treasure hunter

Chapter 2: Go Home

I took this paper from Fang Yi and looked at it. This is a check from the People's Bank of China, with a person's name neatly written on it, "Long Tianyang." There are eight digits on the amount. Looking at these eight numbers, I suddenly became trendy. I didn't expect what Fang Yi said was true. This thing is really worth 10 million. Fang Yi looked at me and said, "Okay, Wenlong, don't be excited. Your thing is actually worth at least this number, because no matter its workmanship or quality, it is incomparable, so the price is fair."

I nodded without saying anything and handed the check to the monkey. The monkey looked at the 13 million number above and was very excited, but I always felt a little uncomfortable in my heart. After all, the money did not come from the right way. Fang Yi looked at me with a smile and said, "Wen Long, just put my commission on my card when you have time." I nodded and asked doubtfully, "Fang Yi, I still don't understand why that thing is so valuable."

Fang Yi looked at me and sighed gently, "I said boss. It seems that I will really make up for your antique knowledge when I have time in the future. Let's not say anything else. Today I will tell you why that thing is so valuable." After saying that, the tea table in the room and fat poured a cup of water: "Do you know how much gold you used for the thing that looks only the size of a palm?"

I shook my head, and Fang Yi continued to say, "I used a full catty, you know? That is, 500 grams. You know, the price of gold has reached more than 300 yuan per gram. In terms of the value of gold, your thing has reached hundreds of thousands. Coupled with the above process, do you think it can be worthless?

I looked at the epidemic with a puzzled face, and Fang Yi continued to say, "Do you know that you are a lion covered with flames?" I nodded, of course I know that. Fang Yi continued: "The production of the lion on it is extremely complicated. Don't you find that even the lion's mane is made lifelike, and the flames on its body are all made by hand. Think about it, the gold wire on it is less than one-tenth of a millimeter. You said that year Generation, pulling gold into such fine gold wire by hand, among other things, this process alone is already valuable.

I listened to Fang Yi talk. I really can't see that Fang Yi has been so thorough in his research on antiques over the years. Fang Yi continued to say, "I said, buddy, if there is such a good thing in the future, you must bring it to me, okay? To be honest, I haven't seen such a good handicraft yet. If there is such a thing in the future, you must sell me one, okay?"

"Well, don't worry about this. If there is anything, I will definitely find you again." I looked at the monkey's eager to talk and said quickly. Fang Yi nodded and said, "Okay, how about this? We haven't seen each other for a long time. How about I pick you up tonight and treat you to dinner?"

I thought for a moment and said, "I think it's better to forget it. As you know, the old man in my family is very strict. The monkey and I have also lost a lot of time over the years. I think we will leave this afternoon and go back quickly." Fang Yi saw that I was like this and it was not easy to force him to stay, so he had to say, "Well, but when I go back during the Spring Festival this year, I will treat you to dinner in my hometown." I nodded and said goodbye to Fang Yi before I left the hotel with the monkey.

We went to the bank first, redeemed the check, then transferred the money into the accounts of me and the monkey, and then remitted 5% of what he deserved to Fang Yi, and then went back to the hotel with the monkey according to the original route. After returning to the hotel, the monkey looked at me and asked puzzledly, "Commier, why don't you tell your classmates that we still have two big bags of things and ask him to help us sell them soon?" We don't have to carry this thing around all day.

I smiled and said, "Okey, I know what you mean, but do you know that if our two big bags are really sold, will it cause the country to doubt? If there are only one or two pieces, it doesn't matter. I'm afraid that we will go to prison for such a large amount of things. At that time, you Is it worth it? Besides, now each of us has divided several million. With this money in the future, we can't do something. As for these two big bags, let's hide them for the time being. Let's talk about it later.

After listening to my words, the monkey had to nod and said, "Okay, I'll listen to the company commander." I nodded, and then looked at the time and said, "Well, now that it has been sold, we have to go, so as not to have a long night dream and stop the car later." The monkey nodded, and then the two of us began to pack up.

