treasure hunter

Chapter 14: Mysterious Cave

I looked back and saw a huge whirlpool rolling towards us. The whirlpool rolled up the mud at the bottom of the lake and made the water turbid in an instant. In less than a minute, the visibility was almost half a meter away. The monkeys, magic sticks and doctors around me disappeared. I also swam desperately to the surface of the water, but the whirlpool in the water did not seem to be planning to let me go to choose thunder. The speed rolled towards me, and I didn't even have time to breathe, and the huge suction sucked me in.

I don't know how long it took. I felt stuffy in my chest and coughed out. With a violent cough, a lot of water was coughed out by me and sprayed out along my nose and mouth. The chest and nose that were about to be choked by water made me wake up in an instant.

I coughed violently while watching around. But the surroundings were all dark, almost out of my fingers. No matter what I was doing in the army, I couldn't see 30 centimeters away, maybe I couldn't see it at all.

I wiped the things around me and lost everything except the backpack when I went into the water. Perhaps because the rotation was too strong, I felt a little dizzy and wanted to stand up, but I found that I was still in the water, but my body had reached the shore. Fortunately, there is still a backpack. Let's look for it first. Thinking of this, I quickly unpacked, opened the tarpaulin, and then took out a flashlight from it.

With a crack, the flashlight was turned on. A pale electric light lit up all around. It doesn't matter, and my heart immediately cooled down. Because this is a super-large cave, which is suffocating. From the bottom, if you go to the top, it is estimated to be at least 20 meters, and look around. Except for my current on the shore, a super-large pool can't be seen at a glance.

Just as I was looking around, I suddenly found something reflective not far from me. If you look carefully, it should be a person. The upper body lies on a ** rock, and the lower body is immersed in water, floating with the waves, like a water monster. The reflective thing is the diving goggles on the head. I quickly put my backpack on the shore, because there are some electronic devices that can't be stained with water, so if you want to go out, you must protect these things.

I quickly swam towards that person and felt annoyed while swimming. If it hadn't been for me, I'm afraid that nothing would have happened today. Now, except for me, the remaining monkeys and magic sticks don't know whether they are alive or dead. At that time, they were not far away from me and would definitely not escape this huge whirlpool, if they were because of me. If it's about it, I don't think I will be good in my life.

Soon, I swam to the man's rock, climbed to the rock, and turned the man over. It's Michiko!" I looked at Michiko, who was a little pale at this time, and the mythical beast explored her nose. At this time, it could be said that she was almost dying. I quickly moved her to this not-large rock and then took first aid measures against her.

When we are in the army, we all know some first aid measures, especially when we are in action, so the soldiers of the army should know the most basic first aid measures. I pressed Michiko's chest and pressed it with my fist. Then I lowered my head and listened. Her heart had returned to beating, but it was still very weak. Then I checked her body and there was no trauma, so I concluded that Michiko must have drowned, but now if it is rescued in time, it will definitely be saved.

At this time, I couldn't care about anything else and began to give her artificial respiration again. After tossing for more than ten minutes, Michiko spit out a lot of lake water from her mouth and neck, and then began to cough violently. I finally took a breath, and it seemed that Michiko woke up. I saw that Michiko woke up and quickly observed other places with a flashlight, hoping to find others. Finally, the emperor lived up to his expectations. About dozens of meters away from me, I found a man lying on an oval stone.

When I came to this person again, I was excited, because the man lying on the oval stone was the magic stick. After dragging the magic stick to the stone, I began to give first aid. For a long time, the magic stick also had a violent cough and woke up. But when I looked for someone else, there was no one. I was a little annoyed and squatted on the oval stone and shouted: "Monkey, monkey! Where the hell are you? Give me a reply!"

