treasure hunter

Chapter 1: Primitive Forest

My name is Wen Long. I am 30 years old this year. I am a special soldier. I participated in the armed police when I was 18 years old. Because of my outstanding performance, I stayed in the army. In 90, my superiors transferred me to Yunnan for anti-drug work. Because of my excellent performance, I was quickly promoted. I worked for nearly seven years and finally became an armed police company commander.

I have a very good relationship with my soldiers, especially a young man named Zhang Yi, who is three years younger than me. Except for the names of superiors and subordinates when performing tasks, we are called brothers the rest of the time. He is very good at climbing and living in the mountains, so I call him monkey, because this boy He is from Sichuan. He has lived in the mountains since he was a child. Later, his parents died. It was his lame uncle who raised him. Later, he became a soldier after going to high school, so he knows a lot about life in the mountains.

Of course, carrying out tasks in Yunnan, especially the work of drug control, is very dangerous. Those desperate drug dealers sometimes have to exchange fire with us for hundreds of grams of drugs, and sometimes those drug dealers even hire overseas mercenaries to escort them. Of course, it must be necessary to transport valuable drugs. We also want to exchange fire with them, so we can also say that we are front-line war troops in peacetime.

In Yunnan, there are many continuous mountains and primitive forests, so I need people who are familiar with mountains and mountains like monkeys, so I quickly promoted him to an officer. Of course, the monkey and I also forged a deep friendship. Of course, the monkey did not disappoint me. When carrying out the mission, according to his experience and agile skills, we could avoid danger and even catch all the cunning drug dealers.

Due to the particularity of our work, we often have to live in the primitive forest, even for a few days, or even more than ten days. It can be said that our unit has rich experience in field life. I believe that our army is a force made of blood and iron law, even if it is a real defense. Stealing the front line to charge, it is also an iron lion force.

When we were almost used to this kind of life, one day the monkey received a letter from their village secretary in the mountains. The appreciation was very simple, that is, when the lame uncle who raised monkeys for more than ten years went up to the mountain to collect medicine again, fell off a cliff and died. The body was killed by the same village a few days later. The medicine picker found that the village hastily held a funeral for his lame uncle, but just informed the monkey that he had time to go back and see it and burn a piece of paper for his lame uncle who had not married for the monkey all his life.

I remember that the monkey cried after reading this letter. I have known him for nearly four years and saw him shed tears for the first time. As the saying goes, the man's tears are not easy, and this time the monkey can be said to have completely collapsed. Because I clearly remember that when his uncle heard that the monkey had become the platoon leader, he asked the literate people in the village to write a letter, saying that their ancestors had never been an official. Now there is finally a promising person like monkeys. It seems that their ancestors know that the ancestral tombs are about to shine golden.

But such an old man fell down the cliff because of his poor legs and feet, and fell down the cliff, which was indeed a pity. Later, I learned that in the flash of Sichuan, many people fell off the cliff every year because of collecting medicine or other reasons. This kind of thing is not uncommon in the mountains. I haven't seen the lame uncle of the monkey, but out of kindness, looking at the monkey's heartbroken appearance, I agreed to the monkey's leave and asked him to go home quickly to arrange it.

The monkey knows that this is an example I broke for him, because our team has tasks almost every day. Whether it is anti-drug or patrolling in the mountains, it is very busy almost every day, and in the vast mountains, our team is obviously not enough. When he leaves, one of his platoons He had to let others take responsibility for the time being, so he was very moved.

That night, we received a wire report saying that a group of people were going to smuggle a large number of drugs from abroad, and this is probably the largest smuggling since I became a soldier, so I judge that because the amount involved in this smuggling is relatively large, it is likely to be mercenaries. These mercenaries are all outlaws and still There are guns, and some are even masters of jungle warfare, so I and the political commissar of the company immediately began to survey the map and make a battle plan.

I have three platoons in my hand. In order to reduce the minimum casualties, I have made a very detailed battle plan. It was not until dark that I couldn't share everything before I was ready to leave. Who knew that as soon as I got in the car, I saw the monkey running to my car. I saw that he was fully armed and carrying a Type 95 submachine gun. I knew that this boy must participate in today's action.

