treasure hunter

Chapter 7: Mountain Xiao

The monkey and I were trapped in the corridor and were discussing how to get out, but the monkey proposed a way to put their underwear on their heads. I was a little angry and said, "Farm, I don't do that kind of thing. Besides, I never wear underwear. What do you want me to put on my head?" When the monkey saw me like this, he smiled and said, "Commpanist, to be honest, I have known for a long time that you don't wear underwear, so I came up with this idea. More importantly, I want to hear you say it yourself."

When I heard the monkey's words, I immediately cried and laughed and said, "What time has it been? You are still in the mood to joke. When the flashlight is exhausted, not to mention wanting to arrest people, even we can't get out of here." Seeing that I was really angry, the monkey had to giggle and said, "Commendar, in fact, I'm not joking with you. This is indeed a local method. It is said that underwear is to ward off evil spirits, so he put his underwear on his head. This is also the only local way to hit the wall in our hometown."

I thought about it for a while, and then said, "No, this is definitely not a ghost wall. Let's go back first. Of course, it's good if we can get to the initial exit, but if not, we will think about other ways then." The monkey nodded, and now it has to be like this. Anyway, let me put monkey's underwear on my head. It's disgusting to think about it. I won't do this if I die.

The monkey and I began to walk backwards. The speed was not slow, but after walking for nearly two hours, I still didn't see the exit. The monkey simply sat on the ground and said, "Commouran, as I said, it's impossible for us to go out when we meet ghosts hitting the wall." I looked around and sweated. If we really hit the wall, I'm afraid that the monkey and I will stay here all our lives. Without water and food, we can live for seven days at most. And I insisted on coming in. Even if I die, I should die, but if I take the monkey's life in vain, I really regret that my intestines are blue.

Looking at the monkey's depressed face, I was also a little helpless. The monkey put the flashlight on the ground and sighed. I walked over and pulled him up and said, "Don't worry, monkey. I won't let you die here." After saying that, we picked up the flashlight on the ground and looked forward. Suddenly, the monkey and I were shocked, because we found that a ferocious monster was looking at us not far ahead.

This monster is like an oversized orangutan. The black hair all over its body is illuminated by the light of the flashlight. It is really shiny. The triangular head is as big as a football, but its face is white and black. The spreader's uneven white ringworm-like skin, and two eyes look at us ferociously, as if Seeing that the prey is as greedy, this guy is two meters tall and his legs are upright, like a King Kong. At this time, the fur on his chest has been stained red by blood. It seems that a horse was killed by him.

"Oh, my God!" The monkey shouted out loud: "This is his mother Shan Xiao. Company commander, let's run quickly. If we run slowly, we will die." I was shocked. I didn't expect that the monkey could still recognize this kind of monster and quickly asked, "What is Shan Xiao?" At this time, the monkey was almost scared that his legs were weak, and even his lips were a little purple, but he said neatly, "Shan Xiao is the devil. In our hometown, as long as someone meets Shan Xiao, there is no reason to be alive. This is a veritable devil."

Only then did I understand that the name of this monster is Shan Xiao. I have lived in the city since I was a child. Naturally, I can't recognize this kind of monster, but the monkey is an authentic mountain baby. Naturally, he knows more about the anecdotes and strange things in the mountain than me. Now looking at his appearance, it must be this The sudden coming mountain geck must be frightened. You must give him a look that the geck is not terrible. Otherwise, I'm afraid that a geck can scare the monkey. Thinking of this, I raised the Type 95 rifle in my hand to Shan Xiao's head and pulled the trigger violently.

All this was just what happened in an instant, especially the mountain Xiao, who saw me raise the gun in his hand, roared and rushed towards me. I was shocked by the roar of the mountain Xiao, and my head suddenly felt a little dizzy, but the speed of the mountain Xiao was extremely fast. I really didn't know that such a big body could reach such a fast speed, which was almost unclear. But I still fired, and the training in the army came in handy at this time. Rapid reaction shooting is the first criterion, which is also the first requirement for me to train soldiers often.

"Dad..." The fire tongue ruthlessly ejected from the mouth of the machine gun. At this time, I was dizzy. I don't know if there were any bullets that concentrated Shan Xiao, but I believe that even in this case, after a shuttle bullet was fired, at least four or five bullets hit the monster. When I was drowsy, suddenly, Shan Xiao roared, and then I was refreshed and immediately made a judgment in my heart. It seemed that I had hit Shan Xiao.

