Tai Ruins

Chapter 44 "Three Musketeers"

Uncle Erduo and Mu Feng's hands were placed on a stone platform in the middle of the altar at the same time. The faint light overflowed from the altar. Two milky lights enveloped Mu Feng and Uncle Erduo respectively from the altar, and the two were sucked in in the blink of an eye. A snow-white figure looked suspiciously at the position where the two disappeared out of thin air, and then pressed them on the altar with the claws. The light flashed again, and the snow-white figure was also sucked in.

With a flash of light, Mu Feng was transmitted to a mountain and field. He was surprised to find that Uncle Erdo had disappeared and shouted several times without response. Looking around, what is imprinted into the eyes of the wind is a dark world. Taoist mountains are scattered on the ground at will, as if they were cut off by life with great ability. The vegetation here are entangled in dead air and lose their breath of life.

"How could this happen?" Mu Feng muttered, I don't know why Uncle Erdo was sent to another place. Didn't he know that the uncle entered the third floor by himself at the beginning?

shook his head and turned his eyes to the dark sky in the distance. "Oh, forget it, one step at a time." Although there was no Uncle Erdo by his side, Mu Feng quickly adjusted his mentality.

There were a few strange calls of crows in the sky. There was a loud roar, and there was a crackling sound in a mountain not far from the wind. Some huge stones collapsed, and a mountain-like hand grabbed a flying warcraft in the sky. "Crack" only heard a sound, comparable to the seventh level. The thre was caught, and soon the mountain-like giant hand returned to its usual calm. For any existence that broke into his private territory, killing was only an instantaneous thing.

"Si..." Mu Feng took a breath. The existence of the third layer of the eight-degree space is really not something that can be provoked at his own level. No wonder Uncle Erdo could only regret this.

Lying on a dry tree without branches and leaves, the wind lay quietly there, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Shasha..." Mufeng's huge spiritual perception was emitted. A group of three people were walking towards Mufeng's side, holding their breath, and the other party's conversation clearly came to Mufeng's ears.

"Brother, do you think you can dig a baby where this bird doesn't shit? If my sister-in-law knows that we have run to such a dangerous place these days, we will be beaten again. A white but slightly sad man said to the leading brother.

"Little third son, I said, can you not be so sasne? It's more annoying than my old woman." The middle-aged man was dissatisfied.

"Brother, this is not the third son's fault. You know that every time something happens, the third son and I are guilty, so..." Another man did not continue to say, but several people knew it.

"Well, I don't mean to blame you, brother, we're in trouble!" The leading middle-aged man grinned and said with a smile.

"Big brother said very well."

"But if we can get the baby back here, we will send it." Before any gain, the man known as the mistress said excitedly.

"Look at your unforwardly appearance, how can you be the kind of person who can bend your waist for five buckets of rice?" However, the man's next sentence surprised Mu Feng. He only heard him say, "Of course, go back and marry a daughter-in-law first. You see, we are both big, and we are still the most blessed."

The two men were white, and the two men were silent. The leading brother continued, "There is absolutely nothing wrong with the news this time. That thing is definitely in this space. If that guy dares to sell me fake news, let's see if I go back and skin him."

"Brother, what the hell is that thing? Why haven't you been telling me?" The little third son asked.

As soon as he heard the little third son's question, the leading middle-aged man was a little angry and knocked on his head and said, "If it hadn't been for your leak, would my old woman have known about what happened last time?" It doesn't grow at all..."

It feels like a great grievance. Xiao Sanzi covered the place where he had just been beaten with one hand and said with tears, "Brother, can't I know I'm wrong? Besides, there is no one here now... He also said that he is his own brother, which should also be kept secret. The last sentence was slightly inaudible, but it was still heard by the leading brother with a sharp ear.

waved his hand, and the middle-aged man couldn't stand this set and said, "It's okay to tell you two. The full name of that thing is: Shanhe Shejitu, which is a treasure of unknown grade. Legend has it that this picture can transform the world and contains the universe."

"So powerful? Then the eldest brother must know where this baby is on this trip, right?

He left a shiver on the little third son's head and said, "Little third son, the eldest brother has been asking you to read more when you are free, but you have never listened. Think about it with your head, if the other party knows this thing and is sure where they can trade with us in this space? Then can the baby be measured by money?

"What the eldest brother said is very true." The third son and another man flattered at the same time.

