Tai Ruins

Chapter 130 Women dress up as men

"I'll give it back to you, it's so boring!" Looking at the scholar dressed as a man just now, the white brother threw the hydrangea directly and disappeared behind the woman who appeared in the attic. With a scream, the woman's veil was lifted, revealing the true face of Lushan Mountain.

"Wow..." The sharp-eyed person exclaimed. It is true that the woman's face is good, but there is a red birthmark on her left cheek. Although the range is not large, it really affects the image too much.

In this way, the crowd dispersed in the curse, leaving only the scholar, Mu Feng and Baishui. The man in white in the attic almost wanted to leave when he saw the play. Now there is no need to stay in this place. Unexpectedly, he was stopped by a hand behind him without walking a few steps, and it was silent.

The man in white turned his head faintly and was about to be angry. What he saw was a young face, as if he had known each other, and said, "This guy, I don't know what's bothering me?"

"Where should we have met?" In fact, Mu Feng has guessed who the man in white is, but he pretends not to know on the surface.

"Ah, is there?" Staring at Mu Feng carefully, I did have some impression that my brain was short-circuited for a while, staring for a while, and lost my voice, "You, that's you...?"

"Yes, it's really predestined. My name is Mu Feng. I'm from Tianxuan Continent. You... won't forget it, will you?" Mu Feng looked at the "man" in front of him with great interest and said.

After returning to his soul, the man in white continued: "What are the people from Tianxuan Continent doing in Sri Lanka? It's not just for a ride, is it?"

"Aha, of course not. There is also something wrong with coming to mainland Sri Lanka this time, so I will stay in this city for a longer period of time. Are you from here?" Mu Feng asked curiously that this person was Rubby who was defeated by Mu Feng on the second floor of the Hundred War Pavilion. Kathrie.

"You won't get an invitation, will you?" Rubby. Kathleen is really not a fuel-efficient lamp. After a slight turn, she thought of a great possibility. The talent of the teenager in front of her will never be lower than her. She is still on the invitation, and there is absolutely no reason not to come.

Huh? How do you know?" As if his secret had been spied on, Mu Feng continued with some surprise, "Isn't it you too? What a coincidence!"

"Each other, each other, what a coincidence!"

"Then you should know something about the old man or Tianmu Mountain, right?" Mu Feng asked tentatively, after all, it is not bad for him to know more information.

"I don't know... If a famous handsome man hadn't come to me, I wouldn't have come to such a place. Anyway, if I'm bored, come and have a look. It's that simple." Rubby. Kathrie replied with some innocence.

"In this case, we can go together and take care of it, right? I don't know where you live now?"

"Not yet. I just arrived in celebrities this morning, and I haven't found a place to live yet. I can consider the suggestion you mentioned."

"Well, in this case, we will leave first." After saying that, Mu Feng took Baishui to the hotel. Unexpectedly, he was Luby behind him. Kathrie grabbed it and said pitifully, "Mu Feng, can you take me to where you live?"

"Do you want to live with me?" Mu Feng said with bad intentions. Unexpectedly, he was punched and said viciously, "Why are you a mother? I really don't know how your head grows. I just want to live closer and more or less take care of you. You are good-looking, but I didn't expect you to be so bad-hearted!"

I didn't pay attention to her anymore. Mufeng walked towards the hotel and didn't follow her. I didn't expect this woman to really follow, and the most surprising thing for Mufeng was that she opened a room next to Mufeng. Didn't someone live there and moved so quickly?

In the past two days, in addition to going out to eat with Baishui, Mufeng has been staying in the room at other times. Early the morning of the third day, Mufeng's door was knocked open, Luby. Kathrie stood at the door. What the hell are you doing so early in the morning? After Mu Feng saw the people at the door, Mu Feng said helplessly.

"Wouldn't you forget what day it is today?" Seeing Mu Feng put on this stinky expression, Rubby. Kathrie couldn't help screaming.

"Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival. What's wrong?" Mu Feng thought for a moment and replied.

"Well... Do you know, aren't you going to Tianmu Mountain today?" Seeing such a calm breeze, Rubby. Kathrie exclaimed again.

Mu Feng couldn't help sweating secretly and said, "Don't be surprised, okay? Isn't it on the full moon night of the Mid-Autumn Festival? It's early morning..."

You're right, Rubby. Casley suddenly disappeared in front of Mu Feng. Mu Feng smiled bitterly and then closed the door again. The snow-white beast had been sleeping quietly in **, and Mu Feng also sat in ** and did not enter the independent space of the skeleton card.

"Bang..." The door was knocked again. Mu Feng opened his eyes and found that the snow-white beast next to him rubbed his hazy sleepy eyes. He was very unhappy. He picked up the little beast Mu Feng and walked out of the door. As expected, there was white water standing outside the room, so it should be lunch time. When I heard the movement on the side of Mufeng, another door next to it was pushed open, Rubby. Kathrie walked out of the room and looked at Mu Feng with big eyes. Mu Feng really suspected that they had not planned it.

"Go, eat..." Before Bai Shui could speak, Mu Feng took the lead in exiting, and then walked by Lu Bi without saying a word. Bai Shui followed, with a smile on his face. Rubby stamped her feet vigorously and followed.

is still the original restaurant, which is Baishui's favorite, and Lucy followed. This time, the old man's eyes were bright. As soon as he saw Mu Feng coming over, he quickly greeted him. He bowed and said, "A few distinguished guests upstairs, please!" Of course, it was also inadvertently Luby behind him. Casey counted it.

"Thank you two!" Mu Feng said lightly to the old man. Lucy, who heard Mu Feng's words, gritted her teeth and couldn't wait to bite him to death. This guy was too gentlemanly. Mu Feng's next sentence almost vomited blood behind him and said, "Bai Shui, we are so young that there is no need to carry out gentlemanly demeanor like some people."

"You are cruel..." Lubi, who sat at the table next to Mu Feng, only ordered a few dishes and nibbled it alone. Looking at Mu Feng's table, Lu Bi is eating more and more unpleasant. She is not like Mu Feng with fixed assets, but has been practicing with her master, and she is not as entangled as Mu Feng.

"Checkout!" Mu Feng said lightly, and the old man waiting at the top of the stairs greeted him and took Mu Feng's purple gold card. Mu Feng continued to whisper, "It's the lady on the side." Anyway, she didn't eat much, just as a gift. The tip of Lubi's ear had already heard the content of the conversation between the two, and she was secretly happy, but her face did not show anything.

"It's time..." Mu Feng muttered, and then walked towards Tianmu Mountain. Baishui and Lubi followed and came to the edge of the forest. Since the bloody incident some time ago, the human activity in this forest was obviously much less. When Mu Feng and three people appeared on the edge of the lake, two figures flashed. Come out.

One of the young men said, "How many of you are going to Tianmu Mountain?"

"Yes, please lead the way in front of you!" Mu Feng answered.

"I present your greetings." The young man said again. Then Mu Feng and Lu Bi both took out a silver worship post, but Bai Shui was stunned. At this moment, Mu Feng said, "Two messengers, this is my friend. I don't know if I can go to the mountain to attend the class?"

"You can't go up the mountain without a worship. This is the rule of Tianmu Mountain." The man replied faintly. Can't the two messengers be slightly accommodated? It was Rubby who spoke. Kathrie didn't expect to speak for Baishui at this jux.

Suddenly, a strong and old voice came, and he only heard his voice and could not see him. He said, "He is a guest. Xiaolong, please let them go into the mountain!"

nodded slightly and saw the woman holding a green Xiao by her mouth and blowing it. The melodious sound of flute spread throughout the forest. Somewhere in the lake began to boil, and then a huge monster emerged from the surface and swam towards the lake.