treasure hunter

Chapter 16: The Place of Ship Burial

The magic stick said to play, grabbed the flashlight in my hand and walked forward. I was still a little worried and followed quickly. To be honest, in this dark place, you can't even feel a trace of air. There is a reflective thing in front of you, which looks a little strange. Although it is not scary, it is also a little strange after all, so I and the magic stick have to be more careful.

Just as I walked side by side with the magic stick, I suddenly found that a flame suddenly rose into the air. Although the flame is not big, it is miserable green, which makes people feel a little cold. The magic stick and I were shocked and heard the magic stick say to me in a low voice, "Be careful, it was a ghost fire just now." What? Ghost fire?" I was really shocked by the words of the magic stick. The stick nodded and said solemnly, "Don't worry, this kind of thing is often seen in the ancient tomb below, as long as there are dead people."

I frowned and said, "But there is no sunshine here. Where did the ghost fire come from? As far as I know, ghost fire only emits ghost fire after the phosphorus on human bones absorbs light. The stick shook its head and said, "What you are talking about is the bone on the surface of **. The phosphorus on the surface of this long-year-old bone has not been evaporated. Once there is a light source, it will turn into a ghost fire." But where did the light source come from? I asked something that I didn't understand.

The magic stick shook the flashlight in his hand and said, "Isn't that it?" This, that's okay!" I looked at it with some surprise. The magic stick nodded and then said, "Stop talking. Be careful. Every place where there are dead people is very gloomy. Be careful. Maybe something strange will happen." I nodded, and then the two continued to walk forward, and this time they became more careful.

Through some rocks, the magic stick and I walked up a slightly higher place, and then the magic stick shone at the reflective place with a flashlight. Just a dozen meters ahead of us, there is a cargo ship-like sunken ship. The ship is tattered and has grown a lot of dust. It seems that it has been here for many years. There are all kinds of porcelain pieces scattered on the ground, some of which have been broken and some are intact.

In front of the sunken ship, four or five bones have completely decomposed and turned into scattered skeletons, and a mirror of about one meter horizontally placed not far in front of a skeleton. The reflection just now should be caused by this broken mirror.

Naturally, the stick and I don't worry about these bones that have turned into skeletons. We both feel a kind of wonder why there is such a big ship here? And how did everyone here die? It seems that these people were originally alive after entering here, but why did they die one after another? I didn't understand. I turned my head and looked at the magic stick. The seriousness of the magic stick was also full of doubts. It seemed that he didn't understand it.

I gave a few signals to the people below with a flashlight according to the negotiated method. It didn't take long, and all the people came here one after another. When everyone saw this scene that made ordinary people feel horrible, no one was scared. On the contrary, I actually saw a trace of excitement in Michiko's eyes. Now that I have made an appointment, the more I believe what the stick said. Michiko is actually a female tomb robber. It seems that it is really right.

After seeing this, the monkey was stunned and then said to me, "Brother Long, the porcelain piece on this sunken ship is not an antique, is it? I heard that these things are expensive. If you get some out at that time, you will definitely get rich. He didn't say anything coldly, only the magic stick smiled and said, "You know how to get rich all day long. Didn't you look at the clothes of those dead boats? Obviously, it's modern. In my opinion, this ship has been dead for no more than 50 years. Don't think about antiques to make money.

After listening to the words of the god stick, the monkey who just thought he was about to get rich suddenly said, "I thought these things were antiques, but now it seems that I'm happy for nothing." After saying that, he looked at the doctor next to him and said, "Why are you like a wooden man without saying a word?" He looked at the monkey and then said, "I guess this is not the only boat here, there should be other boats. If you really want antiques, you must find them."

Really? Great!" After hearing a word, the monkey's originally depressed spirit suddenly recovered and said, "It seems that it's really an endless road. It doesn't matter if there is nothing in front of you." I smiled and said, "Okay, everyone will go down with me, but you must be careful. If you find anything, you must deal with it carefully. After all, this is not a good place, you know?" Everyone nodded, or did I hit my head with the magic stick and take the lead in walking towards the ship.

