Tai Ruins

Chapter 405 Misalignment

"It's a pity that you can't always get what you want!" Yan Hua said, put down Pluto's body on the broken rock of the competition platform, and then slowly stepped out of the court.

At this time, the whole venue was silent and immersed in the previous shock. This is the martial arts skills released by Yanhua, the strength of martial arts. That breath can wipe out any creature, even if your strength is strong, it is oppression that ignores the order.

"It's over. Looking forward to your performance tomorrow. Yanhua and Yan Kuang are both very strong, but you have finally lived up to our expectations, because you are representing our Mu family in the competition, so thank you. Just open your mouth if there is any difficulties in the future." Mu Liu said to Mu Feng when he saw the end of the test.

"It's a little difficult, but I will try my best."

Today's test was over, and the woman said something in mid-air, and then the crowd began to evacuate slowly. It was not until about the same time that Mufeng and the two went back. The Central Arena will be completely closed today and enter a state of emergency maintenance.

Mu Feng and Mu Liu went back to Yanfu and went to Muang's guest room. In the previous test, Mu Ang was seriously injured, and it is also necessary to care about it as his own people.

Outside the room, Mu Feng saw the owner of the Mu family. The latter also greeted Mu Feng and said, "Are you back so soon? Ang'er's injury is so serious that he may not be able to go to tomorrow's finals."

"Yan Kuang is really strong..."

"Little guy, as for tomorrow's match, don't be too reluctant. Security is the most important thing, but this match is still thanks to you. Only the Mu family can squeeze into the top three places, which is really embarrassing!" The head of the Mu family said with a faint smile.

"I'll try my best." Mu Feng said that Mu Ang may be in a coma now, so Mu Feng said goodbye to the Mu family and walked towards his residence.

For a long time, Mufeng's cultivation has been smooth sailing. Although it has gone through several twists and turns, its strength has steadily increased. Until he came to the upper world, his strong self-confidence has not changed at all. When I met the genius of the young generation of the Yan clan, I suddenly felt that I had lost a lot at the beginning.

In the small world, the golden little man's eyes are closed, flashing, faintly white, and the mini version of the universe ruler is quietly suspended in front of the wind. Mu Feng is immersed in his own small world. Although tomorrow's test is very difficult, now the arrow is on the string and has to be fired. There is no need to worry too much.

When Mufeng opened his eyes again, the sky was still gray. He woke up so early, or because of the tension in Mufeng's heart, he woke up early.

The air was good in the morning, and Mu Feng walked towards the yard alone. Light and light, the world's hustle and bustle have returned to the earth, and the purest aura in heaven and earth quietly spread in the air. Walking on the stone corridor, the sky only pulled open a faint light white, and the wind stepped across the stone arches.

"Madam, let's go back quickly. It's almost dawn, and it's not good to be found by the master." The voice was spit out from a woman, but it was still clearly captured by Mu Feng.

"Ha ha, is it so fast? Let's go!" Another sound came, and Mu Feng sounded a little familiar from afar, and then the two figures gradually faded away, and no Mu Feng was found between the two stone arches.

After disappearing, Mu Feng carefully explored the source of the sound just now and looked carefully. Although the traces of someone stepping on the ground were not very obvious, it can still be found if you look carefully.

Under a thriving tree, Mufeng stopped and tied a red silk scarf on the branches of the tree. Driven by curiosity, Mufeng reached out and untied it. The corner of the red silk scarf is embroidered with a golden word "Yan". The silk scarf is soft, but it looks good.

"It turned out to be a silk scarf, which seems to be a souvenir of extraordinary significance." Mu Feng thought about it and hung it back again.

On a full moon night, under the faint moonlight, a middle-aged beautiful woman pulled a little boy about five or six years old. The little boy held a flower bowl in his hand and planted a small sapling in it. She came to the land happily. The beautiful woman behind her smiled and looked at what the little boy did in front of her. What has been done.

"Mother, this sapling was planted by us together. I hope he can always accompany Yaner to grow up." The little boy cut the soil with his tender hands and said with a smile under the sapling tree.

"Silly child, of course Yan'er will grow up healthily and happily, and so will the saplings." The beautiful woman gently stroked the little boy's head and said.

The once beautiful picture dissipated like clouds. What can't stand is time and the unexpected changes...

Mufeng went back to the same road. Although it didn't take much time, the sky was much brighter than before, so he went to his residence.

A strong middle-aged man quietly suspended in mid-air, witnessing what had just happened, and what the beautiful woman did was unable to escape his eyes, but sometimes there was no need to say it. Looking at Mu Feng's departure, the middle-aged man looked puzzled until Mu Feng's figure completely disappeared.

"Bang bang..." There was a violent knock on the door. Mu Feng got up and opened the door. Outside the door stood the owner of the Mu family, Mu Liu, etc., and Mu Ang, who suffered such a serious injury yesterday, turned out to be like a man today, except for his slightly pale face.

"Is it surprising? I'm going to cheer for you today, but don't let me down. If you can, remember to avenge me." Muang said with a faint smile.

"Do your best. The opponents are very strong. Don't give me a high hat." Mu Feng smiled helplessly.

"Look at what you look like now. I'm a little confident. I just teased you."

Looking at the harmonious side in front of him, the owner of the Mu family opened his mouth and said, "Well, it's getting late. Let's go now."

Originally, the Yan people had a special means of transportation to pick them up, but they went there early today, and Mu Feng's two opponents were from the Yan people. It was not unlucky to use his family's things.

After casually taking a carriage, the group headed for the central arena. A little distance, bathing the wind along the way is also to close your eyes and refresh yourself. After arriving at the destination, Mu Feng took up a silver mask and stepped inside together.

Although there is still an hour before the start of the test, the stands of the Central Arena are already full of people. Those who come late can only stand in the aisle. Maybe they are slightly squeezed between the people they know. This is like this. Whether you are a strong dragon or a local snake, there is no exception.

Among the four families, the Mu family was the first to be present, while the Beiming family and the Han family in Xuanbing City did not have a place to participate in the competition. I don't know if they will appear today, but these do not affect Mufeng.

Gently close your eyes and automatically filter those noisy sounds. After a while, the noisy sound in the venue actually quieted down. Mu Feng opened his eyes and saw that the owner of the Yan clan appeared with Yan Hua and Yan Kuang, and behind him were several people from the Han family and the Beiming family. The master was completely together.