuang Heart Sutra broke through the third layer, Mufeng's sensory ability has also been much stronger, followed by Mufeng's own strength. Although it has not been officially tested, he is also full of confidence.

Gradually walked towards the sound, "sw" a huge thing rushed towards Mu Feng and fixed his eyes. The good guy was the first third-level 'hanging white tiger'. He flashed to the edge, and the attack of the hanging white tiger was empty. Slowly attracting its hatred, it moved to a concave not far away. Just now, Mu Feng felt a very hidden breath appearing in the direction of the concave shadow. Pretaged to lean back, supported the ground with one hand, and shot rapidly towards the shadow. Before the person in the shadow could react, a big hand had knocked on his forehead and shook it a few times, and the shadow was knocked unconscious.

"The game is over." The faint white tiger, who was still attacking him, muttered. The white tiger, which was hit by the fierce impact, couldn't believe it. Human beings who had just been hiding under their tiger's claws burst out such a strong force at this moment, and even their weight of several tons flew away in an instant.

Picked up the student's magic card, and his opponent also contributed six-star points to himself.

"The harvest is good, but it should be more exciting next." The desire for victory also makes Mu Feng's confidence expand to a certain height.

In front of them were three students walking together. Mu Feng saw coldly on a cliff mountain and new prey appeared, but Mu Feng did not choose to go directly, but quietly followed him.

"Big Boss Shanyu, I haven't seen anyone for so long. Our points are not enough at all!" I only heard an extremely obscene-like young man say to the leading man.

"If you don't have enough points to earn, and if there is really no chance, we can sell our points to the boy of the Situ family, one point of 100 gold coins. He is really willing to spend money." The leading man named Shan Yu said disapprovingly, "Anyway, there are still two days left. As long as we don't provoke those who can't afford to provoke, we can brighten my eyes."

In the shade of a tree, three figures quickly disappeared into the forest as if they had noticed something.

"Have you been found?" Mu Feng thought to himself.

After watching the change, he soon found a man slowly coming from a distance. The man was dressed in patterned leopard skin with a rough face and a big black knife behind him. He stopped when he walked to the position where the three people had just stood. Then, the three hidden figures appeared ghostly in front of the man, faintly surrounded.

"Leave the magic card to avoid the pain of skin and flesh." The speaker was still the man named Shanyu.

"Maybe I should say this sentence!" The man said lightly.

"Stop talking nonsense, give it to me."

Shanyu is a fourth-level junior warrior, while the other two students are third-level advanced water magicians and hunters. Hunter is a profession that is more friendly to nature. It can assist in fighting through communication with wild beasts, and can also identify the opponent's position through some special smells. The water element is a relatively mild magic element. Under the leadership of Shan Yu's whistling fist and looking at the water magic gradually condensing around him, the man finally moved. "It's so fast" This is Mu Feng's first feeling. The next moment, Shanyu collided with the man's fist fiercely. With a muffled hum, Shanyu flew backwards. On the contrary, the man was firmly rooted in place and did not move. "What a domineering power" was Mu Feng's second reaction. However, at this time, the water magic had formed beside the man, and four thick ice walls trapped the man with the knife. A faint black fog slowly emerged from the ice wall and became stronger and stronger. The next moment, "Ka, click..." The sound of the ice wall breaking also came, and finally turned into ice crumbs all over the sky. At the same time, the man quickly approached the water magician and just came to add a water shield to the obscene man. The shield turned into flying debris under the knife of a man with a big knife. The frightened obscene man was stunned, and the "bang" was just a punch, and the obscene man was thrown out and fell to the ground unconscious. Shanyu, who had just got up from the ground, was also shocked. With his fourth-level primary strength, he couldn't even stop him from facing each other. And the third-order warcraft controlled by its own hunter was already trembling when the black fog came out, which was not worthy of any use at all.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Shan Yu seemed to have made a decision. The "crazy" was accompanied by a long roar, but a series of changes appeared on Shan Yu's body. His muscles were expanding and his bone density was also increasing. After the madness, Shanyu's whole person underwent a complete transformation.

"Go to hell." After the madness of Shanyu's speed, the power also soared to a new height, and in an instant, he jumped in front of the man with a knife. "Bang" was another muffled sound, and such a powerful physique as "pop" could not resist the man's attack, which only made him take a step back. Looking up to the sky and roaring, Shanyu, whose eyes were covered with blood, also roared and continued to rush towards the man. Bang banged several more frontal confrontations, as if the man had not tried his best at all.

"Oh, you dare to come out to rob with such a little strength." The man with the knife smiled slightly and rushed up to Shanyu. He didn't react at all. He punched Shanyu in the chest. "Puff..." Shanyu, who fell straight on the ground, reluctantly wanted to stand up again. However, after five minutes of madness, his body entered a period of weakness and collapsed on the ground without moving. .

A faint look turned to the hunter student who was still in shock not far away. Before the man could say anything more, the student hurriedly threw down the magic card and fled.

Take away the other two magic cards, and the man disappeared from the sight of the wind.