When I shouted for the third time, I heard a faint person talking on the water in the distance. I was overjoyed and quickly shone with a flashlight, but unfortunately, I couldn't see anything. At this time, the magic stick also woke up, sat up and rubbed his dizzy head and said, "Okay, Wenlong, the monkey is fine. It will be fine." I know that the magic stick must be comforting me now, because he knows that my relationship with monkeys is not as simple as ordinary friends.

I looked at the stick and said, "I don't care. If I want to see people and die, I don't believe that I can't find a monkey. After saying that, I jumped into the cold and piercing lake. The magic stick seemed to want to say something, but there was a surge in my stomach, lying on the stone and continued to vomit. I can't control so much at this time, swimming in the direction of the sound. I swam with a flashlight. I don't know how long it has been. At this time, I can't even hear the sound of the magic stick. At this time, I was exhausted and swam in the water with a will.

"Brother Long! Brother Long, where are you?" The monkey's voice made my gradually depressed will suddenly wake up. At this time, I was shining randomly with a flashlight, hoping to see the monkey, but after looking for a while, I could only hear the monkey's shouting, and I couldn't even see a shadow. I was a little anxious. It didn't matter. A burst of cold water grabbed my nose and made me cough violently. Then, my chest seemed to explode. I gasped heavily, but my dizziness and chest were very uncomfortable. Then I had almost no strength all over my body, so I had to do. He lay on the water and breathed gently.

For the ability to lie on the surface and breathe, it is a necessary survival skill for every special soldier. Otherwise, it is impossible to adapt to some complex environments. I don't know how long I have been floating on the water. My body is almost numb, and the cold lake makes my body almost unconscious. Just then, I heard someone talking. It was the monkey's voice: "It's Brother Long, it's Brother Long, hahaha, that's great, Brother Long, I'm coming, don't worry!" Then, there was a splashing sound.

I turned over and saw several flashlights shining on me not far away. I was overjoyed. It seemed that there were no casualties this time. Then, I felt the monkey not far away swimming towards me while shouting. I was very happy and didn't know where the energy came from. I quickly swam towards him. After a short time, the monkey and I went ashore and sat on the rock, gasping for breath and didn't want to move at all.

"I'll check it for you!" A sound sounded in my ear, and it seemed that he was fine. Then he asked me to lie down and began to examine me in an all-round way. After a while, he shook his head and stood up and said to the monkey, "It's okay. Don't worry. I'm just exhausted. I'll be fine after a short rest. The monkey nodded and squatted beside me and said, "Brother Long, how do you feel?" I shook my head and smiled gently, "It's okay. Fortunately, you are all fine. Otherwise, I will kill myself." After saying that, I smiled bitterly.

"It's a pity that we haven't found the magic stick and Michiko yet." The monkey said with a sad face. I shook my head and said, "They are fine. I found them and gave them first aid. They have woken up. If I hadn't found you and the doctor, I wouldn't have gone so far." The monkey nodded and then said to me, "Okay, Brother Long, take a rest first. Let's go to them later and talk to them after the round."

I nodded. Maybe I was too tired during this period. After closing my eyes, I felt that my eyelids were heavy, and then I fell asleep. I don't know how long it took. I opened my eyes and saw a lot of people standing around. I looked at it and found that I didn't know when the magic stick and Michiko had come over, and people had also made a fire. I was covered with a blanket, and there were bursts of fragrance from the blanket. I guess it must be beautiful. Tomoko's blanket.

When people saw me wake up, they all came over. The big hand of the stick pulled me up and said, "How do you feel? Are you all right?" I nodded and said, "Yes, it's okay. Maybe I was in a hurry just now, otherwise I wouldn't have slept for so long." Then I looked at the others. Except for the other three people I didn't see at the beginning, the other two Japanese were there, plus Michiko and us, a total of seven people.

"Didn't you find the other three people?" I said with some worry. The monkey shook his head and said, "No, the other three people have no trace of them at all. We searched the whole water and didn't see them, but only found their backpacks and some utensils." I nodded. It seems that these three people are really auspicious.

Collection and red tickets are indispensable!