treasure hunter

Chapter 16: Lost Treasure

"What are you talking about? Is this the treasure of Nanzhao? I feel a little surprised by Xiao Ying's words. I believe that many people are not very clear about Nanzhao, because this country has a history of more than 1,000 years, and Nanzhao is a relatively closed country in Yunnan. I just know very little about it, because I gradually learned about it after I came to Yunnan. The beautiful place once had such a historical ancient country.

I heard that the territory of Nanzhao was not large at that time, but in this not large territory, it included a part of Myanmar, Yunnan, and even part of Guizhou. Although this is only the night I know about the history of Nanzhao, Xiao Ying's words still shocked me a lot.

Because so far, there is a legend circulating everywhere in Yunnan, that is, when the ancient Nanzhao Kingdom was destroyed, their king hid some treasures in order to restore the country in the future, but unfortunately, later the king did not have the following, and that batch of treasures became The goal that people have been looking for for many years, but I didn't expect that this treasure was hidden in the depths of this primitive forest and has not been found for more than a thousand years.

I took the sheepskin roll in my hand and looked at Xiao Ying and said with a sneer, "How did you get this map?" Xiao Ying looked at me, and then looked at the sheepskin scroll in my hand and said, "At this time, when I was buying drugs in the Golden Triangle, I found it in my family. I have been very interested in archaeology since I was a child. I have been looking at this sheepskin scroll for some years, so I had to come and take it back to study it. Later, I learned that it was a treasure map, and It is still the treasure map of Nanzhao Kingdom.

"It seems that you are not honest." I said softly, and then winked at the monkey. The monkey immediately aimed the bolted pistol at him. Xiao Ying saw this situation and her face changed greatly. She waved her hand repeatedly and said, "I'm telling the truth. You have to believe me." I smiled and said, "Since you know that these treasures are here, why don't you come to look for them? Instead, you have to come back at this time."

Xiao Ying shook her head and said, "Actually, I have wanted to find this batch of treasures for a long time, but what is drawn on this sheepskin scroll is just a map of this channel. There is no exact location. How to find it in such a vast primitive forest, so I gave up." I took a look at the sheepskin scroll by myself. The effect is right. This map only draws the passage inside and does not draw its exact location. If I don't come in by mistake, I'm afraid I don't know how long this treasure will be dusted.

"Okay, I trust you for the time being." After saying that, I looked at the sheepskin roll in my hand and said, "Monkey, keep an eye on him. I'll study this map carefully and see how to get out." The monkey answered, and then looked at Xiao Ying. Xiao Ying was regretful at this time. He felt that he should not give me the map, because he was afraid that once I found the exit, I would kill him, and then walk out of here with the monkey, and wait for the opportunity to come back to carry these treasures in the future.

Looking at Xiao Ying's look like sitting on pins and felt, I felt a little funny. I came to the light of a huge night pearl and carefully looked at this map with tired eyes. This map is very simple. It is basically represented by lines, and there are some circles on it. It should be the ghost wall I met when the monkey and I came in. I looked carefully and couldn't help shaking my head. It seems that the wisdom of the ancient people really can't be underestimated.

It turns out that the ghost wall I encountered when the monkey and I came in was just created by the Nanzhao people to confuse people with bad intentions. It was simply outlined with only two lines, just like a hunter's fishing net. It was easy to enter, but I couldn't find it when I came out. The reason why there is no way is that each of these three roads can lead to here, but there is a time problem.

And this mechanism is also very simple, that is, using the underground river water as the power to place some huge boards in the river, or other things that can block the water. As long as the water is full, it will be vented to a certain extent, and the cathartic water will activate the mechanism, and then turn it into a one that you can never get out. The maze, and another passage will open the way to here, and we are attracted by Xiao Ying's horse. If the mountain snake was not familiar with the terrain and took us out, I'm afraid we wouldn't know how long it would take to turn inside.

I carefully checked the channel that Shanxiao took us out of. It was not marked on it, and looking at the environment at that time, it should be that Shan Xiao had also been trapped in it. It seemed that it had made a passage there with its own brute force. It seems that this Shan Xiao was really strong enough.

Then I took a closer look. As for the room above, it was the same principle as the maze, but I didn't find it at that time. As for the passage going out, there are two channels. One is the passage when we come down, which should be the closest to here, and the other is the passage where me and the monkeys deal with zombies, but that passage can lead to Myanmar. It seems that this is a good channel to smuggle.

