Tai Ruins

Chapter 37 Sad Meeting

Entering the inner hall, I only saw an older old man doting in the big place, and I didn't see anyone else.

"Hello, senior." Mu Feng shouted at the old man who was doting.

"Ah?" The confused old man also rubbed his eyes, obviously surprised by the stranger who appeared here at this time.

"Is this the city master's mansion?" Mu Feng asked doubtfully, which was too unsatisfactory.

"Yes, little guy, what are you doing here?" Seeing that the visitor was just an 18-year-old teenager, the old man asked lightly.

"I'm the new city owner here, and this is my last letter." With that, Mu Feng took the certificate of Qiushuizong to the old man in front of him.

"The new city lord?" After receiving the certificate handed over by Mu Feng, the old man was even more surprised and did not receive any notice. Lord Mu, I'm in charge here. You can always call me housekeeper Liao. The old man said respectfully, but he muttered in his heart, where did this come from? Qiu Shuizong was really. A good teenager was sent to die again, and he had no choice but to sigh. He was just a stewid, and as for how he decided, he really couldn't control it.

"Housekeeper Liao, why does the city lord's mansion seem to be a little deserted?" Mu Feng pointed to the outside and inside the lobby and said.

"Lord, you don't know that our city master's mansion does not have its own financial resources, but only relies on some subsidies from the clan. Some previous servants have been fired, leaving only the old man here. He is old and useless." Housekeeper Liao said helplessly.

"Since you are the lord of a city, do you have some rights?"

"Of course, as the owner of the glazed city, your main responsibility is to manage the whole city." Housekeeper Liao said lightly, and then only listened to him: "But now this city is not as simple as you think. Many forces are mixed together." The implication is that those strengths in this city can't be managed at all.

"As the city owner, there is always a department directly under it, right?" Hearing Liao's housekeeper say that he didn't seem to have any rights in this city.

"Of course, but now most of them have been separated from the jurisdiction of the city lord's mansion, and there is no substantial contact with the city lord's mansion."

"Well, I wonder if housekeeper Liao can help me invite the rulers of all forces?" At least let them know when they take office. It's good to dare to say that he is a bare pole commander.

"This, the old slave can help me try it, but it's hard to say how many people come here." Although housekeeper Liao was a little embarrassed, he still agreed to Mu Feng.

At noon the next day, the main hall of the main palace of Liuli City.

"I heard that you are the new city owner? Why don't we know?" A middle-aged man shouted at the people next to him, obviously not paying attention to Mu Feng.

"That's right, when will there be another new city owner in Liuli City?" Another middle-aged man spoke.

"Who are these people? Why do they look like ruffians?" Mu Feng asked the housekeeper Liao beside him.

"I'm not very clear, but those owners didn't come over. These should be their doormen."

"So it is." Mu Feng muttered that Mu Feng knew that he was not angry at the beginning and end of the incident. Yes, he was the new city owner. Others have been rooted here for many years. If you want them to take a fancy to themselves and sit down to talk to you, first of all, you have to have the corresponding weight.

"Everyone, it's rare to find time to gather in the city lord's mansion in your busy schedule. Please allow me to say a few words." Mu Feng shouted in the middle of the noisy hall. Obviously, they did not pay attention to Mu Feng.

"What are you? If someone from above hadn't asked me to come and have a look, I wouldn't have come to this ruined city mansion." A big man roared at the main hall.

"That's right, you are the new city owner, who sent us here to support you." Another big man echoed.

"Do whatever you have to do. We won't break the river water."

"Isn't it just a little child? Qiu Shuizong thinks too much about us."


Discussions came from time to time in the main hall. Although these forces are usually competitors, the words at this time are surprisingly consistent.

"You misunderstood. I'm also a newcomer to your place. I hope you can forgive me if there is anything wrong."

"If there's nothing wrong, we have to go." Some people began to shout.

"Please wait a moment. I have something to say." Mu Feng said lightly.

Looking at everyone's impatient faces, Mu Feng continued, "Mu Feng has only one small request. If one day I have something important to find all forces, I will definitely come to visit."

Looking at everyone's disdain reaction, it is also expected that one day your arrogance will be trampled on by me.

Looking at the mess in front of him, there is no one to ask for money, which makes Mu Feng also have nothing to do. Originally, according to Mu Feng's intention, he established his own power here, but originally the fish and dragon mixed glass city was very repulsive of foreign things.

