Tai Ruins

Chapter 247 Rewards

"It's time to end!" Mu Feng took back the water spirit beads and muttered, and his ability was fully restored, while the Titan's claws that came into contact with the flame of the fire spirit beads emitted a scorching smell. It took a long time before the flame slowly extinguished, and the claw had been blurred by the burned flesh.

The golden light filled the surface of the stone blade again, and rushed to the opponent with fire beads. The golden blade of light crossed, and the already injured Titan beast was hit in the front. A deep opening was cut open, and purple blood suddenly gushed out.

Because of the protection of the fire spirit beads, Mu Feng has no need to worry at all. If the opponent tries to attack him, the hot flame of the fire spirit beads can definitely force the opponent back. However, Titan's offensive and defensive ability is indeed extremely strong, and even in this situation, it can still make defense.

"Do you want to do it again?" Mu Feng muttered that the only thing he could do was the exclusive martial arts skills that could cause large-scale physical damage to his opponents.

The black space fault appeared again, the rolling black fog formed in the fault again, the cyan claws poked out again, and the two Lori girls hid far away at the first time. The silky black gas was entangled, the target was locked on the Titan below, and the sharp claws fell down again.

"Bang..." is another deep gully. Titan's body was smashed into the ground again, and Mufeng looked extremely weak. The huge fire element of the fire spirit beads spread directly into the gully below.

"Roar!" The painful roar came from under the gully, and then the voice became weaker and weaker until it completely disappeared. The fire element that originally permeated the gully was sucked back by the fire beads, and then quietly waited for the result. A human figure actually climbed up from the bottom of the gully, and the purple blood on his body fell one by one. However, even after such a serious injury, the man still insisted on climbing up from below.

Draging his dilapidated body, he staggered towards Mu Feng, who was ready for water beads at any time. With a plop, the man fell straight down. Although he could not continue to move forward, the other party still looked at Mu Feng unwillingly. This was definitely an indelible battle in his life.

"You lost!" Mu Feng whispered that his eyes, which had been glared, closed after hearing this. At the end of the competition, Mu Feng won the championship of this dark competition, and because the men in the "Black Widow" group had lost their fighting ability, Jin Ling won the second place. In this way, this dark competition has been completed. The department is over.

"Hahaha..." Just after the game, a bright laugh exploded over the venue, followed by a black figure slowly stepping over the void, and then settled down at the venue and said, "It's really wonderful. You are all very good, especially the blonde young man, and of course the little guy. , and the only bloodline of the Titan clan.

This is an unfathomable man, which is judged by his voice, but everyone knows that people at this level are definitely hundreds of years old.

"I can't help it. Let me finish this year's Dark Competition." The man continued, and then slowly landed on the ring that automatically repaired the gully.

"The corresponding rewards for the fourth to tenth place in this dark competition will be sent by a special person after the conference, and the rewards for the champion, runner-up and third runner-up are, ah, keep it a secret first. The group of old guys want to see the three winners this year, and the rewards will also be given directly to you at that time." The man also pretended to be mysterious and said.

Then the two Lori commentators maintained order at the scene, and the crowd began to leave gradually. The man called Mu Feng in turn, Jin Ling and the orphan of the Titans, and then walked out of the main channel. After entering the special vehicle, several people have been silent, and the man speaks out to adjust the atmosphere, but what he sees most is Jin Ling, a young man whose strength has been suppressed in the middle level.

It's been almost an hour's drive when the carriage stopped. The group got off the carriage and the man took the lead in front of them. This is a palace-like existence, and the defense is also extremely strict. Here you can see many powerful guards. After seeing the man in black, they did not speak out and strictly guarded their posts.

The huge main hall is composed of dark rocks. There is no gate here. Under the leadership of the man, he walks directly into it. In the large main hall, there are only four people who can't see their age clearly. Maybe not. All four of them are shrouded in black.

When the man took the three to the middle of the hall, he retreated to a side seat and then said, "These three are the top three of this dark competition conference. If you have any instructions, please feel free."

"Do you have any eye-catching?" An old man on the left said.

Huh? Is the quality of this dark competition so low? A woman on the left said gently that although there were old-fashioned beings sitting on it, no matter how good her figure and voice were, she would never be provoked.

"Hualiu, don't underestimate them. These three are almost all talented people, and the blonde youth is the most important, and that boy is also good." An old man on the right said, his voice was a little chattering, which was very strange.

"Yes, the first and second place rejected the kind invitation of my Dark Temple. Such a talent is really rare!" An old man on the right answered.

The four people sitting on the high platform talked about it, and the three people standing below were also confused. What was this meeting? The man next to him finally couldn't hear it. He coughed to remind the people above, and the noisy sound above stopped.

"Well, let me talk about the first three rewards of this dark competition conference. First of all, the substantive rewards. The first place will get a 'nine-turn Xuandan', any book in infinite space, and enjoy the VIP treatment of the 'Four Temples'. This is the treatment of champions. Of course, there is another one The realization of the request. The old man's crisp voice came.

Then he saw the man next to him take out a black brocade box and give it to Mu Feng. He said, "This is the 'nine-turn Xuandan'. If you don't know the purpose, you can inquire about the people who know it, and this is the 'four elephant rune'. Those who hold this rune can get our help in any main city."

"The winner gets two 'six-turn Xuandan' and any book in infinite space; the third winner gets a 'six-turn Xuandan', one book in infinite space. Of course, you have the choice to join any temple, and it takes effect immediately. As for your wishes, you can Let's talk about it when you return from infinite space. The man next to him said again, and then took out three brocade boxes and distributed them to Jin Ling.

"Then, when you go to infinite space, you have an hour, and as soon as time passes, whether you succeed or not, it will be transmitted immediately." After the man finished speaking, the three of them felt a white light flashing under their feet at the same time, and then the three disappeared into the hall at the same time.

"Is this infinite space?" Mu Feng asked Jin Ling on the side. What appeared in front of him was a confused white, and the visibility was very low. Even the other two people on the side were wrapped in white fog.

"This is an independently opened space with a large range, and there are indeed many suspended books or imprints in your mouth, such as the so-called skills, but some of them are very secret." Jin Ling looked around for a short time and replied.

"Then can you take me to find powerful skills?" Mu Feng's question is also a matter of course. After all, he only has an hour.

"Powerful? Only what suits you is the best. Even if you have the strongest skills, you are not suitable and can't exert your complete ability, it's useless.

"Well... I know." Mu Feng, who heard Jin Ling's click, also realized something and replied.

Then the three went in three directions and walked alone. Mufeng chose the west, and for some reason, he kept walking. There seemed to be no end in this space. Standing still, the silver eyes quietly replaced the black eyes, and the silk original power flowed into Mu Feng's eyes, breaking the infinite under the silver eyes. The space shines with all kinds of light, red, yellow, white...