treasure hunter

Chapter 18: Bizarre Diary

The magic stick and I looked at what was pressed under the door panel, and the two of them were stunned, because there was a stainless steel mouse clip underneath, and there was a row of dentures on it. After making me and the magic stick for a while, I burst into laughter. The magic stick smiled and said, "Fuck, I thought it was something. It was a mouse clip for a long time, which scared me." I smiled and said, "God stick, I didn't expect us to be overly nervous with a mouse clip."

I laughed for a while, and then the stick and I checked some other places and said nothing. Just get off the boat. I came to several people and talked about the above situation. Of course, we didn't talk about encountering footprints and figures. Because I suspect that the person who just appeared on the ship is by our side. I pulled the monkey aside and asked, "Has anyone left the team without permission just now?" The monkey thought for a moment and said, "Yes, Michiko and his three Japanese went to find clothes, but they just looked for clothes and didn't leave for a long time."

I nodded, and it seemed that someone got on the boat in such a short time. Then the monkey and I returned to the team, and Michiko said at this time, "Mr. Wenlong, if you really wear it as you said, is there something wrong?" What? Don't you believe what my brother Long said?" The monkey said on the other side. Michiko shook his head and said, "I didn't mean that. I want to say, why is there so much moldy food on it? Since these people are not starved to death, how did they die?"

After Michiko said this sentence, everyone suddenly fell silent. Yes, we ignored the biggest question. Since they wore food and vegetables, these people were not starved to death. So how did they die? We must figure this out, otherwise, each of us is likely to die as unclear as them in the future. I looked at the magic stick, which squatted aside, opened his own backpack, and took out a pack of cigarettes from it.

With a crack, the magic stick lit the cigarette with a lighter, and then fell silent. None of us spoke, and a fear slowly rose in our hearts. After a while, I said, "There is nothing suspicious from the bodies of these people, but now, the less suspicious they are, the more suspicious they are, so I suggest you check them carefully so as not to miss anything." Everyone nodded.

In this way, Michiko and I are in a group of three people. The remaining group of Japanese, doctors and monkeys, and then we launched an investigation around the ship. Just as the three of us were walking, it was found that most of these bodies were killed by the ship, and there seemed to have been a fierce struggle before death, and most of them were in a group of two bodies. However, from now, the evidence at the scene was almost lost by the disappearance of water and time, so we searched for a long time and found nothing like it. Better on-site physical objects.

Just as I squatted down and looked at a skeleton, I saw the monkey hurried over and said, "Brother Long, we have found something over there. Go and have a look." I nodded and looked at the monkey's face and knew that there must be some major discovery on their side. The four of us soon came to a relatively remote place. This is a small cave on the side of the cave. This cave is not big, only about five or six square meters, with a depth of three or four meters, but in this small cave, I found that there were two mummified bodies in it.

What is frightening is not the horrible appearance of these two mummies, but their posture, because they are holding each other's necks at this time. The dry and cold fingers look thin and long, and the withered body shows a horrible black brown. The two bodies sleep motionless in this small cave. It seems that many years have passed, because their clothes are the same as those of the skeleton boats outside, which also shows that he We are a member of this ship.

Everyone looked at the two bodies in horror, and no one said a word. After a long time, the magic stick said, "Now it seems that these people have killed each other." I looked at the two bodies and then looked at the rest of the people: "Now it seems that they didn't die of natural starvation. They killed each other, but what made them kill each other?"

Obviously, my words are useless, because no one answered me. But I know that all the crew on a ship are best friends. They rely on each other and even rely on their lives at critical times. What is the reason for this group of people who can rely on their lives to kill each other?

After thinking for a long time, I couldn't figure it out, so I had to give up. Then he found a small book from the two mummified corpses, which was densely full of things. I took it and looked at the small book that was stained with blood and had already yellowed. Gently opened, and the clothes were soaked when the body decomposed, and at the same time soaked the front pages of the small book and stuck together. I carefully opened this small book. The first few pages recorded the direction of the ship and some cargo transportation. Of course, the weather conditions are indispensable.

I was not interested in these, so I quickly turned to the last few pages. The information recorded above made me feel a trace of gloom. Similarly, it also caused a trace of fear in everyone's hearts, because the things recorded were so strange that I was a little too disbelief, but it was obvious that the death of these people made us It is clearer that the above record is what happened.

March 15, 1985, fine.

It's a good day today, and it's not bad. We installed porcelain in the port, prepared to ship it to the Yangtze River, and then returned along the Yangtze River. Although I heard that Panyang Lake is a very dangerous water, I have to go like this, because only this road is the nearest. Although it is a little dangerous, after all, there can be two trips a day. By the way, our ship can make some money, and then the crew of the ship can spend more money, and their wives and children will not wear patch clothes.

On March 16, 1985, the weather outside is unknown.

I didn't expect that because my stubbornness plunged all the crew into such a terrible place. Although this cave is beautiful, we must find a way out, because I always feel that there is something terrible hidden in it.

The weather is unknown on March 17, 1985.

It was the next day since I got here. I organized the crew to find a way out, but I couldn't find it for a day. I know that the family members of these crew must be crazy outside, so I have to pay for my stubbornness and must find a way to take them out.

March 18, the weather is unknown.

It's already the third day, and there is still some food on our ship. It seems that there should be no problem to hold on for another ten and a half months, but this cave is really too big and incredible. We have almost visited all over the past two days. Some people don't want to leave, especially Emao. He also said that this is a hell. In fact, we are all dead. Many people laugh at him as a fool, but I also feel this way. Maybe we are all dead.

The weather is unknown on March 19.

Today, I heard that Ergouzi said that a boat was found in front of him, and there were a lot of gold, silver and jewelry on board. It can be seen that everyone was very happy and it seemed that it was not useless here. I went to see it with everyone. Indeed, there were a lot of gold, silver and jewelry on the ship, and I also saw a coffin, this coffin...

The diary is completely gone, and I looked through it anxiously a few times. Indeed, there is nothing left. I gave the diary to the magic stick beside me. After reading it, I gave it to someone else. Finally, I let Michiko see it. After reading it, a trace of cunning seemed to flash in her eyes, and then calmed down. I can see that maybe she found something from it.

"Did Michiko see something from above?" I asked quickly. Michiko shook his head and said, "No, nothing was mentioned above." Looking at Michiko's expression, I didn't seem to see anything. At this time, the stick said, "Now it seems that these people must have encountered some strange things. In my opinion, it may be the coffin mentioned above, and there seems to be something wrong with the coffin written on it, but unfortunately, it was not written in the middle.

I nodded. It seemed that these things were indeed a little strange. The magic stick was right. Even if it was not the ghost of the coffin, it had something to do with the ship with the treasure. After all, these people had no problem three days after they arrived here. Only what happened after seeing those gold, silver and jewelry, and this Obviously, the person who wrote the diary only wrote half of it. There must have been something unexpected at that time and ended his diary, so I judge that these people must have something wrong with the jewelry on the ship, or something wrong with the ship.

"Let's go and find that ship. I don't believe that anything can be difficult to stop me." The magic stick said coldly. I know that this guy was the head of a tomb robber. It can be said that he is the best at things like coffins or jewelry, so I nodded and said, "Okay, let's find that ship and read the diary. It should not be far away. Let's take a look when we get to the place. If there is really something, we will also It's easy to discuss."

needs to be collected and recommended. I hope readers can participate more. Thank you!