At this time, I was naturally happy, but there was also a little incomprehensible. The monster's cry actually had a hypnotic effect. No wonder the three drug dealers who escaped here had not had time to shoot. If it hadn't been for my professional training, I'm afraid that Shan Xiao, the monster, would have been successful and my internal organs. Eat clean.

At this time, Shan Xiao was injured and turned around to run away. I was sober and changed to a new magazine as soon as possible. Just as I was about to shoot, I had an idea. Then I pulled up the monkey on the ground and said, "Hurry up, let's follow Shan Xiao and we will definitely find the exit." The monkey also woke up a lot at this time. Seeing that I had injured Shan Xiao, he immediately had the courage to stand up from the ground, and the two of us began to chase after Shan Xiao.

Because of the fast speed of Shan Xiao, after chasing him for more than ten minutes, he could no longer find it. The monkey and I were already out of breath at this time. Looking at some strange places around, I couldn't help saying happily, "Monkey, it seems that we have come out." The monkey also took a look. Indeed, this is a completely strange place. I don't know where the monster took us. Anyway, he has been following it. I really don't know what this place is.

The monkey nodded and gasped, "Commouran, what should we do next?" I looked at the terrain around me. This is a space much larger than the corridor just now. The walls inside are all black, and I can't see where it is here at all. Then I said to the monkey, "Look around. There must be something to find. Let's see the opportunity." The monkey nodded, and the two of us looked around with a flashlight.

After reading it, I realized that this was originally a passage room-like building. There were several huge stone grooves in this room, and the walls were also black, and there were some torch slots. It seemed that this was supposed to be a place where the Tu family worked. , walking inward is a relatively wide passageway, but the passage here has returned to dry, and the color is the same as when we just came in. It is the color of the cyan stone.

I looked at it and said, "Let's keep going. Maybe we can find the exit." The monkey nodded, opened the pistol and said, "Commendant, don't you blame me for being such a bastard just now?" I smiled and shook my head, turned around and gently patted the monkey on the shoulder and said, "Monkey, I know that you must be afraid of Shan Xiao, so I don't blame you. In fact, everyone has a fear in his heart. Some are afraid of snakes and some are afraid of mice, and some of Shan Xiao so much, there must be your reason."

After saying that, the monkey and I walked towards the passage. The monkey continued, "Commour, in fact, my grandfather and my father died at the hands of this monster." I was stunned and didn't say anything. I continued to listen to the monkey say, "That's what my uncle told me. Once again, my grandfather and father went up the mountain to hunt. When they met Shan Xiao, they never came back. I was still young and the adults didn't let me see my father and grandfather's bodies, but later my uncle told me that the whole village people at that time I went up the mountain to find my father and grandfather, and found them in a secret mountain forest. Their internal organs have been eaten. Since then, the monster Shan Xiao has always been a shadow in my heart.

I nodded gently and said, "Don't worry, monkey, I know how you feel, but the next time we meet this guy, we must shoot him, even if it's revenge for your grandfather and father." The monkey nodded heavily and his eyes were a little rosy. I knew that he must have remembered his dead uncle. At this time, I couldn't talk much, so I had to walk forward silently. After walking for about ten minutes, we arrived at a bigger room than just now. The monkey and I were a little tired. After all, we ran all night and the water had not entered. It seemed that we were going to take a rest here.

When I and the monkey entered here, we found that the room seemed to have been decorated. The small holes in the wall and some metal pieces scattered on the ground could prove that there should be a person living or a more luxurious stone room. When I illuminated the whole stone room with a flashlight, the decorations here surprised me and the monkey. The room is very large. It can be said that all of them are made of blue stone, about 100 square meters, supported by several square stone pillars in the middle, and on the right side of the room, near the wall, flat There are three huge sarcophagus firmly placed.

"Is this an ancient tomb?" I hesitated a little, and the monkey was naturally shocked to see this scene. It took a long time to say, "Commion, isn't this really an ancient tomb? So what have we become? Grave robbers?" I shook my head and slowly walked towards the three huge sarcophagus and said to the monkey behind me, "We accidentally broke into here. Besides, I don't think it's like an ancient tomb."

The monkey thought for a moment and said, "Commpander, shouldn't we break into the old nest of Shanxiao, shall we? It prepares these three coffins, which may be for food preservation. I hit the monkey's head with a smile and said, "Don't talk nonsense. According to you, this monster is quite modern and knows how to keep it fresh with a coffin." The two of us joked with each other. Suddenly, the monkey pointed to the wall and said, "Commour, look!"