Tai Ruins

Chapter 363 Recovery

Looking at the dead face of the old man Fan Li on the side and looking at himself with great interest, Mu Feng suddenly had a special impulse in his heart, but he was still suppressed by Mu Feng. Then he seemed to make up his mind. He grabbed the Canglan beads in his hand and stuffed it into his mouth. As soon as the beads were opened, a full feeling occupied. Mufeng's mouth is even difficult to chew normally, and his cheeks are swollen.

The flame in his eyes will gushe out at any time. Mu Feng stared at Fan Li and wanted to swallow it quickly, but his heart muttered that this Cang Lanzhu must be divided! Suddenly, something seemed to flow into Mu Feng's throat, and the full feeling in his mouth also recedes.

** feels a little pure, but the faint sweetness of the mountain stream water, and there is no other miscellaneous smell. Then a powerful energy rushed into the originally orderly sea of energy. Ding..." A magnificent ripple splashed in the sea of energy, and this feeling is still spreading and expanding rapidly.

A thin arm rested on Mu Feng's shoulder, and Mu Feng sat quietly in place. Quietly channeling the energy storm in the body, part of which is scattered in the eight strange meridians and part is condensed in the bones, but most of it is still stuck in the sea of energy.

The pale gold around the sea of energy was originally baptized by this powerful energy storm. A large area of it peeled off, and the golden full moon in the sky flowed with a different light. The golden color became extremely chaotic, but it would not cause any abnormality.

On the body surface, a faint golden color filled the body of Mufeng. Mufeng's eyes were closed, his face was flat and peaceful, and his breath fluctuated rapidly and slowly. Fan Li, who was beside him, was shocked. Why didn't he make such a big move when he took Cang Lanzhu? He stared at Mu Feng so that he could help in time when he was in danger.

The silk gold is mixed with the power of the soul, which is extremely strange and dazzling. The trend does not decrease, and the concentration of the power of the soul is increasing rapidly, and even the gully in the middle is overflowing. Mu Feng was shocked, as if he had not expected such a situation. The energy released by Cang Lanzhu was so huge. The meridians were faintly expanded under such a great impact, and the bones were rapidly suffering from this inhuman torture. This feeling was even more painful than practicing "refine the soul", which came from the flesh and The pain of the soul, I didn't expect that the body I had worked hard to cultivate still has such a great potential. The soul power of Mu Feng was originally growing slowly, and this moment was quickly pulled away.

"Si...", Mu Feng was slightly moved, and a cone pain condensed in Mu Feng's heart. The originally regular gold became extremely chaotic. The gold flowed, and the subtle cracks condensed in the meridians of Mu Feng. Mu Feng looked carefully and cracked. Mu Feng could not stop this trend, which was obviously related to himself. The information is different, one-fifth? Or one-third? Maybe it is...

"Bum, bang, bang..." The power of the soul completely exploded at this moment, and even the golden full moon in the sky turned bright and dark, and the flow of energy outside the body was also chaotic. Mufeng's consciousness is heavy, as if he wants to sleep at any time. Fan Li outside has also noticed this situation. The huge energy carefully penetrates into Mufeng's body, but it is rejected by a powerful force, and it is not easy to forcibly intervene.

In this state, the forehead of Mufeng actually sheds a little sweat, his lips are pale, and even his breathing is abnormally unstable. This is a dangerous sign - being possessed, which will lose himself. Fan Li was also anxious, but he really couldn't help the little guy in front of him.

The simple jade-like smooth "Qiankun ruler" suddenly flashed over the power of the soul, and a faint white light fell down. The power of the originally boiling soul seemed extremely quiet at this moment, and the golden streamer slowly calmed down under the white light that was rippling.

From the inside out, the external turmoil also quieted down. The gentle breath, the faint golden light lingered the wind, and the consciousness gradually recovered. When Mu Feng probed his spirit into his body, pieces of gold lurked in the power of the original soul. When Mu Feng tried to peel it away, he was surprised to find this Some gold is actually integrated with the power of the soul.

"Is there so much?" Mu Feng swept the whole power of the soul and muttered that the surrounding gold had been excavated, a large number of golden dots, buried in the black nothingness. However, it is estimated that this scale has increased by more than half compared with the original.

Opening his eyes, Mu Feng saw Fan Li standing next to him and looked at himself curiously. Mu Feng smiled faintly and stood up.