"Is it a map of mountains and rivers? Does the engraving that Uncle Erdo refers to this? It's a play!" Mu Feng secretly said to himself and decided to follow these three men. With a ready-made guide, why not?

"Brother, the gray area in front is definitely not good. Let's go around." A gray area appeared on the horizon in the distance, surrounded by gusts of wind, the little third son suggested.

Seeing the gray area in front of him, the leading middle-aged man looked slightly solemn and said, "Stay close to me, don't be too far away from me."

Even if it is so far away, the palpitating feeling is obviously stronger than that in the second space death cemetery.

"Shh...someone!" The leading middle-aged man sent a voice to the two behind him, and then found a hiding place to hide.

Mu Feng was the first to perceive that there was someone in front of them, three men and one woman. He was not surprised to see the three people behaved like this.

After a while, a group of four people in front of them came this way. Mu Feng felt that the cultivation of the man in black in the middle should be the strongest among the four, and the others were slightly stronger than himself. If he faced those three people, it would definitely be worth it.

Watching the change, "Old devil, why did you appear here?" The three men who had been hiding jumped out under the leadership of the leading brother and questioned the leading man in black.

"Gaga, who do I think it is? It turned out to be Geng Zhi's younger brother. If he hasn't seen his cultivation for several years, he will become more and more advanced. Unexpectedly, the man in black and the leading middle-aged man knew each other.

"I ask you, what are you doing here?" The middle-aged man, known as Geng Zhi, was not pretentious at all, and now asked curiously.

"The octave space does not belong to any force. I just come here to bring a few disciples to learn more, but I'm curious about how my brother can appear here."

"At the three-year event, you have to come in and join in the fun..." It doesn't explain your intention. The fewer people know about this kind of thing, the better to avoid extracurricular activities.

The man in black smiled faintly and said, "See you later. I wish you can find your baby here." After saying that, he led several disciples behind him to other places.

"That old devil is not a good person. It's best to have a head-on conflict. If this man dares to play yin, don't blame the brothers for being rude." The leading middle-aged man is as domineering as ever.

"Big brother is powerful!"

Not long after the three of them walked forward, the accident happened again.

"Brother, do you have that special feeling? It seems that we have entered the fantasy. Why have we been spinning in place?" Xiao Sanzi pointed to the strange-shaped and lifeless branch next to him and then said, "I just walked and found that this tree trunk was quite special, so I looked at it a few more times, but I didn't expect to touch it several times along the way."

Mu Feng, who followed the three, had already found such a situation. The silver light flashed, and what he saw in Mu Feng's eyes was that the three had been spinning within the range and did not follow the right path at all. Just as Mu Feng was considering whether to help them, he didn't expect that they also found the unusual here.

"What should I do? The eldest brother is still talking about the third son.

After meditating for a while, the middle-aged man said, "Mark along the way first to see if it can work." With that, he continued to walk along the path in the fantasy and sprinkled blue fluorescent powder along the way.

"Hmm?" The wind in the distance clearly felt that the space inside was changing. Not long after the powder was sprinkled, it was moved back to another place. This was undoubtedly to lure them to the wrong route and have been trapped in it. Moreover, the fantasy here is obviously arranged according to the mountains and rivers, and it is almost impossible to destroy it. It is said that this fantasy also has the ability to repair itself.

"Brother, it's still wrong. I went around twice." The little third son said.

The eyebrows frowned slightly. Just as the middle-aged man racked his brains to think about countermeasures, a stone with golden energy appeared in front of them out of thin air. Another piece appeared not far away, extending far away.

Is this the legendary miracle of Ganlu after a long drought? Repressing the excitement in their hearts, the three of them walked all the way along the road guided by the stone. Before long, a strange scene appeared in front of the crowd.

Different from the original dark and deadly scene is that what reflects in front of everyone is a green world, where the vegetation is full of the sky, and the sound of giant monsters running away makes everyone's eardrums buzz.

"How could this happen?" Everything here is huge, except for the four outsiders, "Or have I become smaller?"

"Is the fantasy just set up to prevent outsiders from invading?" Mu Feng thought of this, and there was a great possibility of forming in his mind. If that was the case, this strange world must be a more dangerous place than the outer space.

"Hu..." A strong wind hit, and several people had a feeling of shaky. If it hadn't been for the timely release of their own energy, I'm afraid they would have been blown away by this gust of wind alone.

Then, a dark shadow flew over Mufeng and several people, "Is this the culprit of the strong wind just now?"