Tai Ruins

Chapter 112 Mainland Mercenaries

After the explanation, Mu Feng continued to ask, "Westa, do you know that there is a place called Tianmu Mountain on this continent?" It seems that the woman didn't tell Mu Feng how to get there.

"Tianmu Mountain?" Westia didn't think of this place at all, and then fell into a brief meditation.

Seeing that West Asia didn't think of it for a moment, Mu Feng reminded him, "Then do you know an old man with the name 'not obsessed with the old man'?"

"Aren't you crazy?" Suddenly, a figure jumped out of the depths of West Asia's mind and said with a slightly solemn face, "Are you talking about the 'unicent old man' who shined like stars a hundred years ago?"

"Typ about his situation?" In fact, Mu Feng is not sure if it is really that person.

"A hundred years ago, an old man with the Taoist name 'not crazy old man' was born and was almost invincible all over the world with a handful of dust. Later, he was completely hidden for some reason. If he could create a half faction at that time, he would definitely gain a foothold on the mainland." West Asia replied, and there was also a deep yearning in his eyes. How strong is his strength to be invincible all over the world!

"Is it?" Mu Feng muttered to himself and thought of an extremely possible reason. Isn't the old man not from this world?

Thinking that I haven't returned to Qiushuizong for a while. It happens that Mufeng also has this plan. Go back to see the fire-headed elders. Since the last time he came back from Cablan, Mufeng has never seen the fire-headed elders again. I miss him a little, and Mufeng has never had a chance to ask the fire-headed elders for a message. As for why I didn't look for West Asia. After all, the elderly elders have a lot of social experience.

It's still the same scene. Every time the old man in gray robe sees Mu Feng, he will have a different feeling. Mu Feng did not come forward this time and went up the mountain alone along the path in his memory. The familiar courtyard gives people an extremely intimate feeling. It is attacked by a faint cold all year round. It is rare to see people wandering outside. Practice is the right way. Maybe at the age of the fire elders, they will use cultivation as a necessary means to strengthen the body and maintain physical activity, and there is no young people. That frenzy.

Knocked on the door of the fire elder, and the slightly old voice of the fire came from inside and pushed the door in. After seeing the people coming, the angry elder swept away his fatigue, approached Mu Feng and asked, "You boy, now you are finally willing to come back. I really don't know what you did last time. If you ask the elder of the famous sword, the other party didn't know anything about it. I thought you were abducted by whom!" At the sight of Mu Feng, the angry elder's tone was full of resentment, but it revealed a sense of joy.

"To tell you the truth, I sent a female elf back to their forbidden place that time, and I couldn't let anyone know, so I delayed some time and didn't inform you in advance." Mu Feng answered truthfully that Mu Feng still firmly believed in the character of the fire elder.

"So you mean that the disappearance of Princess Yunluo in the Kingdom of Caplan was from you, right?" Seeing Mu Feng nodded slightly, the angry elder continued, "Do you know how much shock the storm caused? Not only was Kablan's country been closely searched nationwide, but even the neighboring countries nearby were implicated. I really don't know how you got away."

"At that time, I was lucky enough to get out of danger. Shouldn't I come back safely?" Mu Feng can't tell the fire elder that he is a member of the bounty union. As for why, even Mu Feng doesn't know the reason why he gave himself this task at the beginning, but knows that he must ensure the secret of his identity.

"Well, just come back. Then tell me what happened when you came back this time?" The angry elder is very resourceful, but he doesn't think this boy just runs to see him when he has nothing to do.

"It's really nothing. I just miss you and come and talk about family affairs by the way, that's all!" Being guessed by the fire elder, Mu Feng hurriedly said.

"Oh? Is it that simple? Then sit down for a while. I'll make good tea in the pot first. Let's have a good chat with our master and apprentice. After saying this, Huotou hurried out without waiting for Mu Feng to make a statement.

"..." Mu Feng was speechless. Jiang was really old and spicy. As for this, he had to wait patiently and quietly for the return of the fire.

After waiting for a long time, the figure of the fire elder appeared again. He held a pot of freshly made tea in his hand, opened the two tea cups on the table, poured a cup of tea on the table, and signaled Mufeng to taste the tea. Drink its taste, the head is light, fragrant and elegant; the second drink is green, fragrant and mellow; the third drink is clear, fragrant and sweet, which is really precious, just like appreciating a craft treasure, a wonderful situation, which can be encountered but cannot be sought. Good tea!" Mu Feng couldn't help but exclaim.

nodded slightly, and Mu Feng's reaction made the angry elder feel very satisfied. At present, he praised, "You were not a vulgar person at first, but I was blind."

