treasure hunter

Chapter 4: Men become bad when they have money

I don't know what the magic stick wants to say, but looking at his expression, I don't think this matter seems to be that simple. However, since the doctor and the monkey agreed to go to Mangshan, and the magic stick did not object, I had to nod and said, "Since you all agreed to go, I will reply to Long Tianyang, but then Don't go back on your word, and there may be any danger when you go there this time. You must be careful.

Several people nodded, and then the doctor smiled and said, "I don't think we should reply to that Long Tianyang in such a hurry. After all, he has something to ask us. I mean to adjust his appetite first. After two days, if your old classmate calls again, you will be very embarrassed to agree to him, which will show We are extraordinary, or we would have promised him so rashly. He thought we really like his commissions.

I nodded and said, "You are the most cunning. Well, let's adjust their appetite first." After saying that, I looked at the unopened red wine and said to the monkey, "You'd better put this bottle of red wine back at the bar. Since you haven't opened it yet, continue to sell it." Who would have thought that as soon as I finished my words, I heard the god stick say loudly, "Why? Are we so stingy? Don't we deserve to drink some red wine?" Really." With this, he has opened the bottle of red wine. I had no choice but to drink with several people.

After closing the door at night, the doctor and I stayed to clean up, and then closed the door, and the doctor sent me to the residence. The magic stick and the monkey didn't know where they had gone. After I returned to my residence, I washed casually and rested. I didn't get up until after ten o'clock in the morning. The previous habit of going to bed early and getting up early in the army had been overwhelmed by the noisy city. Then I took a taxi to the bar by myself. After opening the door, I poured a glass of water into my stomach and looked at the flow of people on the street outside and thought about something.

In a long time, the doctor came to the bar and put a piece of material on the bar and said, "I checked some information about Mangshan on the Internet last night. If I have time, I will have a look. We must find a way to make some preparations. After all, we are not going to travel." I nodded, picked up the materials and roughly looked through them and said, "I'd better go back and read these things. I can't watch them here at night. Maybe the monkeys will come soon." The doctor nodded and said nothing.

Sure enough, Cao Cao and Cao Cao arrived. As soon as my words fell, the monkey and the magic stick came in from the outside. The monkey saw me and said hello, then took out two bottles of beer from the back of the bar, threw one to the magic stick, and then began to speak. Now the two people's three sentences are inseparable from women, which is a little boring to hear. Then I put the materials in front of the two people and said, "These things, the doctor downloaded some information from the Internet last night. Unexpectedly, you two have time to have a look. Don't always look for women. Is it interesting?

The monkey nodded and didn't say anything, but the stick said, "I said Wenlong, I found that you are becoming more and more like an old woman. Our buddies are not without money. You think all men are like you and doctors. They don't know how to spend money. They always think about how to make money all day long. I really doubt you and the doctor. Is it true that two people are behind their backs? I stared at him and said, "Don't talk nonsense. I don't have that kind of hobby. You think men must be like you. If you have some money, you will know how to spend, buy a car, and pick up girls. Look at your pursuit."

The monkey was a little unhappy at this time and said, "Brother Long, this is your fault. You should know that what men want to pursue in this world is nothing more than fame and fortune. Since we don't want to be famous, we can only seek profit, and what is the ultimate use of profit? Women just want to be beautiful and make more men like themselves, and men, isn't that a little promising? If you have money, you have to know how to spend it. How to spend it? Of course, it's women and cars, otherwise what else would they do in this world?

I don't want to pay attention to the crooked reason of these two people. I walked to the bar and took a sip of the waterway: "I don't care what's wrong with you two. In a word, I want you to read these materials, and you have to read it honestly. There is so much nonsense." The monkey smiled and didn't say anything, and the magic stick didn't say anything. The two separated these materials in half, and one looked at half. The doctor shook his head with a smile and said to me, "To be honest, these two people are both murderers without blinking, but they are so obedient in your hands. I think you Wenlong is a really extraordinary person. ."

I shook my head and didn't say anything. I saw noon. I treated and everyone closed the door to have lunch together. Originally, I wanted to find a place to eat casually, but who would have thought that the magic stick and the monkey had to have a good meal? I had no choice but to take them to a better restaurant nearby for dinner. Who would have thought that as soon as the three people came up, they began to ask for a few dishes, what they wanted, and they kept killing me for thousands of yuan. Only then will he give up.

