Tai Ruins

Chapter 208 Dark Space

Colorful crystal crystals began to appear on the inner wall of the originally simple cave. Walking in the cave, you seem to be in a gorgeous world, a little trance, like a dreamlike. As we continue to walk, strange biological bones appear on the edge of the cave. These creatures have the signs of both humans and warcraft. Some bones have been weathered for a long time, and the more they go in, the higher the "freshness" is.

Although there were doubts along the way, Mu Feng did not ask. If the Beast King wanted to tell himself, he would definitely say it. The stone cave is getting wider and wider, and the size of those bones is getting bigger and bigger. Almost all the bones are killed by being hit by the heart, or directly scratching the head.

The originally colorful stone walls began to appear black, and there was also decay on the ground, but the bones here were not reduced, and even piled up like hills. The beast king led the way, and the two stepped on the bones and made a crisp sound. The road had been buried by the bones.

"Kho, Kaka..." The crisp voice echoed in the cave, and finally the Beast King stopped in a confused area with a dark atmosphere. The bones on the side were scattered casually, and Mufeng actually saw the previous two twin brothers here. The two stood on both sides with no expression on their faces, even if they saw the king of beasts coming.

"What's the situation?" On the edge of the confused and dark space, the Beast King stood still, and Mu Feng also stopped and asked.

"It may not take long for a 'blowout' to appear. Send him in after this wave is over." One of them replied, his voice was a little mechanical and cold.

"Hmm!" Then the Beast Dynasty said to Mu Feng, "It's an honor for you to go to the dark space instead of the orc. This time you only have two tasks: first, successfully enter the orc's only base camp in the dark space and make progress there, and second, come back alive!"

"Is that all? This road is dangerous, at least give a decent defense baby or something. After listening to the words, Mu Feng contacted what he had seen and heard along the way and said.

"Hehe, baby, there is no, but this thing can save your life in times of danger." The beast king smiled, and then took out a fiery red fruit from his body and handed it to Mu Feng. Take it, at least it's better than nothing. There are a lot of bottles and cans in my space ring, as well as the yin and yang reincarnation fruit, one of the three holy fruits, but this fiery fruit should not be ordinary.

"Where is that dark space, and the nobles may even take root and grow in it?" Mu Feng asked curiously.

"I can tell you the basic situation in detail! Dark space is a space opposite to the real world. It is a world shrouded in darkness. The law of the jungle is the inevitable law of any place where there are creatures. As for the ordinary people there, they are somewhat similar to human beings, so human beings can better adapt to the environment there. As for the creation of the Beast Alliance, it is An old man of our family, and the white bones you see on the ground are left by creatures that escaped from the cracks.

"Isn't it right to go down to this dark space?" Mu Feng said doubtfully.

"You don't need to worry about this. The only way to the dark space to this world is at your feet, and I also want to prevent them from disturbing the balance of the world's order." Then the Beast King continued: "And if you go from the world to the dark space, you will randomly appear in a place there. It has been several years that you haven't seen the sacrifices that went down! It may be dead, or..."

"How can I come back if I receive information?" This is also what Mufeng is concerned about.

"If you succeed in getting the Beast League, our predecessors will naturally tell you how to come back, so you just need to do what I said. You have no other choice. I'm afraid this is the best choice for you." The beast king said lightly, and then the twin man's voice came, saying, "They are coming..."

Then I saw the black dark ferry constantly surging with black gas, and Mu Feng retreated far away at the instruction of the Beast King. The black gas surged, and soon three human figures came out of the dark space. At a glance, Mu Feng was not roughly different from normal human beings. The difference was that the three sat down with a huge monster.

As soon as the three appeared, they encountered the interception of the three beast kings, and the battle was imminent. The strength of the two of the three was comparable to that of the twin men, and the beast king who did not know how deep his strength suppressed the opponent with all aspects.

The unpretentious attack, the energy of mutual attacks fluctuates greatly. More importantly, for people with the strength of Mufeng, the pressure emitted is as heavy as the mountains. The golden energy is full of Mufeng's body surface, and the sub-sacred weapon is held in his hand, but even so, the power still makes Mufeng a little breathless. Over the breath.

Carefully watching the battle situation in the middle of the field, no matter what kind of attack the opponent uses, the beast king can defeat it with his hands and feet, which makes Mu Feng's heart. Some of his attacks are gorgeous enough, but the effect is far less real. Then there were changes in the battlefield. Three unknown monsters, which were originally fierce, could not withstand such a powerful atmosphere of destruction. One body burst directly, and the other was directly scratched by the head by the Beast King, and finally the only one was killed directly.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, the three people who came from the dark space wanted to escape back, and the three people in front of them were surprisingly powerful. Three figures quickly flashed towards the dark space behind them. Want to go? Since you come here, you have to leave something at least!" The talking beast king grabbed the last man with one hand, and at the same time, the beast king's body flashed in a jumping space.

"Sneak..." The simple big hand directly grabbed each other's body, and the two people in front of them also found that something was wrong with their partners behind them and roared at the Beast King, but at this time, the two figures were blocked by the twin brothers respectively.

"Go!" One of them shouted, and then the two left the slightly weak man and jumped into the dark space. And the last man was captured by the beast king and could not move at all. The energy in his body was suppressed by the beast king and could hardly flow. It was absolutely impossible to escape.

"What do you want?" The man who was subdued asked faintly.

"What do you want to invade the world and build a bridge to the dark space? If it hadn't been for this irreparable crack, you dark creatures could have stepped on in the world!" The voice of the Beast King was extremely rough and did not arrogant.

"If you want to kill, you are at your convenience. Although the three of you are strong, it is impossible to resist the pace of dark space. Don't you find that the enemy has become bigger and bigger?" The man said with a disdainful face.

"Is that so? Then go to hell." As soon as the Beast King grabbed it with one hand, the man was pinched in the palm of his hand, and the blood and flesh flew around, but he fell by himself without reaching his body. Then Mu Feng, who was still hiding in the distance, said, "It's your turn now!"

Mu Feng's figure came from the distance of the cave, stood in front of the three people, and said, "Let's start!" Since you can't avoid it, face it bravely.

nodded slightly, and the three beast kings dispersed and stood in a positive triangle. Mu Feng was involuntarily controlled by a powerful force and floated towards the entrance of the dark space. Then a faint white aperture formed on the surface of the wind, and the strong light pattern fluctuated from time to time.

"This is a shield for you, which can offset the great power driven by you across the world barrier. Good luck, little guy!" The Beast King finally said that the aperture fell towards the dark space below under the pull of that force.