Maybe he was a little embarrassed to be stared at by Fan Li. Mu Feng coughed and asked, "What? What's on my face?"

"There is really a secret in your boy. Just now, I suddenly felt a particularly pure energy fluctuation coming from your body. After your unstable state disappeared, the fluctuation suddenly disappeared, and you also returned to normal. It seems that your boy's harvest is good." Fan Li said lightly.

"Yes, but I only feel that the energy in my body has increased a lot, but it's still the same in breath, and I don't know what's going on."

"That's natural. Unless you are advanced, your breath fluctuation can only be like this. Another way is to compress your breath to that level." Fan Li replied, and then whispered, "It's like this!"

Originally, Mu Feng knew his existence after seeing Fan Li himself, but now he can suddenly feel his breath, and the transformation is only completed in an instant.

"I don't have your ability, but it's really amazing. It's a good choice to suppress my strength."

"Not pretending, but pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger..."

The corners of Mufeng's mouth twitched again. He didn't know what kind of person Fan Li was because of the short contact time. He took time to say, "In this case, it's not convenient for the boy to disturb your old age. I'll go back first." His body flashed and he wanted to leave the place, but he was caught by Fan Li and said, "Little guy, don't you want to slip away until I finish talking?"

Mu Feng stopped and waited for the following. Then Fan Li's voice came and said, "Little guy, when you come here at night, I will pass on your method of restoring strength."

"Can't you do it now?"

"No, you need to prepare. You can come here then."

"Oh, okay." Mu Feng responded faintly and walked out of the library. Seeing that the white sun had slanted to the west, the Canglanzhu she had just swallowed was really wasted a lot of time. Suddenly, she thought of something. As soon as she patted her forehead, she almost forgot what had happened. Ying Xiaoyu will definitely wait for her at the gate of the college now, and her body is rapid Move, shuttle through the college like a stream of light.

Until Mufeng saw two lonely figures standing at the gate, Ying Xiaoyu and Uncle Hao, both of whom had been waiting for themselves. After slightly cleaning up his mood, Mu Feng pretended to smile and walked up and said, "I'm sorry, you two, I'm delayed because of something, but I still have something to do at night, so you'd better go back first."

"You, you..." Ying Xiaoyu couldn't speak angrily. After waiting at the gate for so long, she actually got such a result.

"Then it's settled. I'll come back by myself." Mu Feng didn't pay much attention to it. He told the two of them and walked to the college.

In the evening, Mufeng was not very familiar with Xidaoshan College, so he walked alone on the College Avenue. Unconsciously, he came to a huge pendulum clock, which should also be one of the landmark buildings of the college. Mu Feng knew that turning right from the back of the pendulum clock was the venue to the arena. Mu Feng walked over there without much thought.

The huge arena is empty because school has been passed. Mu Feng chose a position and looked at the middle of the venue. Mu Feng did not meet a figure in the middle of the arena, but the white light curtain was shining there all the time.

It was not until the night that Mu Feng patted his clothes and stood up, and then went to the library. Usually, the library is usually open all day.

After reaching the third floor, two old figures appeared in Mu Feng's eyes, one of which was Fan Li, and the other Mu Feng did not know.

After seeing Mu Feng coming, Fan Li greeted him and said, "Little guy, did you come early? I just mentioned you, and you didn't appear in a moment, so I will tell you the general situation. If you think there is no problem, let's start."


"Well, first of all, we will put a seal on your body, and then put the possible successful imprint into your body. There may be a slight change in it, but I don't know where to go. In short, I hope to wish you good luck!"

"Let's start..."

Fan Li and another old man surnamed Feng met and stood on both sides of Mufeng, with his eyes closed and his whole body relaxed. Mu Feng was waiting for the next ceremony, looking forward to it. At the beginning, the wind felt a warm feeling full of my body, as if I was bathed in the sun in the cold winter, which was very comfortable.

Then, Mu Feng, who was originally silent, suddenly felt that in the originally empty spiritual world, a brand slowly emerged, and Mu Feng controlled his mind to sink towards the brand. It was very easy to penetrate into the brand. With a bang, the brand spread around the power of the original soul around, and a little white light was embedded in the little golden. Mu Feng looked carefully, that is, his inner world was bathed in these full of white light.