When we were just about to pay the bill, we suddenly heard someone quarreling on the other side of the restaurant, and the quarrel was very fierce. Just as I was about to pay the bill, I just stood up. A waiter next to me brought a glass of beer to help a table next to me. Unexpectedly, two quarrelsome people on one side suddenly started, and the man tried hard on the woman. With a push, the woman did not stand firmly. After a few steps back, she bumped into the waiter. The glass of wine held by the waiter was not ruined at all, and it was all poured on me.

Because I was wearing the dress I just bought yesterday, I was about to talk. The monkey first stood up and shouted at the waitress, "What are you doing? Do you have long eyes? My eldest brother just bought this dress yesterday. Let's see what you made." The waiter was so scared that he quickly took a few napkins to wipe the beer on my body. I smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. I'll do it myself." Although the beer was spilled on me, the main responsibility was not her, so I stared at the monkey.

Then the monkey didn't seem to see it. He turned around and shouted at the man who retreated from the woman, "Are you fucking blind? Even if a woman beats you, you are a man. The scolded man is a man in a suit with gold glasses. The suit looks a little old, but it still shows a trace of elegant temperament, but I don't like big women's men, so intuitively this man is not very pleasing.

But I didn't expect that the man was scolded by the monkey, and the magic stick beside him was also angry. He stood up and walked to the man in a suit, grabbed his collar, lifted the man with one hand, and looked at him coldly with one eye and said, "Bastard, hit the woman. Is it still a man? Son of a bitch, go to kneel down and kowtow to my eldest brother and admit your mistake, or your grandfather will let you crawl out today.

After saying that, the magic stick threw the man under my feet. I looked at him. At this time, the man in a suit was already at a loss and quickly hugged my leg and said, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm really sorry, big brother." I smiled. I really don't like a man who only knows big women. Then he waved his hand and said, "Next time, let me see you hit a woman. I can't forgive you. Get out."

After I said this, the man got up from the ground and couldn't help looking back at the woman before leaving. I looked up, and the woman's eyes were full of contempt, but when I saw the woman's face clearly, I was stunned first, and then walked over and said, "Hello, I didn't expect us to meet again. If I didn't If you remember wrong, your name should be Miss Lin Wanqing Lin, right? The woman standing in front of me was Lin Wanqing, who recommended this dress for me when I went to buy clothes.

Lin Wanqing was also stunned, and then quickly stretched out her hand and smiled, "I didn't expect to meet you here. What a coincidence, but I'm a little embarrassed to put the wine ramp on you. Otherwise, you can go to my store and I'll pick another one for you." I smiled and said, "No, wait for next time. Next time I will take my friends to your place to pick out some clothes, and then you can give us a discount."

After politely saying a few words, I turned around to pay the bill. After paying the money, I saw that the doctor and several monkeys were chatting with Lin Wanqing. I didn't expect that they were chatting well. Then I went to the table and sat down and said, "Miss Lin, these people didn't scare you, right? They are all rude people. It's nothing. Ask, Miss Lin, don't be surprised. Lin Wanqing smiled and said, "Where, your friends are humorous. Well, Mr. Wenlong, I still have something to go first. If you want to buy clothes in the store, please call me in advance and I will treat you then."

I nodded and said, "How can it be? Since Miss Lin has something to do, let's go first. We have to go, too." Lin Wanqing nodded and then stood up. We walked to the door of the hotel together. Lin Wanqing walked to the parking lot. She drove a sports car. When the car roared past, the monkey kept his saliva and said slowly, "Damn, that's a Lamborghini. What's the origin of this woman? It's fucking rich." I frowned and didn't say anything, and then followed several people back to the bar.

As soon as I arrived at the bar, my mobile phone rang. I looked at the phone. It was Fang Yi. After receiving the notice, I heard Fang Yi say, "Wen Long, how are you thinking about it? Boss Long and I are waiting for good information. I smiled and looked at the doctor and others, saying, "Fang Yi, it's not that I don't promise you, it's really difficult." Fang Yi was stunned and then said, "Do you think you don't have enough money? I can discuss it with Boss Long again.

I smiled and said, "It's not a matter of money. The problem is that I'm worried that it's a little dangerous to go this time. Otherwise, I'll call you tomorrow. Anyway, I will persuade them to go together. Of course, this is not a matter of money, and don't tell Boss Long. After all, I don't want others to think that we are for It took money to help Mr. Long.

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