He is leaving tomorrow. I don't want him to participate in this operation, but the monkey said with a wry smile, "Commendant, I'm not in a hurry to go back this night. I'll go on a mission with you tonight. This may be the biggest case I've solved in my life. Besides, if I don't go, I'm afraid you will find it. It's not an accurate location." The monkey said half jokingly. I can see that he is forced to laugh, but my company, especially the reconnaissance platoon led by him, must live without him. After thinking for a while, I said, "Well, go to your platoon and let the young men do it well tonight. After catching these drug dealers, I will celebrate them when I come back tonight. "

The monkey nodded, smiled and turned around and walked away. I got into the jeep again and set off with more than 100 of us. According to the scheduled route, we will abandon the car from the sentry post of Highway 4 and enter the vast primitive forest. Then, according to the intelligence of the informant, we have been crossing the 40 kilometers of primitive forest. There is a secret route that smugglers have just opened up in recent years. Little is known about this route, and even we have just known that in us There has been a secret smuggling channel in the release area for nearly two years.

In fact, in the primitive forest, the so-called secret passage is just a road that has been secretly remembered, and it is not even a road. In the dense primitive forest, sometimes a few months, or even ten days later, the marked will be covered by rain or vegetation, which requires a very thicket. Lin experienced people can only identify it when they lead the way, so they walk in places where people are rare, overgrown with weeds, and sometimes even get lost.

When I arrived at the sentry post of Highway 4, I ordered everyone to get out of the car and gather, and then more than 100 soldiers were ready to go. Looking at these morale soldiers, I was very excited. At this time, a unit that really trained from blood and fire looked at them, I seemed to see Seeing what I looked like when I was young, I secretly made up my mind to bring them back completely, because each of them is not only the treasure of the country, but also the treasure of their family. I can't be sorry for the country, let alone their families.

I ordered the monkey to take his scout to the front, because they have the most advanced satellite locator in their hands, which can clearly find the place we are going to, and the monkey can also easily judge whether the road ahead is possible according to the soil, humidity and vegetation in front of them. And they should make good marks along the way so that the subsequent troops can clearly identify the marks and not easily fall behind.

After the order was issued, the monkey took his reconnaissance platoon and left first. In fact, the so-called reconnaissance platoon is one of my own ideas, which is to form a platoon of soldiers who are good at climbing. They are equipped with the best equipment of our company, because they are most likely to exchange fire with criminals first, so they are also known as vanguard platoons. However, the number of people in this platoon is not large, only 15 people, but these 15 people, each of whom is the most lethal and observant person in the wild.

After the monkeys left, I checked the number of people. I still had 100 people in my hand. After asking them to check their respective equipment, they went into the vast primitive forest along the route of the monkeys. To be honest, Yunnan's primitive forest has recovered well in recent years due to the increased protection of the state, but it has also been exploited by criminals. In addition, several large drug smuggling groups abroad attach great importance to the border of Yunnan, and Myanmar, Vietnam, the Golden Triangle and other places The district has a special preference for this virgin forest, so this border has never been calm. I don't know how many drug dealers and soldiers sleep here.

I took the remaining team to shuttle through the middle of these primitive forests. Unconsciously, I have traveled nearly a dozen kilometers. Because the sky is already dark, and the primitive forests here are different from other places, almost all of them are big trees in the sky, and some trees can't be named. The leaves grow very long. Big, it is not a problem to wrap a child in. Some trees have many roots and branches, especially those banyan trees that have lived for dozens of years, which have turned dozens of meters into their kingdom. In short, except for the sultry air, only these trees are the most troublesome.

Of course, there are also those huge mosquitoes that are unimaginable in the mainland, which can bite ordinary people's arms like a small bowl, and some nameless poisonous insects. The most terrible thing is those haunted poisonous snakes, because our troops do not have medical personnel, so I They don't have detoxifying serum. Even if they do, no one knows what kind of poisonous snake they will encounter, so it is impossible to bring so much serum.

Just as I was leading the team to follow the marks left by monkeys and others, I suddenly felt a chill on the back of my neck. It seemed that something had climbed to my neck. I was shocked. Years of jungle experience told me that what was on my neck was likely to be a snake and hot. In the jungle, there are few snakes without poison, and most snakes are more or less toxic.