After reading the map, I remembered all the details inside, then stuffed the sheepskin into my pocket and looked at Xiao Ying and said, "Well, Xiao Ying, since you have been so frank with us, I will also let you live and go back with us. At that time, you will naturally accept the Supreme Court. In the future, your life and death will be none of our business. After saying that, he winked at the monkey. The monkey nodded, took out a spare handcuff from his waist, and walked towards Xiao Ying.

Xiao Ying didn't expect me to take it back. First, she was stunned, and then said with a sad face, "I beg you, let me go. I swear, I will never sell smuggled drugs again, never again." I smiled and ignored him. The monkey walked over, and Kaba cuffed Xiao Ying's hands, and then gently pushed them, "Okay, let's go."

The monkey and I were about to press Xiao Ying up when we suddenly saw a black figure flashing at the door. A young man appeared in front of us with a pistol and pointed a gun at the monkey and shouted, "Sh on, let go of Boss Xiao." As soon as Xiao Ying saw this young man, her face suddenly changed greatly, and her happy face almost burst into laughter. She quickly said, "Chuangzi, I didn't expect you to die. That's great. It's simply great."

The young man named Qiang Zai looked at me and the monkey, pointed the pistol at the monkey in his hand, and shouted, "Quick, do you hear me? Let Boss Xiao go." I smiled gently and took two steps forward. I have seen a lot about this kind of thing and said to the young man, "Strong, put down the gun in your hand. If you put it down, I will let you go. After all, you are also that person's money*. Xiao Ying is not worth it, understand?"

"Strong, don't listen to them, shoot them quickly and kill them. Look, the treasure here is enough for us to eat and drink for a lifetime. After going out, how about I give you half of the treasure here?" Xiao Ying shouted to Qiang Zai. Qiang Zai looked at the treasures behind us and spit fiercely. As the saying goes, people die for money and birds for food. It seems that this Qiang Zai really wants to kill us, because I saw the greed of the beast in his eyes.

At this time, the monkey looked at Xiao Ying, but pointed the muzzle at Xiao Ying. Xiao Ying was shocked and said, "Strongzi, what do you want to do?" Qiang Zai sneered and said, "Boss Xiao, thank you for reminding me that there are a large number of treasures here. If I kill all of you, isn't I alone in the treasure here? So, I can only say I'm sorry. After saying that, he pointed the black hole at Xiao Ying's head.

Xiao Ying said angrily at this time, "Strong boy! I think I'm not mean to you. If you dare to do this at this time, aren't you afraid of thunder? Qiang Zai sneered and said, "Boss Xiao, you are really good to your brother, but no matter what, I also put my head on my belt and work with you. But with this batch of treasures, I will never look at other people's blue. I will make a living with this treasure from now on, but if you also want to get a piece of the pie. If so, I believe that after you get out of here, you will find someone to kill me. At that time, not only can I not only get a penny, but also lose my life. In this case, I might as well be you here. No one knows where I got these treasures from from the new queen.

After saying that, Qiang Zai looked at me and the monkey again and said, "You two, I'm really sorry. I know that you are officials and I'm a thief, so I can't leave you. It's your fault." After saying that, he raised his gun and wanted to shoot at Xiao Ying. I stood behind Xiao Ying and sneered, and then gently put my hand into the pistol around my waist. In an instant, I listened to the highest record of drawn shooting in less than a second. A sound. The crisp sound of gunfire sounded in this hall.

The gunfire was so loud that even the dying mountaine next to him waited for one eye to open, and then completely closed my eyes. I looked at Qiang Zai's eyes wide and sneered, "You're still a little tender than shooting with me." At this time, Qiang Zai still maintained that posture, but his forehead had been pierced by the bullet in my gun, leaving a blood hole with thick fingers, and blood and white brain plasma were flowing from the outside.

The strong boy fell to the ground, and the injured pistol was also thrown on the ground. Xiao Ying saw all this in front of him. He didn't show anything, but sighed slightly. I said to the monkey, "Okay, let's find a way out first to avoid long dreams." The monkey nodded, pushed the expressionless Xiao Ying and said, "Okey, Boss Xiao, let's go!"