After cleaning up, the monkey and I left the hotel. According to the agreed journey, he followed me on the shuttle bus to Baoding. My family is from Baoding, because my father was also a soldier, and he also achieved the position of military commander. Originally, he could have been promoted to a higher level, but he felt old and voluntarily retired. Later, the state arranged for him to live in Beijing, but the old man refused to say anything. Because his hometown was Baoding, he stayed all the time. Baoding.

In fact, Beijing is only one hundred and forty highways away from Baoding, and it can be reached in up to three hours by shuttle bus. My family lives in the military district compound. For convenience, the state built a two-story building for the old man and also equipped him with a car and guards and so on. However, the old man only left the car, but the guards and others were dismissed and asked them to go to the army to experience life, so now except for my mother and sister No one took care of him.

When I heard that I was coming back, my sister asked for a leave and took my brother-in-law and little niece to my father's house, because he has been living outside with her husband since he got married. It is said that her husband is a real estate developer and is very rich. Of course, my sister is also good, especially her figure. Because she lived in the military compound since childhood, our sister and brother are relatively bold. I really don't know how my brother-in-law, whom I have never met, endured her for so many years.

Because I joined the army after graduating from high school, I didn't have time to attend their weddings. Coupled with the birth of my niece, I always feel a little sorry for my sister, so I thought about buying some gifts for my sister and the little niece who had never met.

After getting out of the car, I found that the changes in Baoding have changed so much over the years. There are many high-rise buildings. It can be said that it is already a modern and heavy city. Facing a building that is not high, it is a relatively large small commodity wholesale market. I discussed it with the monkey and had to buy some for children. Then I went to the mall in the city to buy a set of good cosmetics and prepared to give them to my sister.

After all this was ready, I went home. When we arrived at the door, the monkey and I smelled a very fragrant smell. Looking at the door, I felt a little uncomfortable. People probably have a feeling that I haven't been home for a long time, and I always want to go home to have a look, but when you really see the door of the house, you doubt whether this is doing it. Dream, I didn't even know how to buy that leg.

Fortunately, my sister saw me and the monkey standing downstairs from the window on the first floor. In less than a minute, they saw that they had opened. My mother and sister stood at the gate. Behind them stood a very elegant-looking man with gold glasses. In front of them, there was still a non- She is often beautiful, that is, a little girl of five or six years old.

"You stinky boy, you have arrived at your doorstep. What are you doing? Why don't you come in quickly?" My sister's familiar voice sounded in my ear. Hearing her voice, I came to my senses, looked at my sister, looked at my mother, and smiled, "I'm not used to it for a while, hey hey!" After saying that, he took the monkey's hand and walked to them.

My sister hurriedly wanted the bag in my hand, but I was afraid that he would find something wrong, so I quickly said, "Sister, I'd better do it myself." With that, he looked at the beautiful little girl in front of him and said, "Is he Yueyue?" With tears in her sister and mother's eyes, Yueyue seemed to be very sensible and looked at me and said, "Are you my uncle?" I nodded with a smile, and Yueyue's childish voice made me like it very much. Finally, my mother said, "I'm all back. Hurry in the house."

I nodded and took the monkey into the room. At this time, my father was sitting in the living room drinking tea. When he saw me come in, his eyes were excited, but I found that my father had a lot more gray hair over the years, but his heroic posture was still so straight. Maybe this is the style of the older generation of soldiers. I'm back!" My father's old voice made me feel that something soft in my heart was touched.

I nodded and said, "Well, I'm back." First, go up and wash your hands, put down your things, and then eat later. Your mother and your sister know that you are coming back today, so they went to buy a lot of vegetables early in the morning and drink with me later. In my father's majestic and commanding words, I saw a trace of concern, nodded, and then pulled the monkey upstairs to my room.

There are still pictorials of the four heavenly kings, some star portraits, and fitness equipment in my room. Everything is so familiar, and the bed is still the same as before. It seems that my room has not changed at all, and my mother still comes to clean it every day. The monkey put his backpack on me** and said to me with laughter, "Commour, your old man is majestic enough. Did the official do a lot in those years?" I nodded with a smile and said, "Yes, what do you think of the commander of any army when he is most powerful?"

Don't forget the red tickets and collections after reading!