Tai Ruins

Chapter 35 Prohibition of Thousand Mirrors

"Teacher, who was that just now? It seems that you are not very friendly?" Mu Feng asked.

"This old man always likes to compete with me. Don't pay attention to him. If he dares to do something to you, don't blame me for being rude to him."

"..." This old man is quite protective.

At 1 p.m., the only eight registered disciples were on the edge of the test platform under the leadership of their respective masters. To Mufeng's surprise, the old man this morning was also among them. Behind him stood a man with cold eyes. As far as Mu Feng knew, this man was easily promoted during the knockout match in the morning and had rich practical experience.

"Little guy, what do you think of the man with silver hair?" The fire-headed elder asked Mu Feng.

"The magic is very strange, and the reaction movement speed is first-class." Mu Feng also spoke highly of this man.

"What is your winning rate against him?"

"The number of five."

Hearing Mu Feng's answer, the angry elder was also surprised. The silver-haired man showed unexpected strength, but the registered disciple in front of him was also unyed. He could exude such a strong self-confidence when his absolute strength was not as good as the other party.

In the next game, No. 3 will play against No. 16.

The golden power overflows from the body and gradually forms an energy protective layer on the surface of Mufeng. The storm gradually rolled up on the test field and became more and more intense.

"Thunderstorm" greeted the opponent directly with the fifth-order thunder magic, "Bang..." The bucket-like thunder and lightning roared down towards the wind, and the golden light became more and more dazzling, but before it reached the body, it dissipated in the void under the obstruction of the golden light, creating shocking cracks on the test field. .

"Disappear." Mu Feng muttered. The thunder that was still raging slowly dissipated over the test field.

Seeing this amazing scene, many people present opened their mouths: "What the hell is going on?"

Watching that his magic dissipate out of thin air, the man frowned slightly, and his eyes were sharp and made a decision.

"Come out, Thunder Dragon!" With a whisper, a void crack gradually appeared over the test site, and a dragon with thunder and lightning appeared over the test site.

The black shadow shrouded the whole venue.

"Crazy, fortunately, it's just a young thunder dragon, otherwise the thunder dragon comparable to the heavenly level will destroy everything here." An old man off the court looked at the thunder dragon appearing in the void and muttered.

"Humble human beings, what's the matter of summoning me out?" Lei Long asked the man condescendingly.

"Virable Lord Leilong, please destroy the enemy in front of me." The man bathed in the wind with one hand.

Leilong's huge head looked at Mu Feng, and then turned to the man and said, "Humble human beings, don't do such a stupid thing, give up."

"..." Everyone wondered why the creature summoned by the man would help his opponent.

"You...I'm your deed, and you must follow my wishes." The man shouted high above.

Leilong didn't look at the man. As soon as he shook his tail, he disappeared into the void, leaving a confused man.

The big golden hand condensed rapidly in the void and patted at the man.

"I admit defeat." When the golden hand quickly patted the man, the man said weakly.

The "bang" golden hand dissipated in the void.

"No. 16 wins!"

"How could the thunder just now dissipate out of thin air?" The old man with fire asked Mu Feng.

"Secret." Mu Feng said mysteriously, joking. Did you tell him that I have a magic skill that can ignore magic skills?

"But you have finally entered the top four. There is one more step, you boy, work hard." The old man was not unhappy because of Mu Feng's answer, but was happy.

"I know."

"No. 8 vs. 16" followed, and the elder announced again on the court.

"Hmm?" Mu Feng didn't expect to meet the silver-haired man in this round.

"Little guy, are you doing well?" The silver-haired man said faintly, as if without a trace of human fireworks.

"Thank you for your compliment."

"But the master asked me to teach you a hard lesson. I really don't know what to do?" The man scratched his head and said directly.

"Your master?" I didn't expect the silver-haired man to be so direct.

"I can only fulfill the master's order."

"Let's begin."

The silver-haired man smiled faintly and approached Mu Feng like a ghost, "It's so fast!" The silver-haired man who was just in his sight seemed to suddenly disappear. The trembling sound of the air sounded from behind Mu Feng and instinctively flashed to the side.

A transparent hand penetrated through the position of the wind just now and was fleeting.

The attack of the "sneer" man did not stop, and Mu Feng's shoulder, who could not dodge, was also caught.

The golden hand shrouded the whole test field, and a thin figure stood on it with a dazzling golden light, and Mu Feng was furious.

"Look where you are hiding." The golden hand fell down on the test site.

The silver-haired man appeared, and his hands bombarded into the sky. The roots of the silver hair stood up, and the "kake" spread deep cracks at the feet of the silver-haired man, but the golden big hand successfully blocked it.

