Tai Ruins

Chapter 239 Revenge

Five days later, the originally slightly lively manor seemed a little deserted. A large number of contestants left, and it also seemed empty. Mu Feng and Jin Ling walked away and did not meet any other contestants, and now it was noon. Although this, the black sun in the sky only There is a faint white light on the edge, so as not to let the whole dark space fall into eternal darkness.

Walking towards the house where he lived, he didn't expect that there was a figure at the door of the room. From a distance, it was a bumpy and tall woman. At first glance, she looked almost as tall as Mu Feng, but with her back to the two, so Mu Feng could not see who the other party was, and In Mu Feng's perception, he couldn't find a trace of the other party's breath.

After sensing that someone was coming, the woman turned her head. When Mu Feng saw the woman, she looked shocked. This person was not someone else but the master of the "Black Widow" group, the enchanting woman. The other party appeared here at this time. Obviously, he was looking for the two of them to come over. He paused in front of the door and saw that the woman did not speak, Mu Feng stepped into the room.

Unexpectedly, she was stopped by the woman in an instant. Mu Feng stopped and looked at the other party waiting for the next step. Isn't it impolite to see guests waiting outside the door without saying hello? The woman turned her sexy eyes and looked at Mu Feng, which was extremely **.

"I don't know that the girl is waiting for us, otherwise how can we ignore it?" Mu Feng's heart was shocked and knew that the woman in front of him was definitely not as simple as that. If he didn't pay attention, she might be crushed to pieces.

"Gig..." After hearing Mu Feng's words, the woman covered her mouth and smiled, and then continued, "Girl, I can be your grandmother. Little guy, you are so funny."

Mu Feng's heart is sweating. Sure enough, the woman's appearance is extremely deceptive, but the woman's strength is beyond doubt, but with Jin Ling beside her, so Mu Feng doesn't need to worry too much. He said, "I don't know what's going to do with us?"

"No, I think you two are good. I want to invite you to join the 'Black Widow' group. You should know that our superiors are a special organization, and our strength in the imperial capital is also deeply rooted. I wonder if you two are interested?"

"We are just two scattered people, secular disputes and so on, and we don't like to be bound by the rules, so I'm afraid we will disappoint our predecessors." Mu Feng refused.

"Is that so? Then I hope you two can think about it." After saying this, the woman playfully looked at Mu Feng and walked to Jin Ling and deliberately staggered into Jin Ling. Unexpectedly, she was easily avoided by Jin Ling, which reflected that the speed was really beyond ordinary people.

The woman's temptation was dodged, and the woman was extremely surprised that the other party could still maintain this reaction in this unconscious state. She estimated it well. After seeing this situation, Mu Feng motioned Jin Ling to ignore her, and the two walked into the house.

"Oh, how dare you offend me, is that man...?" After seeing Mu Feng leave, the woman said viciously that the person she referred to certainly meant Jin Ling. Although she deliberately leaned on it just now, it was unloaded by a strange force, and the other party skillfully avoided it.

There was nothing to say at night, and the woman was also funny. She didn't harass the two again at night. The dark red moon flows quietly, and black instead of dark red. When a new day comes, Mufeng gets up early and goes out of the door after washing. He sees him quietly floating in mid-air looking up at the sky. When he sees Mu Feng coming, he does not turn around. If others see it, there will be many misunderstandings.

Today is the 12th to 6th competition. Unlike other selections, which are eliminated one by one. The competition is cruel. Half of the players will still advance. The remaining six will determine the top four, and the other two will be disqualified. Early in the morning, the old man of the Dark Temple waited for Mu Feng at the door of the manor.

Under the leadership of the old man, he took a carriage to the dark arena. With the decrease in the number of competitors, fewer and fewer participants marched from the main channel. Twelve people only competed in six groups. The fewer matches there are, but the quality is getting higher and higher. There are still four people left in the "Black Widow" group in the imperial capital, which is still the highest in the whole audience. Below are Mu Feng in the Golden City.

At this judicament, the quality of teammates is also higher. In addition to the two intermediate players of Mufeng and Jin Ling, there is only one at the peak of the realm, and almost all the others are at the level of heaven. The order of the competition was determined, and the girl in the sky reported the number of the first group of contestants.

In the first round, Mufeng and Jinling Lunkong, the strength of the opponents are all primary. One is from the "Black Widow" group, and the other group is from the other main city. They are similar in age, 27 or 8 years old. Since they have all gone through trial to this point, there is naturally no mediocre.

Although Mu Feng sat on the lounge table and carefully observed any two people on the stage who were conducting the competition. Although the members of the "Black Widow" group were the best in a thousand, their opponents were also not weak, and any negligence would lead to the turn of the competition results.

It can be said that the two are equal in terms of skills and the grasp of the fighter. At the same time, the two completed the animalization. A red snake warcraft appeared in the huge competitive ring, and the member of the "Black Widow" group was a dragon with a king's spirit. The huge dragon swallowed, two Only Warcraft can be said to be a distant relative of the real dragon, and the dragon can be transformed into a real dragon through some opportunities.

The huge dragon breath was dodged by the red dragon, and its strong body was entangled towards the earth dragon. Unexpectedly, the earth dragon did not have any intention of dodging at all. It was entangled and getting tighter and tighter. Roar..." A loud dragon sounded through the whole venue. The body that had been tightened by the red dragon was slowly getting out of the opponent's grasp. A more unexpected side appeared. The huge ground dragon actually opened its blood plate and bit directly at the opponent's shining red scales.

The light overflowed, and the blood overflowed along the scales of the red dragonfly, and the red dragonfly was thrown away with a tail. After that, the competition process gradually entered the rhythm that the earth dragon could master, but the opponent was quite persistent. Finally, half an hour later, the member of the "Black Widow" group won and got the ticket to the top six.

The second competition did not turn to be the members of the Black Widow, but the match between two other players from the main city. The overall competition did not have much highlights, and finally won with one of the contestants who performed well in this game.

The third competition turned to No. 33 Jin Ling again. Seeing Jin Ling appear, the girl in the sky also struggled to cheer for Jin Ling. Even if the opponent is a primary opponent of the "Black Widow" group, Jin Ling's strength is obvious to all, and the whole audience is fighting for it. Shout.

"Oh!" The opponent said dissatisfiedly that the enchanting woman originally let herself take the initiative to admit defeat, but how could he endure this humiliation, although he knew that he might bear great consequences afterwards. The man with a remnant shadow rushed to Jin Ling, and a faint golden light curtain appeared. The opponent's attack slowed down, and he could not break the barrier in any case.

A small range of gold elements rushed towards the opponent, and the opponent who noticed this situation immediately adjusted and skipped towards the periphery. The golden light disappeared, but the next moment suddenly appeared beside the opponent. The opponent's body was slowly metalizing, but he could not organize at all, even if the knot after becoming a beast It's still the same.

In an instant, he passed by and came to his opponent. The mechanical, cold voice came without any emotion, saying, "Con admit defeat? Or die!"

He swallowed his saliva with difficulty, and cold sweat instantly flowed out of the man's temples and said, "I admit defeat!" The result was not unexpected, and the fourth game that followed, Mu Feng played, and the opponent was the ice armored beast man who gave Luo Ke a defeat. Although he did not know that Luo Ke was now in the arena, Mu Feng decided in his heart that he must win the competition.

The light curtain that originally blocked between the two slowly disappeared. Mu Feng was not in a hurry to move. The opponent and the opponent knew each other. The more they understood, the more likely they were to win.