Of course, if you want to develop your own power, first of all, if you have enough funds, so Mu Feng called housekeeper Liao and said, "Housekeeper Liao, is there any other land that can be developed in the city master's mansion?"

Butler Liao pondered for a while, and then suddenly realized, "There is still a deserted mine that no one wants. This should be the only asset of the city lord's mansion now."

"Mine?" Mu Feng just said casually, but didn't expect to really dig something out for him.

"Yes, because of the rumor that there are unclean things in it, many strong people want to find out whether there is no return, and then they are slowly forgotten by the world." Housekeeper Liao replied.

"What's that unclean thing?" Mu Feng was puzzled.

"No one knows, in other words, the people who know have died in it."

"Is it like this from the beginning?"

"That's not true. In the past, when this mine was first opened, extremely rare ores were found on the periphery. I don't know how much blood the major forces shed in order to compete for this place. The ownership of minerals has also changed again and again, but one day strange things happened. So far, no one who went in has come out alive, and even some super-order strong people died in the mine.

Mu Feng is indifferent when he hears it. It should be a disaster that disturbs something, or breaks through the boundary and so on.

"Is the ore inside valuable?" Mu Feng asked.

"It's more than valuable. It can be called rare." Housekeeper Liao said, and the expression in his tone was never pretentious. He continued to say, "Do you know what the outermost ore was? It's a magic eye stone, which is the best ore to strengthen weapons and equipment. Housekeeper Liao did not hide the heat in his eyes.

"Magic Eyestone? The outermost?" Mu Feng muttered that this kind of ore Mu Feng has seen in books, but it is a rare ore, and the magic eye stone has the most affinity effect of magic elements. Sometimes in order to balance the elements of different attributes, this kind of ore melting is often added.

"But that happened more than ten years ago, and I'm afraid many people have forgotten that such a place exists now. Later, there were often unbelieving adventure teams that went in and never came out. Such an evil family?" Mu Feng thought about whether he should go to the periphery to see the situation first, or ask the elders of the Yan clan to help him.

But I still have to go to the bounty union at this time.

When I walked into the gate, I saw the old man before. At this time, the old man also saw Mu Feng and said, "Little guy, Uncle Wen is waiting for you inside."

Entering the back room, I saw an old man with messy hair pounding some equipment in it, and Mu Feng, driven by curiosity, came over.

"Go away, go away. Didn't you see the old man? Am I busy?" The old man said impatiently.

Mu Feng didn't say anything, so he got a scold from the old man. The old man who brought Mu Feng in next to him said at this time and said, "Wenshi, this is the teenager who said he wanted to find you last time."

"Oh? It was not until now that the old man raised his head, looked at Mu Feng for a while, and said, "Little guy, what's your relationship with Erdo?"

"The younger generation is a preparatory team member of Uncle Erdo. He is not familiar with the place when he first came to Liuli City." Mu Feng replied.

"What are you doing in Liuli City?"

"I'm the new owner of Liuli City."

Hearing what Mu Feng said, the literary master laughed and said, "It's rare that there is a new city owner in Liuli City."

"Since my predecessors know, I won't beat around the bush. The current city lord's mansion can be said to be just an empty shell, without substantial rights, and even no funds to start up." Looking at the expression of the literary master, Mu Feng continued, "I hope Uncle Wenshi can send some people over at that time."

"How many people do you want?" He didn't ask the reason, but the literati asked lightly.

"It takes about 50 people."

Fifty people? What do you want so many people to do? There are not many 50 people, but for a new city owner, the literary master doesn't know what he is thinking.

"I'll tell you then, and I'm not sure now." Mu Feng's original plan was to go to the ancient mine first. If possible, he would send someone to mine. If it really doesn't work, the city owner must have some defense forces.

"If you want ordinary chores, I suggest you go to the slave market, where there is a large flow of people and you may find a suitable one. I only have elite personnel here, and it is impossible for them to run errands for you. The writer replied.

"Slave Market?" Mu Feng was puzzled.

"Yes, there are prisoners of war, traitors or orphans of the sect, etc. You can find the profession you want there." The writer continued, "This is what I lent to you temporarily." With that, the literati handed Mu Feng a purple-gold card.

"Thank you very much." Without much hospitality, Mu Feng took over the card handed over by the literary teacher, and funds must be used for his own development in the early stage.

Next, we should go to the slave market.