The dust floated all over the sky, and the silver man's face was full of excitement, which was a kind of recognition and respect for his opponent.

"Who is old in a flash? The front is empty, and the back is empty! You don't know that it will be withered..." A faint voice came out of the silver-haired man's mouth.

In an instant, it was eternal. The space around Mufeng seemed to be completely frozen, and the silver-haired man came to Mufeng. "shun yi" Mu Feng moved to the other side, but the seemingly ethereal confinement seemed to be everywhere, and the space around Mu Feng was frozen in an instant.

"Oh?" Seeing Mu Feng appear on the other side of the test site out of thin air, the silver-haired man walked towards Mu Feng again with great interest.

"Break it for me" shouted, and the golden light poured on the wind. The dazzling golden light seemed to be a burning flame. The surrounding space was covered with cracks, and the space seemed to be unable to withstand such a large amount of energy and began to melt.

The golden hand condensed again in the void and patted towards the silver-haired man. Unsurprisingly, the attack was still blocked by the silver-haired man. The "teleportation" ghost appeared behind the silver-haired man, and his thin palms patted his chest. The "sw" man disappeared in front of him again and appeared not far from him.

After several confrontations, neither side had any advantage.

"Hey, will you do this?" The silver-haired man continued, "If this is the only way, you will be nothing more than that."

"You will know with a try."

The faint voice of "The Forbidden of Thousand Mirrors" came out from the mouth of the silver-haired man.

"What on earth is this boy going to do? He can even do this forbidden technique." Looking at the silver-haired man's behavior, an elder lost his voice.

The whole space on the test field fell into deep darkness and death-like silence under the control of this aura. Suddenly, a flat mirror appeared over the space around Mufeng, surrounding Mufeng.

The bright mirror reveals the image of a silver-haired man, and thousands of mirrors are exactly the same. It's over." A faint voice came out of the silver-haired man's mouth.

The dazzling white light filled the whole mirror space, and the sound of the air being cut, and the dense energy burst into the wind. What surprised Mu Feng was that he tried the lark's skills at this time, but it lost its due effect.

"It's useless. This is a forbidden space." A faint sound came from the mirror.

The golden big hand quickly condensed into the void and patted towards the mirror. The dull slap sound came, and the smile on the mirror was still so bright.

Thousands of golden big hands reflected back in this space and patted down on Mu Feng. There was no place to dodge at all, "Bang..." The overwhelming golden hand patted down on Mu Feng. Cough..." Even Mu Feng's strong body could hardly withstand such a high-density energy attack, and blood kept overflowing from his mouth.

"Don't worry, you won't die."

"Can these barriers really reflect all attacks?" He resisted the constant pain from his body, and Mu Feng was shocked.

In the eyes of some elders and registered disciples on the periphery, it was also dark. What happened in the test field? No one can tell except one person. This is a woman who passed by by by chance. She couldn't see her appearance clearly and stood quietly in the void.

"Don't struggle, or it will only aggravate your pain." The silver-haired man in the mirror said faintly.

"Less nonsense" casually wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and Mu Feng shouted at the silver-haired man.

With a flash of mirror, the man lost his figure. The dazzling light in the sky once again filled this space, but this time it was even brighter.

"Ah..." The white light shot at Mu Feng like a sharp blade, "Puff..." The body as powerful as Mu Feng was also scratched with a trace of blood.

"Greave, you still have a chance to compete for the third place."

"Burt it." Crazy, Mu Feng is completely crazy at this time. Does he actually want to burn the power of the soul?

The golden light is getting brighter and brighter, faintly covering the white light in the sky.

"Oh?" The silver-haired man in the mirror also heard a slightly surprised voice. In such a state, the opponent could burst out such a huge energy at this time, which completely exceeded the fifth-level intermediate strength.

"I can't lose, absolutely not." My mind is full of this desire.

"Those who touch my majesty, damn it!" The cold sound echoed in the whole forbidden space.

The dark golden energy flowed on the surface of Mufeng's body again, and his silver eyes cast on the silver-haired man on the mirror without any emotion.

"Come out." The slender arm grabbed the man in the mirror. Slowly pulled out a figure in Mu Feng's hand, which was the silver-haired man just now.

"..." At this time, Mu Feng just spit out a few words, and the silver-haired man came a heartbreaking scream.

The black fog dissipated, and a thin figure stood in the middle of the field, with a silver-haired man lying beside it.

"No. 16 wins!" The elder announced the results of the test.

The next moment, the thin figure also fell to the ground.

After watching the whole test process, the woman who stopped here also frowned slightly and disappeared out of thin air the next moment.