Tai Ruins

Chapter 199 Promotion to Advanced

At the end of the test, it was almost time for dinner. Today, Mufeng and the two were invited to have dinner together again, but Mufeng politely refused. The task had been completed, and the stay would only be looked down upon by more people. Murong Liuyun had to send Mufeng outside the house. After a few polite words, Mufeng left independently.

I chose an inn and ordered a few wine and dishes. The two slowly tasted them without pressure. Today, Mufeng did not plan to leave immediately. Tomorrow morning, we will go to the Valley of the Villain Valley, and we can arrive at about noon, so that we can go back to the intersection, but we are not in a hurry.

The next morning, the two set foot on the circuit again. It was noon when he came to Manzhu Shahua again. After verifying their identity, he returned again without wearing a black blindfold, which was only for the newcomers. After the bumps all the way and the final space crossing, Mufeng came to the familiar mountain gate. The light flashed in the magic array, and the world of the Valley of Evil Man was presented to Mufeng again.

Send Westia back to the inn. Originally, Mufeng planned to find several other people to understand the situation, but unfortunately, several people were not there. Mu Feng had no choice but to go to the underground competition city, and it was only late at night at night to go to Murong Ao.

In the underground arena, Mu Feng saw the rest of the people, but he hasn't seen Croty until now. Mu Feng is strange. When he has time, he must ask himself whether something is wrong. After saying hello, Mufeng came from the edge of the competitive arena on the second floor, while Lingbu and Lubi competed on the outermost layer, that is, on the first floor of the ring. Baishui and Xia, like Mufeng, are also on the second floor.

"Concession!" Mu Feng looked at the defeated opponent and said, in fact, the opponent's strength was super-level. If it hadn't been for his contempt, he might have persisted for a few more rounds, but unfortunately, this should be Mu Feng's 21st victory.

Once again entered the queue. This time, his opponent has super-middle-level strength. He also watched Mu Feng's competition on the edge of the ring, but when Mu Feng chose him, he did not refuse, but yes, how can he retreat after being provoked by a descendant who is weaker than himself?

The substantial energy condenses on the surface of the body, and at the same time, the strong dazzling golden energy also burns on the surface of the bath wind. Standing oppositely, the bath wind does not fall behind at all. Teleported by, the golden light-enwined palm pressed the middle layer of substantial protective energy, and the result was once again unexpected by the opponent. The protective layer was penetrated by the golden big hand, but the opponent successfully flashed aside.

After a hit, Mu Feng lost his figure again and appeared again, but the disk had appeared on the opponent's head. The faint white light sprinkled down, and the opponent's body was imprisoned and could not move. The golden light condensed at Mu Feng's fingertips and shot at the opponent with a splash.

A dark yellow earth wall flashed out of thin air, and the strong earthy yellow smell became more and more intense under the white light. Finally, it completely buried the opponent's body. At this time, Mu Feng could not see the opponent clearly. The golden big hand condensed in the void and pressed down.

"Bum!" A roar resounded through the ring, and earthy yellow airflows ran around. Even the audience around the ring were not immune to the impact of this sandstorm. When all the smoke and dust dissipated, the audience saw the situation inside. Originally, they thought there was still something to see, but Mufeng's opponent fell straight to the ground at this time, and the clothes on his body were not broken. The breath is weak.

"What's going on...?" The expectation of a man who was relatively close to him failed. The moment his golden hand fell was still so stable, but he had fallen on the stage after the smoke and dust dissipated, which was simply incredible.

Winning a competition again, Mufeng did not have much joy. If you look at it carefully, only Mufeng, the party knows that the shining gold between quietly is the key to victory or defeat. He walks towards the ring inside, where the rivals competes make Mufeng very interested.

Mu Feng's eyes turned to the battle between the heavenly levels. Mu Feng found a problem that had been ignored by himself before. In the confrontation between the heavenly levels, the energy control was extremely sophisticated, and almost no half a drop of energy would overflow before he did it. In the past, Mufeng's release of energy also had the purpose of building momentum, so that the energy would be easier to use, but Mufeng was obviously wrong.

It was not until there were not many people left in the underground arena that Mu Feng stepped out and calculated that it was time for him to act soon. There is also a bright moon rising in the dark night of the underground arena, and a faint white light shines down, shining the surrounding scenery a little brightly.

Quietly leaning towards the edge of the city, the flow of the power of the soul was reduced to the lowest, and the breath of the wind disappeared. It moved by, like a breeze, without causing a trace of awareness by the guard. It appeared outside the city. The wind flashed to the side, and the golden big hand condensed again and slowly walked towards the looming mountain in the distance. The speed was not fast, but it took half a night. When the light of the next day shone down, the destination was also Far away.

walked along the familiar path to the mountain until the pressure that should have appeared halfway up the mountain did not appear, and Mu Feng was also happy. As soon as he stepped on the top of the mountain, he saw Murong Ao not far in front of him. He stepped forward and saluted. Mu Feng asked him about the general experience of his trip, and the other party kept nodding his head with the messy beard.

"Since you have completed the task for me, then be ready to accept your reward." Murong said loudly that a huge energy burst out of his body, but Mu Feng did not feel any discomfort. You and I are predestined, and I am destined to be trapped here in this life. Instead of wasting my strength, it is better to use my original energy to wish you a helping hand and wait for you to achieve something in the future. Remember not to be an enemy of the Murong family.

Mu Feng had already guessed what the other party was going to do. Just as he wanted to speak and move, he was surprised to find that he could not move at all. Murong Ao hung on Mu Feng's head, grabbed Mu Feng's forehead with one hand, and faint white ripples spread down.

At this time, the feeling of bathing the wind is that the meridians in the body are washed by energy again and again, and the power of the soul is constantly roaring. The golden half moon is flowing with a thick golden light, and the black virtual shadow under the golden half moon is once again hovering over the gully.

Flushing over and over again, Mu Feng still felt some pain at the beginning, but later this pain began to decline slowly. Finally, Mu Feng actually began to enjoy this wonderful moment. Mu Feng was just quietly silent in his own world, and the external energy instillation had stopped at this time, but Mu Feng did not Open your eyes immediately.

The flow rate of the power of the yuan soul in the body has more than doubled, and the originally chaotic and invisible hazy area has been developed again. While the power of the gen soul has undergone earth-shaking changes, the golden half moon in the sky has still not changed, but now the wind has also S contented, he opened his eyes and saw Murong Ao with a few white hair in front of him.

"Senior, thank you for your success, but won't this cause great damage to yourself?" Mu Feng looked at Murong Ao and asked worriedly.

"Well, little friend, you don't have to worry about it. It only takes me a few years to live." Murong said cheerfully, even if he had just lost his own life for a few years.

"Thank you, senior. I will definitely come and spend more time with you when I have time." Mu Feng said with his fist, and then went down the mountain under the eyes of the other party.

Until he came to the foot of the mountain, Mu Feng finally took a look at the top of the mountain, and then muttered, "How long have I been looking forward to this? The emperor will live up to it." Mu Feng couldn't help laughing, and then the golden energy began to slowly overflow from Mu Feng's body. After reaching the super-level strength, it can condense the substantial defense layer of the body's energy, and if it reaches the heavenly strength, it can fly freely.

In an instant, the body of the wind was covered with a layer of golden particles, and even the head was no exception. The golden big hand condensed in the void and went straight down to the Mu Feng under the current defense. With a loud roar, the Mu Feng appeared in place with the dissipated light, and the golden light was only slightly dim than before. Mu Feng smiled and went to the border city of the Valley of the wicked.