God stick and I carefully took them to the ship. When we approached, I looked up. The ship was indeed not small. Although it was not big, it could carry dozens of tons of cargo, but how could this ship appear in such a place where birds do not lay eggs? Was it swept down by the huge whirlpool like us? But think about it, there is also this possibility. After all, the whirlpool is so big that the terrible power can swallow anything. I don't think it will be spared even if it is twice as big as this ship.

"Look at what's on this ship. Maybe you can find something. At least find something like a diary to see what happened at that time and why the ship sank here." The magic stick said in a low voice. I nodded and looked around and said, "Don't move here. I'll go up with the magic stick to see if there is anything." Several people nodded and agreed, and the monkey came up and said, "Brother Long, I'll go with you at the waist." I shook my head and said, "No, I can go alone. You and the doctor will stay to protect Michiko and others." The monkey had to nod, and then the god stick and I slowly approached the ship with two flashlights.

As the magic stick said, the ship has been parked here for at least decades, and it is ragged everywhere. The magic stick and I wasted a lot of strength and finally climbed up from the anchored chain. When we stood on the deck, I suddenly found that the ship was much better than we expected.

My foot just fell on the deck and made a creaking sound. After so many years, the wood has slowly decayed. Perhaps it is for this reason that it looks as gloomy as the haunted house in the movie, except for the gusts of wind. The magic stick and I observed around, and then the magic stick gave me a wink, meaning that we would go separately. I nodded, and then told him to be careful of the boards under his feet and not to step on the air. The magic stick nodded, and then we separated.

After I separated from the magic stick, I took the dagger-like dagger in my hand, and the other hand held the flashlight and gently walked into the cabin. When I entered the cabin, I found a skeleton climbing next to the rudder of the cabin. The skin and flesh had been rotten for a long time, and only some hair had not completely rotten. The clothes on my body should be the dark green clothes worn by people at the time of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Looking at the gray hair, it should be an old man with nearly white nails.

I stepped forward and said silently in my heart: Old man, it's no wonder. We also have no choice but to rest assured. In case we really go out, we will definitely find a way for the government to collect your body. After saying that, I took off the old man's skull, then turned over the skeleton of my upper body and looked for a diary or something from the man's pocket, but unfortunately, in addition to some early RMB of one or two yuan, there were some food stamps, and a pack of bright cigarettes that had deteriorated for many years, and A pack of matches.

Looking at these things in my hand, I shook my head. It seemed that nothing could be found from here. Then I took a flashlight on other places and found nothing. Isn't there a sailing diary or something? I don't believe it, because China has a long history of navigation. Almost every ship has a sailing diary. Whether from the sea or from the river, there must be something like a diary. How can it not be here? I was a little anxious, and then turned my head and looked for it.

The whole cabin is not big. After searching, I still couldn't find it, so I had to give up and see if there was anything else. Then I walked out of the cabin and looked at the stairs behind the cabin. It seemed that the ship should have two floors. Then I looked around and didn't find the magic stick. I guess he had gone down to the second floor. He simply took a few steps to the top of the stairs. Sure enough, I saw the wooden door at the top of the stairs open, and there was a black hole inside. There is no sound.

"God stick, are you in there?" I shouted at the entrance, but there was no reply. I looked inside with a flashlight and saw a thick layer of dust falling inside, and there was another clear footprint on the stairs. Looking at the size of the footprints, it should be the magic stick. I scolded, I don't know why the magic stick ignored me, and then opened the flashlight to Go down.

When I stepped on the stairs, there was a sudden soft sound. It turned out that these stairs were made of iron plates. It seemed that the possibility that the wooden stairs would collapse had been ruled out, so I was relieved to step on it. With the endless sound, I quickly went down to the bottom. After a slight sweep of the flashlight, I found that it was full of destroyed wooden boxes and scattered porcelain fragments. It seemed that the ship should have been a freighter transporting porcelain at that time.

After observing, I was sure that there was no danger. There was a relatively small cabin not far ahead, and nothing could be seen in the black hole. I walked towards this cabin, hoping to find something in it. As soon as I walked to the door of the cabin, I was suddenly pushed aside by a very strong force. I was stunned and looked back and saw the magic stick looking at me with a pale face, making a boo gesture, and then signaling me with his eyes, which meant that there was something terrible in the cabin.

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