What are you talking about? Mufeng seriously despises the angry elder in his heart, and he is just feeling it. Is there no need to make a fus? Then the master and apprentice sat on both sides of the table and began to chat. What they talked about most was about the experience and methods of cultivation. What is the way to get the greatest effect? The result is amazing consistency. It is actual combat! And you have to compete with the strong in different regional countries, so that you can improve yourself the fastest. During this period, Sister Xiaofeng and Yi Qiu were also mentioned. Both of them have been working very hard recently, which may be partly due to the influence of Mufeng.

"What do you think can be done to gain the fastest practical experience and broad social experience?" The latter is the most lacking Mufeng at present, while the former can never fall behind. Mufeng found an opportunity to put forward the purpose of this trip.

Slightly pondering, the hot elder began to search for answers that met the requirements of Mufeng in decades of social experience. Suddenly, his heart lit up and his eyebrows rose slightly. It was definitely a good place and fully met the requirements of Mufeng. He said, "I think it's a good choice to be a mainland mercenary. When you have a task, you can go out and do some tasks to increase your vision, and then improve yourself faster in the confrontation with all kinds of warcraft or human monks. But in this case, your opponents are various and your strength is uneven. ."

"Mercenary?" Mufeng has heard of this term, but compared with the high-end requirements of the bounty union, mercenaries are much simpler. As long as any mercenary regiment looks on you, congratulations on officially becoming a member of the mercenary regiment. Because of this, large and small mercenary groups on the mainland are endless, and the tasks of mercenaries are not rewarded. The golden union is so perverted and has a variety of tasks, but this is definitely a profession that can increase social experience. The most important thing is that the mortality rate of mercenaries is much lower. Besides, Mu Feng has a skeleton card. If you want to find excellent monks to fight, there are plenty of opportunities.

Mu Feng secretly remembers that this is a strange city owner, but it is no wonder that Mu Feng is not a person in this world, unlike West Asia, who can receive a good education since childhood. After chatting for a while, Mu Feng said goodbye to the fire elder.

Returning to the master's mansion of Liuli City, Mufeng found the housekeeper Liao and inquired about some things about the mercenaries. Liao housekeeper was happy to tell Mufeng what he knew, but he thought that the young city owner had encountered any problems and needed to entrust mercenaries to help him.

Generally, the mercenary regiment has special places responsible for receiving tasks and offices in major cities. The stronger the size and strength of the mercenary team, of course, the more the main cities that can be distributed. Mu Feng did not choose to join the mercenary team in the glazed city. The mercenary team here also belongs to the two major organizations of fairyland and blood-eating. Jurisdiction, join them, isn't Mu Feng throwing himself into the net?

The mercenary team in each main city is arranged in one place under the intervention of the state, which is also for the convenience of tasks entrusted by employers. If you want to register mercenaries, it is also there, which is equivalent to the front desk of mercenaries. Anyway, you just need to mention the mercenaries to the driver to make it easier to know where you are going. Li.

Qiushui Kingdom can only be regarded as a medium-sized country. Mu Feng measured it over and over again, and decided to go to Bauhinia, the capital of the country, to join the mercenary organization, because it is the capital of a higher country, and the quality of the task will naturally be higher and there will be more choices.

Taking a long space transmitter, Mufeng came to the city not far from the border. This time, he still looked for a luxury carriage at a high price, and the other party was willing to take him to the entrance of the border. He was still so careful, but he was still stopped by a group of bandits. Opening the curtains, Mu Feng saw the group of bandits that he and the famous sword elders met last time. Since he is an acquaintance, it's easy to do. The driver in front of him was trembling all over for fear that the bandits in front of him would lose his life.

"Here, this mountain is, it's me, I... open, this road is, yes, it's my fault, if you want to fight here, stay and buy, buy road money!" The stabbing teenager was still the opening remarks with personality. He was so scared that the driver in front of him knelt directly to the ground and begged for mercy, "You green forest heroes, please forgive me. There are eighty old mothers and full children on the youngest. These are all my gold coins." With that, the driver raised all his money above his head and dared not look at them.

At this moment, Mu Feng came out of the car, came to the driver to help him up, and said to more than a dozen bandits over there, "We are in a hurry. Please make way!"

"Who are you? We are, have you seen it? As soon as the stammaturd teenager saw Mu Feng, he felt very familiar, as if he had seen the teenager in front of him, but for a moment he couldn't remember where he had met.

"Have you forgotten? Last time, four of us passed here together, and you kindly led us the way. Mu Feng reminded him.

"Yes, it's you..." The stablin teenager finally remembered that his eyes looking at Mu Feng were obviously more afraid. That time was really impressive.

"Yes, then we have to pass here, okay?" Mu Feng continued to ask questions.

"No, no problem..." The stammered teenager replied mechanically.